Υπάρχει ένας θρύλος, που έχει
ενθουσιάσει την φαντασία των εξερευνητών και των τυχοδιωκτών για αιώνες: Μια
αρχαία πόλη που χάθηκε για χιλιετίες, κάτω από την θάλασσα: Η Ατλαντίς! - ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ για την ΑΤΛΑΝΤΙΔΑ, ΕΔΩ.
Αυτό που φαίνεται σαν βυθισμένα τείχη στα ΝΑ. της Κύπρου. |
ΔΕΙΤΕ το ντοκυμανταίρ, ΕΔΩ.
ΠΗΓΗ: Zohar Entertainment Group,
Awakening Expo, Phenomena Magazine, ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 18.2.2021.
Finally Been Found in Cyprus?
There is a legend which has excited the imagination of explorers and adventurers for centuries ... an ancient city lost for millennia beneath the sea. Robert Sarmast, an archaeologist and author of a book on the lost city, has located the centre of what he believes to be Atlantis, a "walled hillside" about a mile beneath the sea 50 miles off the south-east coast of Cyprus. A detailed sonar scan of the seabed has revealed what he believes to be man-made structures. Could this be the best evidence in support of the fabled lost city of Atlantis?
All content on this channel is licensed, and or produced by Zohar Entertainment Group/Awakening Expo/Phenomena Magazine