Σπάρτη – Ισραήλ, αναβίωση μιας παλιάς φιλίας - διεθνές συνέδριο

Σπάρτη – Ισραήλ,
αναβίωση μιας παλιάς φιλίας

SUNDAY Sept 2, 2018
PART A.  Opening Ceremony
Opening Statement by: The Mayor of Sparta

Greeting statements by:
The Governor of the Peloponnese Region
Government Representatives
Laconian Members of Parliament

Presentation of the Organizers

The King Areus Awards

Keynote Speech
Mr. Dan Mariaschin, Executive Vice President and CEO, B’nai B’rith International:
“Global Philanthropy and B’nai B’rith”

PART B. Cooperation For An Innovative Future

Amid critical geopolitical shifts and with the purpose of discerning emerging opportunities, the “Sparta-Israel Conference” will search for cooperative strategies between Greece and Israel through the classical prism and towards leading‐edge solutions concerning all aspects of strategic, technological, entrepreneurial, and cultural endeavors.

On Behalf of the Minister of Defense
Former Chief of the Greek Air Force, ret. General Theologos Symeonidis:
Greece & Israel as the Pillars of Security & Stability in NE Mediterranean

Angelos Kolokouris, AI Initiative: “Artificial Intelligence and the Ideas-Based Economy”

Prof. Sophia Zygas, Vice Provost, The University of Peloponnese: “The University of Peloponnese as a Catalyst for Development”

George Zisimatos: “Development Projects in Cooperation with the Ministry of Defense”

MONDAY Sept 3, 2018

PART C. Jewish Presence In & Around Sparta: Archeological Findings

Archaeological findings in the area of ​​Sparta that reflect the productive presence of Jewish people there.
“Dr Anna Lambropoulou, Director, Institute for Historical Studies, National Institutes for Research: “Jewish Presence in Laconia””

PART D. The King Areus Jerusalem Mission: Historical Impacts

An analysis of the historical and cultural aspects of the ancient friendship between the Spartan Kings and the High Priests of Israel. Particular mention will be made of the personality of King Areus, who conceived of the initiative to send a special diplomatic mission to Israel and wrote the historic letter to the High Priests.

Dr E. Lianos-Liantis, Special Secretariat of Cultural Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Quid Ergo Spartae et Hierosolymis?: The «Brother Nations» and Judaic Hellenism.”
Prof. Noah Hacham, Hebrew University: “Judeo-Sparta Connection:History or Myth?”
PART E. Greece-Israel: The Future of Greek-Israeli Relations
Professor Panagiotis Liargovas, Jean Monnet Professor in European Integration, University of Peloponnese

Panel A: The aspect of geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean

Professor Ioannis Mazis, Chairman, Department of Turkish and Asian Studies, The National University of Athens
Dr Spyros Litsas, Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Macedonia and Visiting Professor of International Relations at the Sciences Po of the University of Grenoble
Dr. Theodoros Tsakiris, Director Energy Program ELIAMEP, Assistant Professor for Energy Policy & Geopolitics, University of Nicosia
Dr George Tzogopoulos, Senior Fellow, Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies and Centre International de Formation Européenne

Panel B: Working together towards development and growth

Professor Panagiotis Liargovas, Jean Monnet Professor in European Integration, University of Peloponnese
Dr Angelos Kolokouris, President, GICI
Dr Stergios Katichoritis (PhD in Sociology), Architect-Civil Engineer
Dr George Tzogopoulos, Senior Fellow, Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies and Centre International de Formation Européenne


ΛΕΞΕΙΣ-ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ: ΣΠΑΡΤΗ, ΕΒΡΑΙΟΙ, ΛΑΚΩΝΙΑ, Συμεωνίδης, ΙΣΡΑΗΛ, Κολοκούρης, Ζυγα, Ζησιμάτος, Λαμπροπούλου, Μαζης, Τσακιρης, Τζογοπουλος, Λιαγκρόβας, Κατηχωρίτης, Συμεωνιδης, Ισραήλ, Κολοκουρης, Ζησιματος, Λαμπροπουλου, Μάζης, Τσακίρης, Τζογόπουλος, Λιαγκροβας, Κατηχωριτης, Σπάρτη, εβραίοι
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