The current pandemic has impacted all aspects of our current lives,
private and professional.
Uncharacteristically, Teiresias is not providing archaeological reports this year, as field work was made largely impossible. As Prof. John Bintliff kindly reports, “Owing to the Pandemic, the Boeotia Project did not undertake a study season or fieldwork in 2020. However, the team was busy preparing the Project volume 3, which will go to press in 2021: The Greek City State on a Small Scale: Hyettos in Boeotia and its Territory , edited by John Bintliff, Emeri Farinetti and Anthony Snodgrass, University of Cambridge, McDonald Monographs. In 2021 we shall prepare volume 4, Askra and the Valley of the Muses , for publication”.
Additionally, with limited access to libraries, this issue of Teiresias was – again – almost entirely compiled with electronic resources, and offprints kindly sent by our readers. We are extremely grateful to everyone who sends their publications, and are happy to add links to open access publications, including links to institutional repositories. We also apologise for a slightly slimmer issue than usual, and for any missing references. We hope 2021 will provide more favourable circumstances for us all.
Ο Ησίοδος ο Ασκραίος, σήμερα στην πλατεία της Άσκρης. |
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ επίσης: Γ. Λεκάκης "Οι 88 αρχαίες πόλεις της Βοιωτίας".
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1: HISTORICAL (see also 502.2.04, 502.2.18, 502.2.22,
502.2.27, 502.2.53, 502.2.61, 502.2.83, 502.2.87, 502.2.92)
502.1.01 M. Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens. Institutions,
Orators and the
Mythical Past / ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΚΗ ΑΘΗΝΑ (Edinburgh 2020) 264pp. [ISBN 978-1-47-446642-4], esp. pp. 182-214.
502.1.02 H. Beck, Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State (Chicago 2020) 304pp. [ISBN 978-0-22-671148-5].
502.1.03 I. S. Lemos & A. Kotsonas, edd. A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean Volumes 1 and 2 (Hoboken, NJ 2020), 2 vol. [ISBN
502.1.04 A. Mazarakis Ainian, I. Laimou & V. Vlachou, Ανασκαφές Ωρωπού.
Πρωτογεωμετρική-Υποπρωτογεωμετρική Περίοδος (10ος-9ος αι.π.Χ.) (Volos 2020) [ISBN 978-960-9439-67-1]. / ΩΡΟΠΟΣ
502.1.05 G. Middleton, ed., Collapse and Transformation, the late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age in Aegean (Oxford 2020) xii&258pp. [ISBN 978-1-78-925425-9].
502.1.06 F. Marchand & H. Beck, edd., The Dancing Floor of Ares.
Local Conflict and
Regional Violence in Central Greece (AHB Supplement 1; 2020). / ΑΡΗΣ, ΧΟΡΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΡΕΩΣ
502.1.07 C. Pisano, Questione d’autorità. Un’antropologia della leadership nella cultura greca (Bologna 2019) 240pp. [ISBN 978-88-15-28030-5], esp. chapter 3 ‘La divinità poliade di Cheronea’ / ΧΑΙΡΩΝΕΙΑ
502.1.08 V. Adrymi-Sismani, “The Destruction of the Mycenaean Centres in Eastern Thessaly”, in 502.1.05: 23-35. ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑ
502.1.09 V. L. Aravantinos, I. Fappas & Y. Galanakis, “Atop the Kadmeia: Mycenaean Roof Tiles from Thebes in Context”, ABSA (2020) 175-245. ΚΑΔΜΕΙΑ ΘΗΒΩΝ, ΘΗΒΑ
502.1.10 V. Aravantinos, “Thebes and Boeotia”, in 502.1.03: 763-785. ΘΗΒΑ
502.1.11 E. Aston, “‘ἐμήδισαν προθύμως οὐδ ̓ ἔτι ἐνδοιαστῶς’: Thessalian Medism and its repercussions”, Hermathena 204-5 (2018) 7-40. ΜΗΔΙΣΜΟΣ, ΜΗΔΟΙ, ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑ
502.1.12 H. Beck, “From Regional Rivalry to Federalism: Revisiting the Battle of Koroneia (447 BCE)”, in 502.1.06: 46-62. ΚΟΡΩΝΕΙΑ
502.1.13 B. Burke, B. Burns, A. Charami, T. van Damme, N. Hermann & B. Lis, “Fieldwork at Ancient Eleon in Boeotia, 2011-2018”, AJA 124.3 (2020) 441-476. ΕΛΕΟΝ
502.1.14 D. Chatzivasiliou, D. “La Locride de l’Ouest et la première forme urbaine de la ville de Naupacte”, Gaia 22-23 (2020). ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ
502.1.15 E. Csapo, “Crowns, Garlands, and Ribbons for Tony Podlecki: Official and Unofficial Victory Rituals at the Athenian Dionysian Festivals”, Mouseion 17.1 (2020) 151-74. ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΓΙΟΡΤΕΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ, ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ
502.1.16 S. Fachard, S. C. Murray, A. R. Knodell & K. Papangeli, “The Fortress at Eleutherai: New Insights from Survey, Architecture and Epigraphy”, Hesperia 89.3 (2020) 475-549. ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΑΙ, ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΕΣ
502.1.17 E. Farinetti & P. Avgerinou, “Ricerche nella Megaride occidentale”, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene 97 (2019) 570-581. ΜΕΓΑΡΑ, ΜΕΓΑΡΙΔΑ
502.1.18 E. Franchi, “The Ambivalent Legacy of the Crisaeans: Athens’ Interstate Relations (and the Phocian Factor) in 4th-Century Public Discourse”, Klio 102.2 (2020) 509-535. ΦΩΚΙΣ, ΦΩΚΙΔΑ
502.1.19 E. Franchi, “Genealogies and Violence. Central Greece in theMaking”, in 502.1.06: 138-167.
502.1.20 A. Ganter, “Encoding asty and chora : Theban Polis Identity between Nature and Religion”, in T. Scheer, ed., Natur, Mythos, Religion im antiken Griechenland (Stuttgart 2019) 241-250 [ISBN 978-3-51-512208-5]. ΘΗΒΑΙ, ΘΗΒΑ
502.1.21 S. Gartland, “Silk purses and sows’ ears: Thebans, Boeotians, and the second Persian invasion 480-479 BCE”, Hermathena 204-5 (2018) 41-65. ΘΗΒΑ, ΠΕΡΣΕΣ
502.1.22 C. Giroux, “Mythologizing Conflict: Memory and the Minyae” / ΜΙΝΥΕΣ, ΜΙΝΥΑΙ in 502.1.06: 2-20.
502.1.23 A. J. Koh, K. J., Birney, I. M. Roy & I. Liritzis, “The Mycenaean Citadel and Environs of Desfina-Kastrouli: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Southern Phokis’, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 20.3 (2020) 47-73. ΔΕΣΦΙΝΑ, ΚΑΣΤΡΟΥΛΙ ΔΕΣΦΙΝΑΣ
502.1.24 F. Kondyli, S. Larson, J. Baker, F. Liard, K. Daly, A. Charami & V. Aravantinos, “Thebes at the Time of the Catalans: A Deposit between the Ismenion Hill and the Elektra Gate”, Hesperia 89.4 (2020) 757-831. ΘΗΒΑ, ΚΑΤΑΛΑΝΟΙ, ΗΛΕΚΤΡΕΣ ΠΥΛΕΣ, ΗΛΕΚΤΡΑΙ ΠΥΛΑΙ
502.1.24 M. Kramer-Hajos, “The Euboean Gulf”, in 502.1.05: 77-86.
502.1.25 M. F. Lane, V. L. Aravantinos, T J. Horsley & A. Charami, “The AROURA Project: Discoveries in Central Greece, 2010-2014”, Hesperia 89 (2020) 413-474.
502.1.26 I. Liritzis, A. Drivaliari & A. Vafiadou, “Review of Archaeometric Results on Sarakenos Cave, Greece: First Stable Isotope Data (18O and 13C) on Mollusk Shell (Unio Sp ) Including OSL Dating and Characterization-Provenance of Ceramics By PXRF”, Scientific Culture 7 (2021) 93-110. ΣΠΗΛΑΙΟ ΣΑΡΑΚΙΝΟΥ, ΣΠΗΛΑΙΟ ΣΑΡΑΚΗΝΟΥ, ΑΚΡΑΙΦΝΙΟ
502.1.27 A. Livieratou, “East Locris and Phocis”, in 502.1.03: 815-835. ΛΟΚΡΙΣ, ΛΟΚΡΙΔΑ, ΦΩΚΙΣ, ΦΩΚΙΔΑ
502.1.28 P. Londey, “War and memory in central Greece: Phokis, Thessaly and Persia”, Ὅρμος. Ricerche di Storia antica 12 (2020) 87-108. ΦΩΚΙΣ, ΦΩΚΙΔΑ, ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑ, ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
502.1.29 C. Maggidis, “Glas and Boeotia”, in 502.1.05: 107-120. ΥΑΛΙ, ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
502.1.30 C. Mann & S. Scharff, “Horse Races and Chariot Races in Ancient Greece: Struggling for Eternal Glory”, The International Journal of the History of Sport 37.3-4 (2020) 163-182. ΙΠΠΟΔΡΟΜΙΑ, ΑΡΜΑΤΟΔΡΟΜΙΑ
502.1.31 F. Marchand, “The Making of a Fetter of Greece: Chalcis in the Hellenistic Period”, in 502.1.06: 168-188. ΧΑΛΚΙΣ, ΧΑΛΚΙΔΑ
502.1.32 A. McAuley, “Kai polemou kai eirenes : Military Magistrates at War and at Peace in Hellenistic Boiotia”, in 502.1.06: 86-108. ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ, ΕΙΡΗΝΗ, ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
502.1.33 A. Mozhajsky, “The capture of Thebes by the Spartans in 382 B.C.”, Locus: People, Society, Culture, Meanings 2019, n° 4, 20–29 (in Russ.). ΘΗΒΑ, ΣΠΑΡΤΗ382 πΧ
502.1.34 J. Pascual, “Queronea, 338 a.C. Revisando una batalla decisiva”, in M. de Pazzis Pi Corrales, ed., La Batalla: Análisis Históricos y Militares (Madrid 2020) 59-112 [ISBN 978-84-09-24076-0].
502.1.35 L. Phialon, “The End of a World: Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Mycenaean Boeotia?”, in 502.1.06: 21-45. ΜΥΚΗΝΑΙΚΗ ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
502.1.36 M. Piérart, “La guerre ou la paix? Deux notes sur les relations entre les Confédérations achaienne et béotienne (224-180 a.C.)”, in 502.1.06: 189-203.
502.1.37 M. Simonton, “Two Notes on the Croesus Epigram from Thebes”, CQ 70.1 (2020) 10-15. ΕΠΙΓΡΑΜΜΑ, ΚΡΟΙΣΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑ
502.1.38 W. Szelgg, “The Epigraphic Curve in Boeotia”, in K. Nawotka, ed., Epigraphic Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in Antiquity (London 2020) 31-51 [ISBN 9780367456221]. ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΕΣ ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑΣ
502.1.39 P. Tuci, “The Speeches of Theban Ambassadors in Greek Literature, 404-362 B.C.”, Ktèma 44 (2019) 33-52.
502.1.40 S. Tufano, “The Liberation of Thebes (379 BC) as a Theban Revolution. Three Case Studies in Theban Prosopography”, in 502.1.06: 63-85. ΘΗΒΑ
502.1.41 O. van Nijf & S. van Dijk, “Experiencing Roman power at Greek contests: Romaia in the Greek festival network”, in K. Berthelot, ed., Reconsidering Roman Power. Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian perceptions and reactions (Rome 2019).
502.1.42 R. van Wijk, “The centrality of Boiotia to Athenian defensivestrategy”, in 502.1.06: 109-137. ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ, ΑΘΗΝΑ
502.1.43 H. Beck, K. Buraselis & A. McAuley, edd., Ethnos and Koinon (491.1.01) - [r] K. Freitag, HZ 311.3 (2020) 714-6. ΕΘΝΟΣ, ΚΟΙΝΟΝ, ΚΟΙΝΟ
502.1.44 J. Bintliff, E. Farinetti, B. Slapšak & A. Snodgrass, Boeotia Project Volume II: The city of Thespiai (472.1.01) / ΘΕΣΠΙΕΣ, ΘΕΣΠΙΑΙ - [r] D. Stewart, AJA 124 (2020).
502.1.45 M. González González, Funerary Epigrams of Ancient Greece (492.1.02) - [r] M. Paz de Hoz García-Bellido, ARYS 18 (2020) 412-418. ΝΕΚΡΙΚΑ ΕΠΙΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ
502.1.46 N. Rockwell, Thebes. A History (472.1.05) - [r] K. F. Daly & S. Larson, CR 70.2 (2020) 431-433. ΘΗΒΑ
502.1.47 J. Rzepka, Greek Federal Terminology (481.1.05) - [r] E. Gettel, CJ Online 2020.12.04.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 2: LITERARY (see also 502.1.01, 502.1.18, 502.1.39)
502.2.01 M. Anspach & W. Tyrell, The Oedipus Casebook: Reading Sophocles’ Oedipus the King. Studies in Violence, mimesis and culture (East Lansing 2020) 360pp. [ISBN 978-1-61-186339-0]. ΟΙΔΙΠΟΥΣ, ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ
502.2.02 A. Athanassakis, The Homeric Hymns (Baltimore 2020) 144pp. [ISBN 978-1-42-143860-3]. ΟΜΗΡΙΚΟΙ ΥΜΝΟΙ, ΟΜΗΡΟΣ
502.2.03 E. Baxter, A Spring of Ambrosial Words: Finding Pindar in Pindar / ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, PhD Diss. (2019), Boston University.
502.2.04 C. Bearzot, Studi Su Isocrate (1980-2000) (Milan 2020) 314pp. [ISBN 978-8-87-916944-8], esp. pp. 113-32, 133-54, 155-188. ΙΣΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ
502.2.05 M. Becker, Die Bedrohung der Polis. Hesiods ‘Werke und Tage’ als Zeugnis literarischer Bedrohungskommunikation (Tübingen 2018) 243pp. [ISBN 978-3-16-156508-3]. ΠΟΛΙΣ, ΖΕΥΓΝΙΣ, ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ
502.2.06 F. Frazier & I. Roig, Quelques aspects du platonisme de Plutarque: philosopher en commun, tourner sa pensée vers dieu (Leiden; Boston: 2019) xvi&548pp [ISBN 978-9-00-441568-3]. 1ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.07 F. Horáček, “The Genealogical Background of Pindar’s Fourth Pythian and its Religious Implications”, Hermes 148 (2020) 437-456. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΠΥΘΙΑ, ΠΥΘΙΟΝΙΚΟΙ
502.2.08 E. Iakovou, Ödipus auf der griechischen und römischen Bühne: der Oedipus Tragicus und seine literarische Tradition . (Berlin; Boston 2020) xi&233pp. [ISBN 978-3-11-056890-5]. ΟΙΔΙΠΟΥΣ
502.2.09 N. Jäger, Amphiaraus: ritual und schwelle in Statius’ “Thebais ” (Berlin; Boston 2020) ix&262pp. [ISBN 978-3-11-070094-7]. ΑΜΦΙΑΡΑΟΣ, ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.10 E. Meusel, Pindarus Indogermanicus: Untersuchungen zum Erbe dichtersprachlicher Phraseologie bei Pindar (Berlin 2020) xvi&852pp. [ISBN 9783110663679]. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.11 C. M. Moss, Elegy with Epic Consequences: Elegiac Themes in Statius’ Thebaid. PhD Diss., University of Cincinnati.ΕΛΕΓΕΙΑ, ΕΠΙΚΗ ΠΟΙΗΣΗ, ΕΠΟΣ, ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.12 D. Mulroy, Aristophanes. Lysistrata: a new verse translation (Madison, WI 2020) 176pp. [ISBN 978-0-29-932984-6]. ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ, ΛΥΣΙΣΤΡΑΤΗ
502.2.13 J. J. Price & R. Zelnick-Abramovitz, Text and Intertext in Greek Epic and Drama. Essays in Honor of Margalit Finkelberg (London 2020) 420pp. [ISBN 978-0-36-711063-5].ΔΡΑΜΑ, ΕΠΟΣ, ΕΠΙΚΗ ΠΟΙΗΣΗ
502.2.14 T. Schmidt, M. Vamvouri & R. Hirsch-Luipold, The dynamics of intertextuality in Plutarch (Leiden; Boston 2020) xviii&664pp. [ISBN 978-90-0442170-7]. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.15 O. Taplin, Sophocles: Antigone and other tragedies (Oxford; New York 2020) 272pp. [ISBN 978-0-19-928624-9]. ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΗ
502.2.16 S.C. Todd, A commentary on Lysias, speeches 12-16 (Oxford; New York 2020) xi & 754pp. [ISBN 978-0-19-885149-3]. ΛΥΣΙΑΣ
502.2.17 D. Agri, “Opening up Texts: Flavian Interactions n Statius’ Thebaid and Silius Italicus’ Pvnica ”, CQ 70 (2020) 310-331. ΦΛΑΒΙΑΝΟΣ, ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ, ΣΙΛΙΟΣ, ΠΟΥΝΙΚΑ
502.2.18 E. Almagor, “How to Do Things with Hellenistic Historiography: Plutarch’s Intertextual Use(s) of Polybius”, in 502.2.14: 161-172. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΠΟΛΥΒΙΟΣ
502.2.19 A. Alonso Déniz, “Les ânes chez Ulysse: à propos du sens et de l’étymologie de grec ancien μύκλος (Lycophron, Alexandra 771 et 816)”, Philologus 164 (2020) 107-132. ΜΥΚΛΟΣ, ΛΥΚΟΦΡΩΝ
502.2.20 S. Amendola, “Reading Plutarch through Plutarch (?): De sera numinis vindicta and the Commentary on Hesiod’s Erga ”, in 502.2.14: 252-266. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ
502.2.21 L. Andersen, “Lukian: Samtale med Hesiod”, ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ, ΛΟΥΚΙΑΝΟΣ, Aigis 20.2 (2020).
502.2.22 M. Beck, “Pericles and Athens: An Intertextual Reading of Plutarch and Thucydides”, in 502.2.14: 98-110. ΠΕΡΙΚΛΗΣ, ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΘΟΥΚΥΔΙΔΗΣ
502.2.23 F. E. Brenk, “Voices from the Past: Quotations and Intertextuality in Plutarch’s The Oracles at Delphi ”, in 502.2.14: 61-85. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΔΕΛΦΟΙ
502.2.24 B. Buszard, “Plutarch’s Theseus-Romulus and the Murder of Remus”, in 502.2.14: 201-211. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΘΗΣΕΑΣ, ΡΩΜΥΛΟΣ
502.2.25 F. Cannizzaro, “Maidenhood, marriage, and literary appropriation: on Juno as casta diva in Stat. Theb. 10, 58-59”, Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici 84 (2020) 219-229. ΓΑΜΟΣ
502.2.26 C. S. Chrysanthou, “Plutarch and the ‘Malicious’ Historian”, ICS 45.1 (2020) 49-79. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.27 C. S. Chrysanthou, “Generic and Intertextual Enrichment: Plutarch’s Alexander 30”, in 502.2.14: 391-404. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.28 C. Cooper, “Sympotic Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum”, in 502.2.14: 307-323. ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.29 P. Davies, “Plutarch’s Sparta: Intertextual and Experiential”, in 502.2.14: 513-524. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΣΧΟΣ, ΣΠΑΡΤΗ
502.2.30 G. D’Ippolito, “Forms and Functions of Intratextuality in Plutarch’s Corpus”, in 502.2.14: 45-58. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.31 M. Dorati, “Fato e profezia nell’Antigone di Sofocle”, Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 62 (2020) 303-340. ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΗ, ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ
502.2.32 T. E. Duff, “The Mechanics of Intertextuality in Plutarch”, in
502.2.14: 129-147. ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΗ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.33 C. Eckerman, “I Weave a Variegated Headband: Metaphors for Song and Communication in Pindar’s Odes ”, Harv.St.Class.Phil . 110 (2019) 60-95. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΩΔΕΣ
502.2.34 J.A. Fernández-Delgado, “Homer as a Model for Plutarchan Advice on Good Governance”, in 502.2.14: 86-97. ΟΜΗΡΟΣ
502.2.35 J. Finn, “Plutarch’s Themistocles : The Serpent of Hellas”, Histos 14 (2020) 185-205. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΘΕΜΙΣΤΟΚΛΗΣ
502.2.36 L. E. Fletcher, “Intertextuality across Paired Lives: Plutarch’s Nicias-Crassus ”, in 502.2.14: 405-20. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΝΙΚΙΑΣ, ΚΡΑΣΟΣ
502.2.37 A. Fries, “A Planudean Edition of Pindar? The Evidence of Parisinus gr. 2403”, GRBS 60 (2020) 708-717. ΠΛΑΝΟΥΔΗΣ, ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.38 O. Gengler, “Pericles and Athens: An Intertextual Reading of Plutarch and Thucydides”, in 502.2.14: 111-128. ΠΕΡΙΚΛΗΣ, ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΘΟΥΚΥΔΙΔΗΣ
502.2.39 F. G. Giannachi, “Glosse d’epoca paleologa alle odi di Pindaro. Due casi di studio: Pyth. I–IV e Ol. XII”, AION 41.1 (2019) 155-193. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.40 C. Giroux, “The Power of Bones: An Intertextual and Intermaterial Reading of the Retrieval of Theseus’ Bones in Plutarch’s Life of Cimon”, in 502.2.14: 539-550. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΘΗΣΕΑΣ, ΟΣΤΑ, ΚΙΜΩΝ
502.2.41 E. Giusti, “Casta Diua: Juno’s ‘Unexpected Pain’ in Statius’Thebaid”, Eugesta 10 (2020). ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.42 J. Gregory, “Dramatic Contexts and Literary Fiction in Euripides, Heracles 1340-6”, in 502.2.14: chapter 16. ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ
502.2.43 F. Grotto, “Frustra mori: per l’esegesi di Verg. Aen . 4, 415 e Stat. Theb. 9, 726-727 (con una nota testuale)”, Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici 84 (2020) 173-195.
502.2.44 C. Harker, “Plutarch’s Intertextual References to Tattoos and Brands”, in 502.2.14: 551-565. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.45 R. Hirsch-Luipold, “ὕλη θεολογίας: Religious Lore as Inter ‘text’ in Plutarch’s Moralia ”, in 502.2.14: 525-538. ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ, ΗΘΙΚΑ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.46 T. Hubbard, “Episodic Tragey, Antigone, and Indeterminacy at the End of Euripides’ Phoenissae ”, in 502.2.14: chapter 15. ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΗ, ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΦΟΙΝΙΣΣΕΣ
502.2.47 S. Jacobs, “Heroes Imitating Heroes: Ethical and Pragmatic Intratextuality in the Parallel Lives”, in 502.2.14: 215-231. ΗΘΙΚΑ, ΒΙΟΙ ΠΑΡΑΛΛΗΛΟΙ, ΗΡΩΕΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.48 K. Jazdzewska, “Love in Many Dimensions: Hesiod and Empedocles in Plutarch’s Amatorius ”, in 502.2.14: 459-474. ΕΡΩΣ, ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ, ΕΜΠΕΔΟΚΛΗΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.49 A. G. Karanasiou, “From Inter-textuality to Inter-mediality: Plutarch’s Lyric Quotations from Greek Tragedy”, in 502.2.14: 440-548. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΛΥΡΙΚΑ
502.2.50 A. Koroli & A. Papathomas, “Calligone’s Suicide Attempt (PSI VIII 981) and the Croesus-Adrastus’ Scene in herod. 1.35–44.”, Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di eggitologia e papirologica 99.1 (2019) 67-73. ΚΑΛΛΙΓΟΝΟΣ, ΚΡΟΙΣΟΣ, ΑΔΡΑΣΤΟΣ
502.2.51 A. Kozak, “Deforestation, Metapoetics, and the Ethics of War in Statius’s Thebaid 6”, TAPA 150.2 (2020) 449-471. ΗΘΙΚΑ, ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.52 T. Kuhn-Treichel, “Pindar’s Poetic ‘I’ and The Muses: Metaphorical Role Characterization in Different Genres”, Classical Journal Online 116.2 (2020). ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΠΟΙΗΣΗ, ΜΟΥΣΕΣ
502.2.53 D. F. Leão, “Demetrius of Phalerum in Plutarch: A Multimodal Expression of Intertextuality and Intratextuality”, in 502.2.14: 267-282. ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ ΦΑΛΗΡΕΥΣ
502.2.54 A. Lefteratou, “Plutarch’s Less Tragic Heroes: Drama and Epic in the Pelopidas”, in 502.2.14: 421-39. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΗΡΩΕΣ, ΔΡΑΜΑ, ΕΠΙΚΗ, ΠΕΛΟΠΙΔΑΣ
502.2.55 J. J. López Cruces, “Deux Hésiodes opposés dans l’Antiope d’Euripide”, L’Antiquité Classique 89 (2020) 53-57. ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ, ΑΝΤΙΟΠΗ, ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ
502.2.56 C. Lopez-Ruiz, “The Sphinx: A Greco-Phoenician Hybrid”, in 502.2.14: chapter 18. ΣΦΙΓΞ, ΣΦΙΓΓΑ, ΕΛΛΗΝΟΦΟΙΝΙΚΙΚΑ ΥΒΡΙΔΙΑ
502.2.57 S. Macías Otero, “Dos adjetivos compuestos de difícil interpretación en las Bacantes de Eurípides: ἡλιόβλητος y οἰνωπός”, Emerita 88 (2020) 59-72. ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ
502.2.58 A. Maganuco, “Un problema nella versificazione di Pindaro: la ‘tmesi metrica’”, Quaderni Urbinati 125 (2020) 49-68. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.59 C. Mauduit, “La fin mystérieuse d’OEdipe dans l’OEdipe à Colone de Sophocle: aspects religieux et enjeux dramatiques d’une héroïsation”, Mythos 14 (2020). ΟΙΔΙΠΟΥΣ, ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ
502.2.60 M. Meeusen, “‘As Each Came to Mind’: Intertextualizing Plutarch’s Mentality of Intricacy in the Table Talk and Questions”, in 502.2.14: 283-296. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.61 F. J. Meister, “Plutarch and the Spartan wedding ceremony”, JHS 140 (2020) 206-212. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΣΠΑΡΤΗ, ΓΑΜΟΣ
502.2.62 J. J. Mhire, “Recognizing Differences: The Politics of Meaning in Hesiod’s Theogony ”, Perspectives on Political Science 49.3 (2020) 191-198. ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ ΘΕΟΓΟΝΙΑ
502.2.63 J. Moore, “House-Razing and the Relationship of Oikos and Polis in Euripides’s Heracles ”, ICS 45 (2020) 25-48. ΟΙΚΟΣ, ΠΟΛΙΣ, ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ
502.2.64 C. Morenilla Talens & N. Llagüerri Pubill, “La ‘Antígona’ de Eurípides y el P. Oxy. 3317”, Euphrosyne 47 (2019) 9-30. ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΗ, ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ
502.2.65 A. Yu. Mozhajsky, “The myth of the War of the Seven and Pausanias’ educational topography”, HYPOTHEKAI 2020.4, 171-206. ΕΠΤΑ ΕΠΙ ΘΗΒΑΣ, ΘΗΒΑ, ΕΠΤΑ ΕΠΙ ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.66 M. Nerdahl, M. “The Encounter between Roman Virtue and Platonism in Plutarch’s Cato the Elder ”, in 502.2.14: 189-200. ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΚΑΤΩΝ
502.2.67 A. Nikolaev, “The Text of Pindar Olympian 6.54 (βατιᾶι τ’ ἐν ἀπειράτωι)”, Harv. St. Class. Phil . 110 (2019) 97–115. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟΝΙΚΟΙ, ΒΑΤΙΑΙ, ΑΠΕΙΡΑΤΩΙ
502.2.68 M. Payne, “Post-apocalyptic humanism in Hesiod, Mary Shelley and Olaf Stapledon”, Classical Receptions Journal 12.1 (2020) 91-108. ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ, ΟΥΜΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ
502.2.69 C. Pelling, “Intertextuality in Plutarch: What’s the Point?”,
in 502.2.14: 11-27. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.70 A. Pérez Jiménez, “Ejemplos de responsio gramatical en el Teseo-Rómulo de Plutarco”, in 502.2.14: 232-251. ΘΗΣΕΑΣ, ΡΩΜΥΛΟΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.71 V. K. Pichugina, “The shield as pedagogical tool in Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes ”, HYPOTHEKAI 2020.4: 121-170. ΑΙΣΧΥΛΟΣ, ΕΠΤΑ ΕΠΙ ΘΗΒΑΣ
502.2.72 F. Pordomingo, “Las Vitae de Plutarco y el epigrama”, in
502.2.14: 475-494. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.73 E. Plati, “Medical Allusions and Intertext of Physis in Plutarch’s Comp. Cim. et Luc . 2.7”, in 502.2.14: 376-387. ΦΥΣΙΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.74 E. E. Prodi, “Un prosodio pindarico (‘Pae.’ 20). Introduzione, testo critico e commento”, Quaderni Urbinati 125 (2020) 11-18. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.75 A. Ranno, “Pindaro e la ‘poetica della trascendenza’: poesia, religione e iconografia nella Nemea 7 per Sogene di Egina (Nem. 7, 33-50)”, Quaderni Urbinati 125 (2020) 69-94. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΠΟΙΗΣΗ, ΝΕΜΕΑ, ΑΙΓΙΝΑ
502.2.76 G. Roskam, “‘Let Us Make the Most of What They Offer Us’: Different Layers of Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum”, in 502.2.14: 173-88. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.77 A. Ruta, “Plutarch’s Proverbial Intertexts in the Lives”, in
502.2.14: 335-348. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.78 E. G. Simonetti, “Who is the Best Prophet? The ‘Manifold’ Character of a Quotation in Plutarch”, in 502.2.14: 349-361. ΠΡΟΦΗΤΗΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.79 M. Skempis, “Laertes amid the Trojan and the Theban Cycle: Odyssey 24.373-382”, Philologia Antiqua 13 (2020) 9-23. ΛΑΕΡΤΗΣ, ΤΡΩΙΚΟΣ ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΚΟΣ ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, ΤΡΟΙΑ, ΘΗΒΑ, ΟΜΗΡΟΣ, ΟΜΗΡΟΥ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ
502.2.80 M. Spanakis, “Thessalian Landscapes and Ethnicity in Hellenistic Poetry: the Ethnic Catalogue of Rhianus’ Thessalica (frr. 26-38 Powell)”, in A. Cristili, A. ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑ
Gonfloni & F. Stek, edd., Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity (Oxford 2020) 245-252 [ISBN 9781407357409].
502.2.81 P. A. Stadter, “Aesopic Wisdom in Plutarch”, in 502.2.14:
502.2.82 F. Tanga, “Aspetti e funzioni dell’intertestualità nei De tuenda sanitate praecepta di Plutarco”, in 502.2.14: 362-375. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.83 W. J. Tatum, “Cherchez la femme? Fadia in Plutarch’s Life of Antony”, Antichthon 54 (2020) 127-140. ΣΕΡΣΕ ΛΑ ΦΑΜ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.84 L. Taub, “Concepts Concerning the Moon in Plutarch’s De Facie in orbe lunae – Found, Inherited or Borrowed Ideas”, in J. Althoff, D. Berrens & T. Pommering, edd., Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing. The Construction and Transfer of Knowledge in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Berlin, New York 2019) 253-278 [ISBN 978-3-8394-4236-4]. ΣΕΛΗΝΗ, ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.85 T. S. Thorsen, “Divina Corinna’: Pre-Twentieth Century Receptions of an Artistic Authority”, Eugesta 10 (2020). ΚΟΡΙΝΝΑ
502.2.86 T. Tsiampokalos, “Defining Rhetoric While Playing with Pre-texts: Some Aspects of Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Praecepta gerendae reipublicae 801C–D”, in 502.2.14: 495-510. ΡΗΤΟΡΙΚΗ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.87 S. Tufano, “Un errore antico: nota testuale a Plut. Pel. 35,2 e a Paus. 9, 13, 6”, Rivista di Filologia et di istruzione classica 148.1 (2020) 175-185. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.88 L. Van Essen-Fishman, “Generalization and Characterization in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and Antigone ”, Class. Phil . 115 (2020) 315–338. ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ, ΤΡΑΧΙΝΙΑΙ, ΤΡΑΧΙΝΙΕΣ, ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΗ
502.2.89 J. Vela Tejada, “Atticism in Plutarch: a ‘mimesis ton arjaion’ or ‘diglossia’?”, Euphrosyne 47 (2019) 295-308. ΑΤΤΙΚΙΣΜΟΣ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΔΙΓΛΩΣΣΙΑ
502.2.90 P. Volpe Cacciatore, “Un ‘galateo’ intertestuale del simposio: le raccomandazioni di Plutarco personaggio dei Moralia”, in 502.2.14: 297-303. ΗΘΙΚΑ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.91 K. Wasdin, “Concealed Kypris in the Iphigenia at Aulis ”, CQ 70
502.2.92 A. Worley, “Shrieking Volumes: Plutarch’s Use of the Ath.Pol . as Intertextual Bridge between Athens and Rome”, in 502.2.14: 148-160. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΡΩΜΗ
502.2.93 A. Zadorojnyi, “Hearing Voices: φωνή and Intertextual Orality in Plutarch”, in 502.2.14: 28-44. ΦΩΝΗ, ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΦΩΝΕΣ
502.2.94 S. Zerhoch, “The Politics of Religion: Libation and Truce in Euripides’ Bacchae ”, CQ 70 (2020) 51-67. ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑ, ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΒΑΚΧΑΙ, ΒΑΚΧΕΣ
502.2.95 P. Bassino, The Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi (491.2.02) - [r] F. Kimmel-Clauzet, BMCR 2020.10.12 ΟΜΗΡΟΣ, ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ
502.2.96 M. Becker. Die Bedrohung der Polis. Hesiods ‘Werke und Tage’ als Zeugnis literarischer Bedrohungskommunikation (502.2.05) - [r] W. Schmitz, Klio 102.1, pp. 305-8 ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ, ΕΡΓΑ ΚΑΙ ΗΜΕΡΑΙ
502.2.97 J J. Beneker (trans.), Plutarch. How to be a leader (492.2.02) - [r] K. M. Trego, CR 70.2 (2020) 529. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.98 C. S. Chrysanthou, Plutarch’s Parallel Lives: Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (482.2.04) - [r] P. Christophorou, JHS 140 (2020) 282. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ, ΒΙΟΙ ΠΑΡΑΛΛΗΛΟΙ
502.2.99 C. Collard & J. Morwood (edd.), Euripides: Iphigenia at Aulis (471.2.06) - [r] M. Day Elsner, JHS 140 (2020) 256-257. ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΙΦΙΓΕΝΕΙΑ ΕΝ ΑΥΛΙΔΙ, ΑΥΛΙΣ, ΑΥΛΙΔΑ
502.2.100 D. Fearn, Pindar’s Eyes (481.2.05) - [r] R. De Brose, JHS 140 (2020) 250-251. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.101 R. Hadas (trans.), Euripides: the Iphigenia Plays. New Verse Translations (492.2.04) ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΙΦΙΓΕΝΕΙΑ - [r] C. Catenaccio, JHS 140 (2020) 155-156.
502.2.102 S. Hornblower, Lykophron’s Alexandra, Rome, and the Hellenistic World (482.2.06) - [r] K. R. Jones, Class. World 113 (2020) 500-501. ΛΥΚΟΦΡΩΝ, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ, ΡΩΜΗ
502.2.103 G. Hutchinson, Plutarch’s Rhythmic Prose (482.2.07) - [r] O. Hodkinson, CJ-Online 2020.07.02. ΡΥΘΜΙΚΗ ΠΟΙΗΗ
502.2.104 A. Kampakoglou, Studies in the reception of Pindar in Ptolemaic poetry (492.2.05) - [r] Z. Adorjáni, Exemplaria Classica 24 (2020) 454. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΚΗ ΠΟΙΗΣΗ, ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΙ
502.2.105 H. Konishi, Sophokles’ objectives in the Oidipous Turannos (482.2.08) - [r] D. Post, JHS 140 (2020) 253-254. ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ, ΟΙΔΙΠΟΥΣ ΤΥΡΑΝΝΟΣ
502.2.106 A. Kozak, “Deforestation, Metapoetics, and the Ethics of War in Statius’s Thebaid 6”, TAPA 150 (2020) 449-471. ΗΘΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥ, ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.107 A. Lagière, La Thébaïde de Stace et le sublim e (481.2.13) - [r] D. Estefanía, Emerita 88 (2020) 190-192. ΘΗΒΑΙΣ
502.2.108 E. Meusel, Pindarus Indogermanicus (502.2.11) - [r] R. Schmitt, Gymnasium 127 (2020). ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΙΝΔΟΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΑ, ΙΝΔΟΓΕΡΜΑΝΟΙ
502.2.109 A. Miller, Pindar’s Odes . (492.2.07) - [r] E. Dutmer, The Journal of Classics Teaching 21, pp. 104-5. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΩΔΕΣ
502.2.110 M. Meeusen & L. Van der Stockt, edd., Natural
Spectaculars. Aspects of
Plutarch’s Philosophy of Nature (452.2.09) - [r] K. Oikonomopoulou, JHS 140 (2020) 283-284. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.111 R. Neer & L. Kurke, Pindar, Song, and Space (492.2.08) - [r] M. Briand, REA 122 (2020) 281-286. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ
502.2.112 F. Padovani, Sulle tracce del dio: teonimi ed etimologia in Plutarco (482.2.13) - [r] C. Bonnet, ARYS 18 (2020) 447-451. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
502.2.113 S. Rebeggiani, The fragility of power: Statius, Domitian and
the politics of the
Thebaid (491.2.06) - [r] T. Stover, Class.World 114 (2020) 113-115. ΣΤΑΤΙΟΣ, ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟΔ, ΘΗΒΑΙΣ, ΔΥΝΑΜΗ
502.2.114 - [r] C. E. Newlands, Class. Phil. 115 (2020) 747-751.
502.2.115 H. Spelman, Pindar and the Poetics of Permanence (481.2.20) - [r] C. Lattmann, Phoenix 73 (2019) 191-193. ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΠΟΙΗΣΗ
502.2.116 - [r] D. Fearn, JHS 140 (2020) 249-250.
502.2.117 Z. Stamatopoulou, Hesiod and classical Greek poetry (472.2.07) - [r] P. Bassino, JHS 140 (2020) 244-245. ΗΣΙΟΔΟΣ, ΠΟΙΗΣΗ
502.2.118 I. C. Torrance, Euripides: Iphigenia among the Taurians (491.2.11) - [r] M. Lloyd, JHS 140 (2020) 257-258. ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ, ΙΦΙΓΕΝΕΙΑ, ΤΑΥΡΙΑΝΗ, ΤΑΥΡΙΣ, ΤΑΥΡΙΔΑ
502.2.119 A. Uhlig, Theatrical reenactment in Pindar and Aeschylus (492.2.13) - [r] A. Park, Class. World 114 (2020) 103-104. ΘΕΑΤΡΟ, ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ, ΑΙΣΧΥΛΟΣ
502.2.120 S. Xenophontos & K. Oikonomopoulou, edd., Brill’s
Companion to the
Reception of Plutarch (492.2.15) - [r] B. L. Cook, BMCR 2020.08.17. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ
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ΠΗΓΗ: TEIRESIAS - A Review and
Bibliography of Boiotian Studies, volume 50 (part 2), 2020, ISSN 1206-5730, Compiled
by Fabienne Marchand, with the assistance of Roy van Wijk. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 31.12.2020.