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Situating Ottoman Europe
The historical profession is still, by and large, organized around
geographical units. Ottoman Europe presents something of a conundrum. This
geographical space has long been recognized as a confluence of Christianity and
Islam, Europe and the broader Middle East; as such, it defies the conventional
boundaries which remain powerful in the division of historical knowledge. At
the same time, the geopolitical and, by extension, historiographical priorities
of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have confined the historical
significance of the region to the themes of conflict, violence, and economic
backwardness. In effect, the study of the region’s history has routinely fallen
through historiographical and disciplinary cracks.
By bringing together a group of junior and senior scholars whose work
focuses on different aspects of early modern Ottoman Europe, this workshop
seeks to confront tropes and assumptions embedded in the study of the region
and to reimagine the significance that Southeastern European space had for the
Ottoman Empire and beyond. Specifically, the workshop will explore what new
light political, religious, linguistic encounters and routine boundary
crossings cast not only on the history of the Ottoman Empire and Eastern
Mediterranean but on history writ large. In doing so, the workshop will also
explicitly address the professional challenges of fitting in traditionally
defined disciplinary fields. The overall goal of the event is to begin setting
the intellectual agenda of integrating southeastern European history more
visibly into historical studies as well as to provide a platform for developing
future projects and scholarly collaboration.
“Situating Ottoman Europe”
December 6-7, 2019 | 211 Dickinson Hall
Princeton University
Funding for this workshop was generously provided by:
Center for Collaborative History
• Department of Near Eastern Studies and the M. Münir Ertegün Foundation
for Turkish Studies Humanities
Council • Princeton Institute for International
and Regional Studies • Program in Contemporary European Politics and Society •
The Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, with the support of the Stanley J.
Seeger Hellenic Fund
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: οθωμανοι, οθωμανικη αυτοκρατορια, Πρινστον