Ημερολόγιο του Κέννεντυ: Δεν υπάρχουν πλήρη αποδεικτικά στοιχεία ότι βρέθηκε το πτώμα του Χίτλερ

JFK’s Diary:
‘No complete evidence’
Hitler’s body was found

“Hitler’s Reich Chancellery was a shell,” Kennedy penned in 1945, several years before ascending to the White House.

“The walls were chipped and scarred by bullets, showing the terrific fight that took place at the time of its fall. Hitler’s air-raid shelter was about 120 feet down into the ground — well furnished but completely devastated.

“The room where Hitler was supposed to have met his death showed scorched walls and traces of fire. There is no complete evidence, however, that the body that was found was Hitler’s body. The Russians doubt that he is dead.”

But Kennedy’s words, particularly in the present context in which they’ve been disclosed, align with a growing body of academics and historians who have studied Hitler’s demise — and find exigent fault with what we’ve so long been led to believe.

Recently, FBI quietly declassified secret files attesting Hitler fled to Argentina in 1945. DNA analysis on the skull previously believed to have belonged to Hitler showed that in fact it belonged to a woman and it was not Eva Brown's either.

According to other FBI sources, Adolf Hitler, together with Eva Brown and other top Nazis arrived by U-boats (submarines) in Argentina just two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin.

Hitler was helped to plan his exile in the years prior to the end of the war by Argentinian top officials, which were Nazi sympathizers (including the president). Adolf Hitler and Eva Brown lived the rest of their lives in Patagonia, a remote mountainous paradise full of Nazi refugees.




ΔΕΙΤΕ: Revealed: Hitler in Argentina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw1hgOlHTD4

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