βιβλίο για τους
ανθρώπους Denisovans
την επίδρασή τους
στην εξέλιξη του
ανθρώπινου πολιτισμού,
τις μεταναστεύσεις,
και τις διασταυρώσεις τους
πριν από
40.000 χρόνια…
Για το – άγνωστο μέχρι πριν
λίγα χρόνια – ανθρώπινο είδος που ανακαλύφθηκε σε σπήλαια Denisovan των
Αλτάι στην Σιβηρία (έως και την Κίνα), σας έχω γράψει πολλάκις.
Τώρα κυκλοφόρησε και ένα βιβλίο για τους κατοίκους
αυτών των σπηλαίων, που ονομάσθηκαν Denisovans, που αποκαλύπτει, όπως λέει, την βαθειά επίδρασή τους και των τους απογόνων τους (που τους θεωρεί
υβριδικούς) στην εξέλιξη του ανθρώπινου πολιτισμού σε όλον τον κόσμο και που παρακολουθεί
τις μεταναστεύσεις των εξελιγμένων Denisovans καθώς και την
διασταύρωσή τους με τους Νεάντερνταλ και άλλους ανθρώπινους πληθυσμούς, πριν από 40.000 χρόνια…
Το βιβλίο του Andrew Collins «Denisovan Origins: Hybrid Humans, Göbekli Tepe, and the Genesis of the Giants of Ancient America» (ISBN-10: B07Q3SNFXJ) είναι στα αγγλικά.
Reveals the profound influence of the Denisovans and their hybrid
descendants upon the flowering of human civilization around the world
Traces the migrations of the sophisticated Denisovans and their
interbreeding with Neanderthals and early human populations more than 40,000
years ago
Shows how Denisovan hybrids became the elite of ancient societies,
including the Adena mound-building culture
Explores the Denisovans’ extraordinary advances, including
precision-machined stone tools and jewelry, tailored clothing, and
celestially-aligned architecture
Ice-age cave artists, the builders at Göbekli Tepe, and the
mound-builders of North America all share a common ancestry in the Solutreans,
Neanderthal-human hybrids of immense sophistication, who dominated southwest
Europe before reaching North America 20,000 years ago. Yet, even before the
Solutreans, the American continent was home to a powerful population of
enormous stature, giants remembered in Native American legend as the Thunder
People. New research shows they were hybrid descendants of an extinct human
group known as the Denisovans, whose existence has now been confirmed from
fossil remains found in a cave in the Altai region of Siberia.
Tracing the migrations of the Denisovans and their interbreeding with
Neanderthals and early human populations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and the
Americas, Andrew Collins and Greg Little explore how the new mental
capabilities of the Denisovan-Neanderthal and Denisovan-human hybrids greatly
accelerated the flowering of human civilization over 40,000 years ago. They
show how the Denisovans displayed sophisticated advances, including
precision-machined stone tools and jewelry, tailored clothing,
celestially-aligned architecture, and horse domestication. Examining evidence
from ancient America, the authors reveal how Denisovan hybrids became the elite
of the Adena mound-building culture, explaining the giant skeletons found in
Native American burial mounds. The authors also explore how the Denisovans’
descendants were the creators of a cosmological death journey and viewed the
Milky Way as the Path of Souls.
Revealing the impact of the Denisovans upon every part of the world, the
authors show that, without early man’s hybridization with Denisovans,
Neanderthals, and other yet-to-be-discovered hominid populations, the modern
world as we know it would not exist.
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: Ντενισοβανς, ανθρωπινος πολιτισμος, μεταναστευση, διασταυρωση, ανθρωπινα ειδη, σπιλαιο Ντενισοβαν, Ντενισοβα, Αλται, Σιβηρια, Κινα, υβριδιο, Νεαντερνταλ, Κολλινς, Γκομπεκλι Τεπε, Αμερικη