The Argonautical Expedition - History Is Wrong!

The Argo-Nautical Expedition - History Is Wrong!

Written by captain Vasilis N. Makris,
m. m. (retired)

The basic failure of modern historians is the total negligence or the lack of interest to the Classics.
However if they read them, they cannot understand what is written, or they are restricted by limits within which they must write, otherwise cannot be explained the historical controversies and/or gibberish.
Certainly no one expects a lot from professors, who teach history at Universities, without themselves having any academic qualifications or some relationship with history, now what kind of qualifications they have? Let the universities that employ them as professors explain to us, while we pay their salaries like idiots.
Hesiod, Homer, Apollonius of Rhodes, Nonnos the poet of the famous Dionysiaka and generally all classics, offer valuable information as astronomical observations and reports, or as geographical data, which beyond any doubt determine the time and place of the events narrated.
Apollonius of Rhodes in his Argonautica says in Book III 1196 that Jason, when the constellation of Ursa Major sank into the sea, anchored at a deserted place.
This can not be done across the Mediterranean or the Black Sea, because they have north latitude, namely can happen only in places geographically 13º to 20º or more South latitude.
In another part says that they were travelling having the Great Bear in their right hand, meaning that they sailed towards the West and not eastwards to the Black Sea, as we were told at school.
Two simple observations completely overturn their direction and consequently their destination, which was the Colchis in the Black Sea as we know from the grossly cooked history-mythology books and information.
I refer to the history-mythology because the second is History without the factor "Time" which, however, is given by the multitude of astronomical observations, which by a simple calculation and the use of right ascension (hour angle for seafarers) determines exactly the time of the events.
The argonautical expedition obviously was not to the Black Sea but west and south out of the Mediterranean, crossed the equator and traveled to south latitudes.
Of course after the Argonautical Expedition, many other trips followed and for a long time not only to Colchis which was the source of gold and iron, but also in North America via Gibraltar, England, Faeroe Islands, Iceland (Ogygia), Greenland (Isle of Saturn) down to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes for almost pure copper.
Note that in Faeroes Islands the most western island called Mycenae and the capital of Mycenae.
Why they went far north is explained by the fact that the provisions could be not sufficient for a transatlantic direct and continuous long trip, while same time they were taking advantage of the sea currents.

Returning to the Argonautical Expedition, the existence of so many place names throughout South America, is irrefutable evidence of the presence of Greeks and do not tell me that the uneducated, upstart Spanish and Portuguese conquerors knew the Greek literature for naming the places.
There are cities throughout South America with pure Greek names, such as: Annapolis, Dianopolis, Arenopolis, Efyra, Phaedra, Ithaca, Hippolytus, Thetis, Larry, Harmony, Olympia, mighty, Antalya, Philadelphia, Apollo, Carthage, Plato Salinopolis and other Greek names throughout South America.
The Spanish word Colchiquen, is nothing other than translation of the Greek name Kolcheian, something derived from Colchis.
Finally archaeological research throughout South America have revealed: amphoras, swastikas, meanders and general architectural lines is a strong testimony to Greek origin and influence.
The Araucaníans, Chileans who maintain their Spartan origin, did not learn their origins from the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors, who did know nothing more than their audacious instincts.
The civilizing willingness and ability of Christianity did not stop to the then known world, extended to new countries leaving once again the seal of general destruction, to everything that did not comply with their narrow minded mentality.
Their great surprise and shock was when they saw the Orphic crucifixes, which until then had Christian exclusivity, as they thought and then began to cross themselves truly and eagerly.
Last description of a return transatlantic voyage to Carthage about 80 current era is described by Plutarch in his book "The Face on the surface of the Moon."

Dionysiaka: by Nonnos of Panopolis. LOEB Publications.
Argonautica: by Apollonius Rhodius. LOEB Publications.
Morals: by Plutarch. Publications LOEB
The True pre-History: John Passas, Editions Helios.
The Orphics: Konstantinos. Chasapis and John Passas, Editions Helios
Oinops Pontos: Henrietta's Merzt, Publications New Position (the Wine dark Sea).
The re-dating of Prehistory: Konstantinos. Koutrouvelis, Publications Davlos. A real contemporary Gospel, As well my constant curiosity about the actual History of everything, because I have the obsession that some lunatics tell us lies and fairy tales.

SOURCE: Message To Eagle, 6.7.2015.

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