Η υδροχλωροκίνη μπορεί να αυξήσει κατά 200% το ποσοστό επιβίωσης σε ασθενείς με COVID!

Η υδροχλωροκίνη
μπορεί να αυξήσει κατά 200%
το ποσοστό επιβίωσης
σε ασθενείς με COVID!

New study shows drug touted by Trump can increase COVID survival rates by 200%.



Introduction This observational study looked at 255 COVID19 patients who required invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) during the first two months of the US pandemic. Through comprehensive, longitudinal evaluation and new consideration of all the data, we were able to better describe and understand factors affecting outcome after intubation.


Methods All vital signs, laboratory values, and medication administrations (time, date, dose, and route) were collected and organized. Further, each patient’s prior medical records, including PBM data and available ECG, were reviewed by a physician. These data were incorporated into time-series database for statistical analysis.


Results By discharge or Day 90, 78.2% of the cohort expired. The most common pre-existing conditions were hypertension, (63.5%), diabetes (59.2%) and obesity (50.4%). Age correlated with death. Comorbidities and clinical status on presentation were not predictive of outcome. Admission markers of inflammation were universally elevated (>96%). The cohort’s weight range was nearly 7-fold. Causal modeling establishes that weight-adjusted HCQ and AZM therapy improves survival by over 100%. QTc prolongation did not correlate with cumulative HCQ dose or HCQ serum levels.


ΠΗΓΗ: Leon G. Smith, Nicolas Mendoza, David Dobesh, Stephen M. Smith «Observational Study on 255 Mechanically Ventilated Covid Patients at the Beginning of the USA Pandemic / Μελέτη παρατήρησης σε 255 διασωληνωμένους ασθενείς με Covid στην αρχή της πανδημίας των ΗΠΑ», doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.28.21258012 στο medrxiv, 31.5.2021. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 1.6.2021. New study shows drug touted by Trump can increase COVID survival rates by 200%, Daily Mail, 10.6.2021.

This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

υδροχλωροκινη, ποσοστο επιβιωσης, επιβιωση, ασθενης, COVID-19, κορωνοιος, κορονοιος, Τραμπ
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