Αρχαιολογικοί χώροι σε Ολλανδία και Σκανδιναβία - βίντεο

Αρχαιολογικοί χώροι σε Ολλανδία και Σκανδιναβία

Του Sig Lonegren (*)
Τόσο η Σκανδιναβία όσο και η Ολλανδία έχουν θαυμάσια προϊστορικά λείψανα που κάποια είναι αρκετά διαφορετικά και άλλα παρόμοια με αυτά που έχουμε δει στην Βρετανία.
Στην Σουηδία υπάρχουν πολυάριθμες πέτρινα «πλοία», αρχαιότεροι λαβυρίνθοι (ίσως από οπουδήποτε αλλού στον πλανήτη), πέτρες "ρουμάνας" και "στρογγυλά βατράχια".
Η Ολλανδία έχει μακρά χαμηλή "hunnabedden" - μια σειρά από μικρά dolmens, όλα σε μια γραμμή, κολοβωμένους λόφους όπως το Silbury, και πολυάριθμα στρογγυλά πετρώματα.
Ένα πράγμα που οι δύο αυτές χώρες έχουν κοινό είναι οι "νεκρές ευθείες", που συνδέονται με τον θάνατο. Στην Ολλανδία, ανάμεσα στις πόλεις Laren, Busum και Hilversum, υπάρχουν dodweggen (νεκροταφεία), νεκρά ευθεία μονοπάτια, σαν ακτίνες σε έναν τροχό, γύρω από αυτές τις πόλεις με κέντρο ένα νεκροταφείο!

Ancient Sites of The Netherlands and Scandinavia

Both Scandinavia and The Netherlands have wonderful prehistoric remains that are in a some ways quite different, and in others very similar to the ones we have here in Britain. In Sweden, there are numerous vesica shaped stone "ship settings", more old labyrinths than anywhere else on our planet, rune stones, and many (what we would call) round barrows. Holland has long low "hunnabedden" - a series of small dolmens all in a line, truncated cone hills like Silbury, and numerous round barrow fields. One thing these two countries share in common are "dead straight lines" associated with death. In Holland between the towns of Laren, Busum and Hilversum, there are dodweggen (death ways), dead straight paths that come in like spokes on a wheel from these surrounding towns to a cemetery in the centre. Sig's father was Swedish, and his wife Karin is Dutch, so he has an affinity for both countries.

(*) Sig Lonegren was a founding member of The Labyrinth Society, and has been a Trustee of both the American and British Society of Dowsers, His books include Labyrinths: Ancient Myths & Modern Uses, Spiritual Dowsing, and The Pendulum Kit, which has been translated into fifteen languages and has sold a million-and-a-half copies. This year, he has published an iBook, Earth Mysteries Handbook: Holistic Non-Intrusive Data Gathering Techniques. It is based on the premise that if you gather information on a number of sacred spaces, it will convince you that you can use these special places to grow spiritually. He teaches in Britain, The Netherlands and in the US, and has lived with his Dutch wife Karin here in Glastonbury for over twenty-five years.

Filmed at Megalithomania in Glastonbury, May 2012.

Copyright Megalithomania/Pentos TV 2012. All Rights Reserved.
PAL & NTSC format. Box-Sets & Previous Years DVDs available at
Produced by Hugh Newman - http://www.hughnewman.co.uk
Directed by Jonathan Adams - http://www.pentos.tv
Copyright Megalithomania/Pentos TV 2012.

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