/ Peripleo
Peripleo is a search engine to data maintained by partners of Pelagios
Commons, a Digital Humanities initative aiming to foster better linkages
between online resources documenting the past.
Peripleo is an initiative by Pelagios Commons, developed under the
leadership of the Austrian Institute of Technology, Exeter University, The Open
University, the University of London School of Advanced Study and the Alexander
von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
Below is an alphabetical list of all partners whose data is currently
indexed by Peripleo:
American Numismatic Society MANTIS: A Numismatic Technologies
Integration Service
ARCHER | Archives Archives of the American Numismatic Society
Beta maṣāḥǝft
CHGIS A free database of placenames and historical administrative units
for the Chinese Dynasties.
Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic
(CHRR) is an actively updated index of gold and silver hoards mainly composed
of coins of the Roman Republican period.
Coinage of the Roman Republic Online An online type corpus based upon
the numbering system defined in Michael Crawford's 1974 publication, Roman
Republican Coinage (RRC).
Coptic SCRIPTORIUM Dataset Coptic SCRIPTORIUM ANNIS queries for
geographic enties.
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
Digitizing Early Farming Cultures Digitizing Early Farming Cultures
(DEFC) provides standardized and integrated research data of Neolithic and
Chalcolithic sites and finds of Greece and Anatolia (c. 7000-3000 BC according
to Greek terminology). The project aims to overcome the fragmentation of
research data that developed because of different research traditions in Greece
and Anatolia. Non-digital and digital sources from publications and from a
series of research projects at the OREA Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
formed the basis of the project.
DINAA The Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) aggregates
data sets developed over decades from several US state and federal government
sources. These data sets document 15,000 years of settlement across the North
American continent.
Epigraphic Database Heidelberg The Epigraphic Database Heidelberg
contains the texts of Latin and bilingual (i.e. Latin-Greek) inscriptions of
the Roman Empire.
finds.org.uk Pleiades annotations for data contained within the Portable
Antiquities Scheme (mostly numismatic material).
GeoNames (subset)
Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus
Heritage Gazetteer of Libya The aim of the Heritage Gazetteer of Libya
is to record, and to provide with unique identifiers, locations and monuments
within modern Libya which are of significance to the history of the area up to
Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards The Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH)
is an American Numismatic Society-published corpus of Greek coin hoards.
Nomisma.org Pleiades annotations for numismatic concepts defined by
Nomisma.org Partner Objects Pleiades annotations relating to coins of
Nomisma.org partners, made available through semantic reasoning between
typologies, Nomisma SKOS concepts, and Pleiades URIs. Organizations that
directly contribute to Pelagios (e.g., American Numismatic Society) are
supressed from this data dump.
Online Coins of the Roman Empire A corpus of coin types from the Roman
Empire, from Augustus (27 B.C.) to Zeno (A.D. 491).
Open Context Publication and exhibition of open research data and media
from archaeology and related fields
Pelagios 3 Sample Documents Sample TEI documents from the Pelagios 3
PELLA PELLA is a coin type corpus of Macadonian kings of the Argead
dynasty (c. 700-310 B.C.).
PeriodO A gazetteer of period definitions for linking and visualizing
Pleiades A community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places. It
publishes authoritative information about ancient places and spaces, providing
unique services for finding, displaying, and reusing that information under
open license.
The Fralin | UVa Art Museum Numismatic Collection The Fralin Museum of
Art at the University of Virginia numismatic collection contains about 600
coins of mainly Greco-Roman origin.
University of Graz The University of Graz contributes its collections to
Pelagios via the institutional repository GAMS, provided by the Centre for
Information Modelling.
Ure Museum Database The Ure Museum collections contain material from the
Greek and Greco-Roman civilisations of the Mediterranean, most notably Greek
and Etruscan ceramics and terracottas.
Vici.org Archaeological Atlas of Antiquity
Web Resources Related to Open Context Published Places This dataset
relates archaeological site records published by Open Context to content
published elsewhere on the Web. In some cases, Open Context contributors and/or
editors manually identified these relationships. In other cases, software
processes followed by editorial checks identified linkages expressed in this
Για περισσότερα, ΕΔΩ.