Γερμανικό βιβλίο
του 1583
είχε τίτλο…
Του Γιώργου Λεκάκη
Το εξειδικευμένο βιβλίο για χειρουργική επέμβαση στους οφθαλμούς
του Σάξονα Georg Bartisch (1535-1607) (*) είχε τίτλο ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ και
μάλιστα στα ελληνικά!
Πλήρης τίτλος «ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ / Ophthalmodouleia Das ist
Augendienst» / ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ σημαίνει φροντίδα των οφθαλμών».
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ: Η ελληνική έδωσε τους ιατρικούς όρους.
Η α΄ έκδοση ήταν με γοτθική γραφή, ο τίτλος σε
κόκκινο και μαύρο, με ξυλόγλυπτο κόσμημα, πορτραίτο και 88 ή 92 ξυλογραφίες!
Το βιβλίο είναι 308 Χ 190 χλστ., folio, εκδ. Matthes
Stöckel, στην Δρέσδη, 1583.
Πρόκειται για το πρώτο σύγχρονο έργο για την
χειρουργική επέμβαση οφθαλμών και ένα από τα πιο αξιόλογα εικονογραφημένα
βιβλία της πρώιμης ιατρικής βιβλιογραφίας. Το πρώτο χειρόγραφο της Αναγέννησης
για οφθαλμικές διαταραχές και χειρουργική επέμβαση στα μάτια.
ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ: VD16 B558; G & Μ 5817; Hirschberg
II σελ. 323-342.
(*) Ο Bartisch ήταν οφθαλμίατρος από το
Königsbrück της Σαξονίας.
Άρχισε την ιατρική του σταδιοδρομία στα 13
του, ως μαθητευόμενος σε χειρουργό. Έγινε περιπλανώμενος χειρουργός, σε
ολόκληρην την Σαξονία, την Σιλεσία και την Βοημία. Τελικά εγκατεστάθη στην
Δρέσδη. Το 1588 έγινε οφθαλμίατρος / court oculist στον δούκα Αύγουστο Α΄ της
Θεωρείται ο ιδρυτής της σύγχρονης
Είχε αναπτύξει πολλά όργανα και ήταν γνωστός για τις εγχειρήσεις
Ο Bartisch είναι γνωστός επίσης για το έργο
του στην «λιθοτομή» (αφαίρεση των λίθων των ούρων).
Ήταν προληπτικός.
Παρά την ικανότητά του όμως ως
χειρουργού, κατηγορήθηκε ότι επίστευε πως η μαγεία και η αστρολογία έπαιξαν
σημαντικό ρόλο στην ιατρική…
That is the Service of the Eye
Belgium, J.‑P. Wayenborgh,
1996. c.612 Pages, index, hardcover.
MARK J. MANNIS Sacramento, California
In 1583, when
GEORGE BARTISCH completed Ophthalmodouleia, he published both the first
systematic work on ocular disease and ophthalmic surgery as well as the first
ophthalmic atlas with the inclusion of 92 full page woodcuts depicting eye
disease, surgical methodology, and instrumentation. Many of us are familiar
with several of these famous woodcuts that are commonly reproduced on book
covers, frontispieces, and posters. Produced by Hans Hewamaul, the woodcuts are
thought to be based on watercolors painted by George Bartisch himself.
As Volume
Three of the History of Ophthalmology Monograph series, J.‑P. Wayenborgh Press has released a lavish,
translated reproduction of this classic text, complete with beautiful color
prints of the original
woodcuts. Translated by Donald L. Blanchard, MD, from the vernacular German
dialect in which it was written, this translation represents a major
achievement of modern historical scholarship. Dr Blanchard's remarkable
translation affords the English speaking ophthalmologist the possibility (for
the first time in 400 years since its original publication) of appreciating
this unique classic that comprehensively depicts the practice of ophthalmology
in the 16th century and that, to some extent, established ophthalmology as a
distinct medical and surgical specialty.
Born to a poor
family, George Bartisch served apprenticeships, practiced as an itinerant
surgeon, and eventually settled in Dresden, establishing himself by
achievement and reputation as a skilled ophthalmic clinician and ultimately
rising to the position of court oculist to Duke Augustus I of Saxony. His work
reflects a tremendous breadth of knowledge based on experience and observation
and mixed with an interesting component of superstition that was, of course,
part of the fabric of his time and experience, superstition notwithstanding,
this milestone work in the history of medicine and ophthalmology underscores
Bartisch's skill as a master of empirical learning rather than his adherence to
the quackery of traditional scholars of medicine of the day.
The book is
organized appropriately beginning with head and eye anatomy and proceeding to
strabismus, cataracts, external disease, and trauma. There is also a chapter on
injuries and defects resulting from magic and witchcraft. The chapters are
generally formulaic, each including a description of the disorder, followed by
a discussion of the disease, a list of largely herbal prescriptions, and
ultimately, surgical approaches. The Wayenborgh reproduction has preserved the
Germanic font in which the original appeared. Although this adds beauty and
authenticity to the appearance of this large format volume, some modern readers
interested in the text per se may find this aspect of the publication somewhat
distracting. The prints are magnificently reproduced in beautiful tones, and
the publisher has even faithfully included the two woodcuts that appeared
originally with overlays demonstrating layered anatomy of the brain and eye.
remains a pivotal work of modern ophthalmology. Dr. Blanchard is to be
congratulated on a remarkable and finely executed piece of scholarship. We owe
our thanks also to J.P. Wayenborgh for making available in the English language
this cornerstone work of ophthalmology by the man who might be considered the
father of our specialty. It is, in every sense, a gem.
SOURCE: AmericanJournal of Ophthalmology, 1997,123:146-147.
That is the Service of the Eyes
by Georg
translated by Donald Blanchard, MD, vol. 3 of a series entitled
Hirschberg History of Ophthalmology: The Monographs, $450, 612 pp, with
illustr, Ostend, Belgium, J. P. Wayenborgh Press, 1996.
Georg Bartisch
(1535‑1606) was
apprenticed to a barber
surgeon as a 13‑year‑old boy. He took a particular interest in
diseases of the eye and over the years made himself into a specialist. In his
40s Bartisch put his special knowledge into this book, apparently doing the
illustrations himself, and in 1583, it was printed for him by Matthes Stöckel of Dresden. His
book was widely read by physicians and students, and its very existence
suggested that it might be possible to make a career out of "the service
of the eyes." In 1588, at the age of 53, Bartisch was appointed court
oculist to the Elector of Saxony, an important position for someone who had
started out as an unlettered barber surgeon.
Bartisch based
his method of eye care on an effort to understand the anatomy, physiology, and
optics of the eye. His anatomical plates are famous for flaps that can be
lifted to reveal the next layer. He distinguished different kinds of cataracts
according to their color (white, blue, gray, green, yellow, and black). He
described cataract couching and its complications, and he recommended several
different kinds of eyelid surgery. He had suggestions for the management of
exophthalmos ( "unnaturally large, wide eyes") and he recommended
masks for the correction of misaligned eyes. Bartisch was strongly opposed to
the itinerant oculists of the day, and he was not fond of the new fashion of
using spectacles, he could not imagine how an eye that was already seeing
poorly could ever see better when something was placed in front of it. Once
Johannes Kepler (1571 to 1630) showed that the retina was the percipient
surface, and the lens and cornea were the refracting media, the eye was
gradually conceded to be an optical instrument, and the rational use of
glasses became appreciated.
book has survived the centuries because it was often valued as a physical
object and carefully protected and preserved. The book was artfully printed
and beautifully illustrated with about 90 full page woodcuts. An original
copy of Bartisch's book, if you can find one, can be bought today for about the
price of a new car.
Shortly after
1583, the plates in a few new copies of the book were carefully colored by
hand. One of these is at Duke University, and one such copy was donated by
Emile Javal (1839 to 1907) to the French Ophthalmological Society. This copy
was loaned to the publisher so that color reproductions of the plates could be
put into Dr Blanchard's new translation.
Dr Blanchard
is an ophthalmologist in Portland, Ore, and he has spent a good deal of his
spare time over the last decade working on this translation. When looking at
Bartisch's Augendienst, you begin to understand why it has never before been
translated into English; the herbal prescriptions are colloquial and the German
is a 16th‑century dialect. Dr Blanchard has had to develop a
genuine expertise in the archaic common names for plants.
This is a
beautifully made book. It is exactly the same size as the original. The
typography is in a gothic Old English that echoes the black letter fraktur
typeface of the German original. Fraktur was never strong on legibility and its
Old English cousin is not much better. But this is not a book for speed
reading, and I find the gothic typeface attractive. The book is printed on acid
free paper, and the layout of the English text copies the original German text
exactly, line for line‑obviously a labor of love. Bartisch's words have been made accessible
to English readers for the first time, and it is gratifying that they have been
kept in visual harmony with the original German words.
The color
plates are very nicely done; photographed and computer balanced, they really
dress up the book. Anyone with a shred of interest in how ophthalmology got
started in western Europe would love to own this volume. You had better get
your copy of this sumptuous book as soon as possible.
Stanley Thompson, MD Iowa City, Iowa - Archives of Ophthalmology 1997, 115:296
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: Γερμανικο βιβλιο, οφθαλμοχειρουργικη, 1583, ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ, χειρουργικη επεμβαση, οφθαλμος, Σαξονες, Μπαρτις, 1535, 1607, ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΙ, ΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ, φροντιδα, γοτθικη γραφη, ξυλογλυπτο κοσμημα, πορτραιτο, ξυλογραφια, Στοκελ, Δρεσδη, 1583, εικονογραφημενο βιβλιο, ιατρικη βιβλιογραφια, χειρογραφο, Αναγεννηση, οφθαλμικες διαταραχες, ματια, ματι, Χιρσμπεργκ, οφθαλμιατρος, Κενιγκσμπρουκ, Σαξονια, ιατρικη, χειρουργος, Σιλεσια, Βοημια, δουκας Αυγουστος Α Σαξονιας, συγχρονη οφθαλμολογια, ιατρικα οργανα, εγχειρηση καταρρακτη, καταρρακτης, λιθοτομη, ουρα, προληπτικος, προληψη, μαγεια, αστρολογια