από την Πέργαμο,
προΐστατο της υγείας
μιας ολόκληρης Αυτοκρατορίας!
πανώλης επί Αντωνίου
Συνεχίζεται η παρουσίαση της
ζωής και της επιρροής του Έλληνα ιατρού Γαληνού, από την Πέργαμο (περίπου
129;-216/217; μ.Χ.), ο οποίος προΐστατο της υγείας μιας ολόκληρης Αυτοκρατορίας,
σε περιόδους δόξας και κρίσης.
Σήμερα δεν μπορεί κανείς να
σκεφτεί έναν τομέα πρακτικής ιατρικής, που δεν αγγίζεται από την εκτεταμένη
κληρονομιά του Γαληνού:
Η ιστορία της σύγχρονης Ιατρικής ξεκινά στον αρχαίο κόσμο με τον Γαληνό. Ένας εκπαιδευμένος, πετυχημένος ιατρός, που αντιμετώπισε μια σειρά ασθενών - άνδρες και γυναίκες, ενήλικες και παιδιά, αγρότες και αυτοκράτορες - που υπέφεραν από μια ποικιλία ασθενειών και καταστάσεων. Επί πλέον, περιέγραψε αρκετές κρίσεις της εποχής του, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Μεγάλης Φωτιάς και της πανώλης επί Αντωνίου.
Τα παραγωγικά γραπτά του Γαληνού,
παρέχουν όχι μόνον μια περιγραφή των αρχαίων θεραπευτικών τεχνών και των συζητήσεων
που τις συνόδευαν, αλλά και μια ευρύτερη αίσθηση της ζωής στην Ρωμαϊκή
ISAW is proud to announce the launch
of its first digital exhibition
The Empire’s Physician:
Prosperity, Plague, and Healing in Ancient Rome
Presenting the life of the influential Greek doctor Galen (ca. 129–216/217
CE), who who presided over an empire's health in times of glory and crisis.
This richly illustrated, interactive exhibition contextualizes the doctor’s
biography within the ancient medical landscape as well as within his broader
historical situation. Today one cannot think of an area of medical practice not
touched by his expansive legacy: the history of contemporary medicine begins in
the ancient world with Galen. A learned, accomplished physician, he treated a
range of patients—men and women, adults and children, peasants and
emperors—afflicted with a variety of conditions. Additionally, he described
several crises of his day, including the Great Fire and the Antonine Plague.
Galen’s prolific writings provide not only an account of the ancient healing
arts and attendant debates, but also a broader sense of life in the Roman
The Empire's Physician will give visitors a chance to explore many
different dimensions of this wide-ranging healer and thinker as well as diverse
patient perspectives through personal narratives, historical descriptions,
object histories, manuscripts, illuminations, as well as interactive digital
features, and more, in a scholarly-yet-accessible style. Throughout the run of
the exhibition we will be sharing narratives from doctors, nurses, scientists
and first responders practicing today, inviting them to reflect on their field
and its connection to antiquity. Conversations about Galen’s intellectual
tradition will also extend to a series of online public programming events.
Science and Spectacle in Galen's Rome
On March 11th at 5pm, Claire Bubb, one of the exhibition's co-curators and Assistant Professor of Classical Literature and Science at ISAW, will give the first lecture in connection with this exhibition over Zoom, HERE.
Exhibition Lecture
Science and Spectacle in Galen's Rome
Claire Bubb, ISAW
Registration is required. You will receive the necessary Zoom information under the "Additional Information" section in the confirmation email from Eventbrite upon registration. You will receive the Zoom link again in an additional email an hour before the lecture begins.
This lecture is given in conjunction with ISAW's exhibition The Empire’s Physician: Prosperity, Plague, and Healing in Ancient Rome.
Claire Bubb received her A.B. in Classics: Greek and Latin from Brown University in 2006 and her Ph.D. in Classical Philology from Harvard University in 2014 with a dissertation considering the audience of Galen’s On Anatomical Procedures. She was subsequently a Visiting Assistant Professor at ISAW and a Faculty Fellow at the NYU Department of Classics.
Her research interests center on medicine and the biological sciences in the Greco-Roman world, with a particular focus on Galen and Aristotle. She is now finishing a book entitled Dissection in Classical Antiquity: A Social and Medical History, which traces both the social history of the practice and the associated anatomical literature. Her current projects include two further monographs, one addressing the topic of digestion in Greek and Roman medical and philosophical thought, the other on the prevalence of scientific knowledge among laymen in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. She also focuses on Aristotle’s biology, especially in relation to his views on the heart and vascular system, with articles on the subject appearing in Apeiron (‘The Physiology of Phantasmata in Aristotle: Between Sensation and Digestion’), Classical Quarterly (‘Blood Flow in Aristotle’), and Sudhoffs Archiv (‘Hollows in the Heart: A Lexical Approach to Cardiac Anatomy in Aristotle’). Her other interests include the literature and society of the high Roman Empire, ancient education, animals, and the social history of science.
Recent talks include
- ‘The Movement of Fluids in Hippocratic Places in Man and the Egyptian Vessel System’ (Ancient Egyptian Scientific Literature in the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection, Copenhagen 2018), / «Η κυκλοφορία των ρευστών στα μέρη του Ανθρώπου, κατά Ιπποκράτη και στο αιγυπτιακό σύστημα αγγείων»,
- ‘Galen: Text Production and Authority’ (Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, Boston 2018),
- ‘Blood Flow in Aristotle’ (London Ancient Science Conference, London 2017), / «Η ροή αίματος κατά Αριστοτέλη»/ and
- ‘Medicine and the Humanities from Ancient to Modern: The Varied Fortunes of Galen’ (ISAW Faculty Lecture, 2017).
Recent teaching includes graduate seminars on Sciences and Intellectual Life in the Second Century AD (with Alexander Jones), Food and Diet in Greco-Roman Antiquity, and The Hippocratic Corpus. She also teaches The Body in the Ancient Mediterranean in the NYU College Core Curriculum on a recurrent basis.
Please check isaw.nyu.edu for event updates.
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