Η ελληνική θέση για το Σκοπιανό, το 1993
Και η μεσοβέζικη λύση που βρήκαν
Ακριβές απόσπασμα
General Assembly Security Council
Distr. GENERAL A/471877 5/25158, 25 January 1993
General Assembly Security Council
Distr. GENERAL A/471877 5/25158, 25 January 1993
Forty-seventh session Agenda item 19 ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS TO THE UNITED NATIONS
Letter dated 25 January 1993 from the permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
With reference to the application for admission to membership circulated in document A1471875-S/25147 of 22 January 1993, I have the honour to forward herewith a letter dated 25 January 1993 addressed to you by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Greece, Mr. Michael Papakonstantinou (see annex). I should be grateful if the text of the present letter and its annex could be urgently circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 19, and of the Security Council. (Signed) Antonios EXARCHOS Ambassador, Permanent Representative
ANNEX Letter dated 25 January 1993 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Greece to the Secretary-General
I refer to the application for membership to the
United Nations of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and I have the
honour to urgently draw your attention to a Memorandum reflecting the views and
position of the Government of Greece on this matter.I would appreciate it if
you could bring this letter and the Memorandum attached hereto (see appendix)
to the attention of the President of the Security Council. (Signed) Michael PAPACONSTANTINOU Minister for
Foreign Affairs of Greece
MEMORANDUM Concerning the application of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for admission to the United Nations
I. Greece believes that the application of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for admission to membership in the United Nations under the denomination mentioned in its application introduces an element of further destabilization of the southern Balkans both in a short and a long term perspective. Therefore, strongly objecting to this membership, Greece feels obliged to forward to the Security Council a number of pertinent considerations which point to the conclusion that the applicant should not be admitted to the U.N. prior to a settlement of certain outstanding issue~ necessary for safeguarding peace and stability, as well as good neighbourly relations in the region. When such a settlement is reached Greece would not oppose F.Y.R.O.M.'s admission to the United Nations and, indeed it would be ready to extend recognition and establish co-operation with this neighbouring country. 2. In its request for admission to the United Nations the F.Y.R.O.M. includes on the one hand a purported commitment to accept and observe all obligations deriving from the United Nations Charter and, on the other, a claim that its admission to U.N. membership would contribute towards a peaceful solution of the crisis in the territory of former Yugoslavia.
3. Whereas these are welcome declarations. nevertheless, past experiences and practices. as well as the constituent acts and policies of the new republic raise serious concerns about its willingness to fulfill the obligations arising from the U.N. Charter. 4. The new republic emerged as successor to the former Yugoslav Federative Republic of Macedonia. The philosophy of its Constitution. adopted on November 17, 1991, is based, inter alia on the principles and the constituent declarations of that federative state which were endorsed in August 1944 by the Antifascist Assembly of the National Liberation of Macedonia (A.S.N.OM). In these declarations, cited in the preamble of the Constitution. there are direct references to the annexation of the Macedonian provinces of Greece and Bulgaria, and to the establishment eventually of a greater Macedonian state within the Yugoslav Federation (see attachment 1) 5. In the 1940's. Tito's Yugoslavia, with the "People's Republic of Macedonia" in the vanguard, tried to accomplish these aims by supporting a communist uprising in Greece (which resulted in a three-year civil war) as a means of annexing Greek Macedonia. When the annexation of Greek lands failed in 1948, efforts continued in order to undermine Greek sovereignty over Greek Macedonia by attempts to monopolize the Macedonian name, thus staking a lasting claim to Greek territories and. indeed, to Greek Macedonian heritage. It is worth recalling that this question had been on the agenda of the Security Council and the General Assembly from 1946 to 1950 under the heading The Greek Question" (see attachment 2)
6. For forty years, such practices poisoned good neighbourly relations and stability in the region, particularly since officials of the republic continued, up to the disintegration of Yugoslavia, to express expansionist views. After the collapse of former Yugoslavia these extreme expansionist claims by nationalists in Skopje took afresh stronger impetus. 7. It is on such grounds and on such precedents that the former federative republic in Skopje proclaimed itself independent in 1991 and is now seeking admission to the United Nations. 8. Since the declaration of independence, a series of initiatives taken by the authorities of Skopjc. have shown that there is a clear link and continuity of aims and actions in particular against (Greece Reference has already been made to the Constitution of F.Y.R.O.M. which is based on the principles of A.S.N.O.M., of 1944. In this Constitution there are also references to the possibility of change~ of borders -while F.Y.R.O.M.'s territory remains "indivisible and inalienable" (Art. 3) - and intervening~ in the internal affairs of neighbouring states on the pretext of issues concerning "the status and (he rights" of alleged minorities (Aft. 49). There are numerous indications that the expansionist propaganda aimed at the neighbouring Macedonian province of Greece continues unabated. This is shown, in particular, through the wide circulation within F.Y.R.O.M. of maps portraying a greater Macedonia i.e. incorporating parts of the territory of all its neighbouring states, and of hostile~ literature usurping Greek symbols and heritage. As recently as August 1992, the authorities in kop affixed on the new flag of the republic the emblem of the ancient Macedonian dynasty found in Greece in the tomb of King Philip II (see attachments 3, 4, 5 and 6).
9. These are just a few examples which show that at this turning point, when the applicant is seeking membership to the United Nations, its authorities have not abandoned their long cherished ambitions to claim neighbouring territories. 10. The name of a state is a symbol. Thus, the fact that the authorities in Skopje have ad6pted the denomination "Republic of Macedonia" for their state is of paramount significance. It is important to note that they have explicitly adopted the name of a wider geographical region extending over four neighbouring countries, with 9nly 38.5% to be found in the territory of F.Y.R.O.M. This fact by itself clearly undermines the sovereignty of neighbouring states to their respective Macedonian regions. To be precise, 51.5% of the Macedonian geographical region is in Greece, with a population of over 2.5 million people, while the remaining 10% in other neighbouring states. Moreover, the territory of F.Y.R.O.M., with the exception of a narrow strip in the south, had never been part of historic Macedonia. Nevertheless, F.Y.R.O.M. insists on monopolizing the Macedonian name in the denomination of the state, and thus pretends to be the sole title deed holder of a much wider geographical region. There is no doubt that the exclusive use of the Macedonian name in the republic's official denomination would be a stimulus for expansionist claims not only by present nationalist activists in Skopje but by future generations as well. After all, the name conveys in itself expansionist visions both over the land and the heritage of Macedonia through the centuries. 11. To prevent such destabilizing situations from threatening peace and good neighbourly relations in the area, the European Community, to which F.Y.R.O.M. Applied for recognition, has set prerequisites for the recognition of the applicant by the Community and its member states. These prerequisites are cited in the following Security Council documents: (5/23293(17 December 1991). 5/23880 (5 May 1992), S/24200 (29 June 1992), ~/24960 (14 December 1992). Briefly, they stipulate that F.Y.R.O.M. should provide the necessary legal and political guarantees that it will harbor no territorial claims against Greece, that it will abstain from any hostile propaganda against this country and that it will not use the term Macedonia in the ~tatC~5 denomination. Unfortunately, F.Y.R.O.M. has failed to comply.12. During the past year, Greece has conveyed to ~kopje on a number of occasions, its sincere determination to proceed with the development t~ all round economic and political co-operation with the neighbouring republic, as soon as F.Y.R.() M. ~adopted the foregoing E.C. prerequisites for recognition. Moreover, Greece has taken the Initiative that all neighbouring states of F.Y.R.O.M make public declarations recognizing and guaranteeing as inviolable their respective frontier~. Furthermore, Greece has supported E.C. initiatives to provide humanitarian and economic aid to this republic, while the Greek Prime Minister publicly extended a hand of co-operation to Skopje. In addition, Greece has supported a recent effort by the European Community and individual members of the Community in seeking a peaceful way to settle the problem. 13. Unfortunately, the authorities of Skopje have persisted in pursuing an inflexible and uncooperative attitude by rejecting all proposals aiming at a peaceful settlement of the outstanding issues.
14. it is in the competence of the Security Council not only to resolve disputes but also to take necessary actions to prevent them as well. This is a clear case where preventive diplomacy is urgently needed. All efforts and all proposals in this direction should be explored. It should be noted that there have been cases in which application to membership has been subjected to prior fulfillment of certain conditions in the interest of peace and security.
15. Greece wishes to point out that the admission of F.Y.R.O.M. to U.N. membership prior to meeting the necessary prerequisites, and in particular abandoning the use of the denomination "Republic of Macedonia", would perpetuate and increase friction and tension and would not be conducive to peace and stability in an already troubled region. Under these circumstances, Greece regretfully would not be able to recognize this republic.
16. Greece strongly believes in maintaining good relations and enhancing co-operation with all its neighbours while attaching primary importance to the peaceful solution of disputes arising between them. It is confident that the Security Council, as the custodian of world peace and stability will take all appropriate steps and measures for the settlement of the issue on hand, in a way to prevent developments which might impede a constructive solution through peaceful means. Finally it expresses its readiness to offer its full support to the Security Council in its efforts towards this objective.
MEMORANDUM Concerning the application of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for admission to the United Nations
I. Greece believes that the application of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for admission to membership in the United Nations under the denomination mentioned in its application introduces an element of further destabilization of the southern Balkans both in a short and a long term perspective. Therefore, strongly objecting to this membership, Greece feels obliged to forward to the Security Council a number of pertinent considerations which point to the conclusion that the applicant should not be admitted to the U.N. prior to a settlement of certain outstanding issue~ necessary for safeguarding peace and stability, as well as good neighbourly relations in the region. When such a settlement is reached Greece would not oppose F.Y.R.O.M.'s admission to the United Nations and, indeed it would be ready to extend recognition and establish co-operation with this neighbouring country. 2. In its request for admission to the United Nations the F.Y.R.O.M. includes on the one hand a purported commitment to accept and observe all obligations deriving from the United Nations Charter and, on the other, a claim that its admission to U.N. membership would contribute towards a peaceful solution of the crisis in the territory of former Yugoslavia.
3. Whereas these are welcome declarations. nevertheless, past experiences and practices. as well as the constituent acts and policies of the new republic raise serious concerns about its willingness to fulfill the obligations arising from the U.N. Charter. 4. The new republic emerged as successor to the former Yugoslav Federative Republic of Macedonia. The philosophy of its Constitution. adopted on November 17, 1991, is based, inter alia on the principles and the constituent declarations of that federative state which were endorsed in August 1944 by the Antifascist Assembly of the National Liberation of Macedonia (A.S.N.OM). In these declarations, cited in the preamble of the Constitution. there are direct references to the annexation of the Macedonian provinces of Greece and Bulgaria, and to the establishment eventually of a greater Macedonian state within the Yugoslav Federation (see attachment 1) 5. In the 1940's. Tito's Yugoslavia, with the "People's Republic of Macedonia" in the vanguard, tried to accomplish these aims by supporting a communist uprising in Greece (which resulted in a three-year civil war) as a means of annexing Greek Macedonia. When the annexation of Greek lands failed in 1948, efforts continued in order to undermine Greek sovereignty over Greek Macedonia by attempts to monopolize the Macedonian name, thus staking a lasting claim to Greek territories and. indeed, to Greek Macedonian heritage. It is worth recalling that this question had been on the agenda of the Security Council and the General Assembly from 1946 to 1950 under the heading The Greek Question" (see attachment 2)
6. For forty years, such practices poisoned good neighbourly relations and stability in the region, particularly since officials of the republic continued, up to the disintegration of Yugoslavia, to express expansionist views. After the collapse of former Yugoslavia these extreme expansionist claims by nationalists in Skopje took afresh stronger impetus. 7. It is on such grounds and on such precedents that the former federative republic in Skopje proclaimed itself independent in 1991 and is now seeking admission to the United Nations. 8. Since the declaration of independence, a series of initiatives taken by the authorities of Skopjc. have shown that there is a clear link and continuity of aims and actions in particular against (Greece Reference has already been made to the Constitution of F.Y.R.O.M. which is based on the principles of A.S.N.O.M., of 1944. In this Constitution there are also references to the possibility of change~ of borders -while F.Y.R.O.M.'s territory remains "indivisible and inalienable" (Art. 3) - and intervening~ in the internal affairs of neighbouring states on the pretext of issues concerning "the status and (he rights" of alleged minorities (Aft. 49). There are numerous indications that the expansionist propaganda aimed at the neighbouring Macedonian province of Greece continues unabated. This is shown, in particular, through the wide circulation within F.Y.R.O.M. of maps portraying a greater Macedonia i.e. incorporating parts of the territory of all its neighbouring states, and of hostile~ literature usurping Greek symbols and heritage. As recently as August 1992, the authorities in kop affixed on the new flag of the republic the emblem of the ancient Macedonian dynasty found in Greece in the tomb of King Philip II (see attachments 3, 4, 5 and 6).
9. These are just a few examples which show that at this turning point, when the applicant is seeking membership to the United Nations, its authorities have not abandoned their long cherished ambitions to claim neighbouring territories. 10. The name of a state is a symbol. Thus, the fact that the authorities in Skopje have ad6pted the denomination "Republic of Macedonia" for their state is of paramount significance. It is important to note that they have explicitly adopted the name of a wider geographical region extending over four neighbouring countries, with 9nly 38.5% to be found in the territory of F.Y.R.O.M. This fact by itself clearly undermines the sovereignty of neighbouring states to their respective Macedonian regions. To be precise, 51.5% of the Macedonian geographical region is in Greece, with a population of over 2.5 million people, while the remaining 10% in other neighbouring states. Moreover, the territory of F.Y.R.O.M., with the exception of a narrow strip in the south, had never been part of historic Macedonia. Nevertheless, F.Y.R.O.M. insists on monopolizing the Macedonian name in the denomination of the state, and thus pretends to be the sole title deed holder of a much wider geographical region. There is no doubt that the exclusive use of the Macedonian name in the republic's official denomination would be a stimulus for expansionist claims not only by present nationalist activists in Skopje but by future generations as well. After all, the name conveys in itself expansionist visions both over the land and the heritage of Macedonia through the centuries. 11. To prevent such destabilizing situations from threatening peace and good neighbourly relations in the area, the European Community, to which F.Y.R.O.M. Applied for recognition, has set prerequisites for the recognition of the applicant by the Community and its member states. These prerequisites are cited in the following Security Council documents: (5/23293(17 December 1991). 5/23880 (5 May 1992), S/24200 (29 June 1992), ~/24960 (14 December 1992). Briefly, they stipulate that F.Y.R.O.M. should provide the necessary legal and political guarantees that it will harbor no territorial claims against Greece, that it will abstain from any hostile propaganda against this country and that it will not use the term Macedonia in the ~tatC~5 denomination. Unfortunately, F.Y.R.O.M. has failed to comply.12. During the past year, Greece has conveyed to ~kopje on a number of occasions, its sincere determination to proceed with the development t~ all round economic and political co-operation with the neighbouring republic, as soon as F.Y.R.() M. ~adopted the foregoing E.C. prerequisites for recognition. Moreover, Greece has taken the Initiative that all neighbouring states of F.Y.R.O.M make public declarations recognizing and guaranteeing as inviolable their respective frontier~. Furthermore, Greece has supported E.C. initiatives to provide humanitarian and economic aid to this republic, while the Greek Prime Minister publicly extended a hand of co-operation to Skopje. In addition, Greece has supported a recent effort by the European Community and individual members of the Community in seeking a peaceful way to settle the problem. 13. Unfortunately, the authorities of Skopje have persisted in pursuing an inflexible and uncooperative attitude by rejecting all proposals aiming at a peaceful settlement of the outstanding issues.
14. it is in the competence of the Security Council not only to resolve disputes but also to take necessary actions to prevent them as well. This is a clear case where preventive diplomacy is urgently needed. All efforts and all proposals in this direction should be explored. It should be noted that there have been cases in which application to membership has been subjected to prior fulfillment of certain conditions in the interest of peace and security.
15. Greece wishes to point out that the admission of F.Y.R.O.M. to U.N. membership prior to meeting the necessary prerequisites, and in particular abandoning the use of the denomination "Republic of Macedonia", would perpetuate and increase friction and tension and would not be conducive to peace and stability in an already troubled region. Under these circumstances, Greece regretfully would not be able to recognize this republic.
16. Greece strongly believes in maintaining good relations and enhancing co-operation with all its neighbours while attaching primary importance to the peaceful solution of disputes arising between them. It is confident that the Security Council, as the custodian of world peace and stability will take all appropriate steps and measures for the settlement of the issue on hand, in a way to prevent developments which might impede a constructive solution through peaceful means. Finally it expresses its readiness to offer its full support to the Security Council in its efforts towards this objective.
New York, 25 January 1993.
in the House of Representatives
in the House of Representatives
Ms. SNOWE. Mr. Speaker, like all Americans of Greek ancestry, I was extremely
disappointed by the administration's recent decision to recognize the Skopje
regime as an independent nation while it continues to insist on calling itself
Macedonia . This decision was an insult to a loyal and trusted ally, and the
only true democracy in the region--Greece. This misguided decision could
further inflame tensions in a region already plagued by terrible violence and
Today, I have introduced a resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that the President should not have granted diplomatic recognition to the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia . The resolution also calls on the President to reconsider his decision and withdraw diplomatic recognition until such time as the Skopje regime renounces its use of the name Macedonia .
The name `Macedonia' is Hellenic in origin, and for thousands of years it has been the traditional name of the northern Greek province whose capital is Salonika. Archaeological evidence clearly demonstrates that the ancient Macedonians were Greek. The Macedonia of Alexander the Great was Greek, and Alexander himself was tutored by Aristotle. The Slavic people of the Skopje regime have no links to classical Greece and are not entitled to use a name that is a fundamental part of Greek history and culture.
It is also an accepted historical fact that, in 1945, Marshall Tito gave the region surrounding Skopje the name `Macedonia' in order to frustrate Bulgarian claims to that territory. It was part of a campaign to usurp Greek history and claim it for Tito's communist system. Tito's Macedonia was an artificial creation meant to serve only one purpose--giving communist Yugoslavia territorial access to the Aegean Sea through the port of Salonika.
The Skopje regime has refused to remove from its constitution a reference to the 1944 declaration by the then Communist regime calling for the unification of neighboring territories in Greece and Bulgaria with this false Macedonian Republic. Despite other amendments to that constitution adopted over the last few years, this clause reflecting an expansionist philosophy remains intact.
In addition to its flagrant and illegal use of the name Macedonia in its constitution, the Skopje regime persists in using the 16-pointed Star of Vergina, an ancient Greek emblem, in its flag and state symbols. These are just part of that regime's blatant attempt to manipulate history for its own purposes and to monopolize the Macedonian name to further its territorial claims on sovereign Greek territory. Greece, on the other hand, has repeatedly stated that it has no territorial claims on the Skopje regime. I urge my colleagues to support this resolution. By doing so we will send an unequivocal message that the United States should support stabilizing policies that promote peaceful coexistence in the Balkans.
Today, I have introduced a resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that the President should not have granted diplomatic recognition to the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia . The resolution also calls on the President to reconsider his decision and withdraw diplomatic recognition until such time as the Skopje regime renounces its use of the name Macedonia .
The name `Macedonia' is Hellenic in origin, and for thousands of years it has been the traditional name of the northern Greek province whose capital is Salonika. Archaeological evidence clearly demonstrates that the ancient Macedonians were Greek. The Macedonia of Alexander the Great was Greek, and Alexander himself was tutored by Aristotle. The Slavic people of the Skopje regime have no links to classical Greece and are not entitled to use a name that is a fundamental part of Greek history and culture.
It is also an accepted historical fact that, in 1945, Marshall Tito gave the region surrounding Skopje the name `Macedonia' in order to frustrate Bulgarian claims to that territory. It was part of a campaign to usurp Greek history and claim it for Tito's communist system. Tito's Macedonia was an artificial creation meant to serve only one purpose--giving communist Yugoslavia territorial access to the Aegean Sea through the port of Salonika.
The Skopje regime has refused to remove from its constitution a reference to the 1944 declaration by the then Communist regime calling for the unification of neighboring territories in Greece and Bulgaria with this false Macedonian Republic. Despite other amendments to that constitution adopted over the last few years, this clause reflecting an expansionist philosophy remains intact.
In addition to its flagrant and illegal use of the name Macedonia in its constitution, the Skopje regime persists in using the 16-pointed Star of Vergina, an ancient Greek emblem, in its flag and state symbols. These are just part of that regime's blatant attempt to manipulate history for its own purposes and to monopolize the Macedonian name to further its territorial claims on sovereign Greek territory. Greece, on the other hand, has repeatedly stated that it has no territorial claims on the Skopje regime. I urge my colleagues to support this resolution. By doing so we will send an unequivocal message that the United States should support stabilizing policies that promote peaceful coexistence in the Balkans.