Σύμφωνα με μια νέα έκθεση,
μια διεθνής ομάδα ερευνητών, προτείνει ότι οι Νεάντερταλ (και άλλοι πρώιμοι «ανθρωπίδες»
/ hominins) μπορεί να είχαν την ικανότητα νάρκης.
Ωστόσο, διαφωνούντες με την θεωρία επισημαίνουν ότι μπορεί να υπάρχουν άλλες εξηγήσεις για τις αλλοιώσεις των οστών και ότι τα μεγάλα θηλαστικά - συμπεριλαμβανομένων των αρκούδων - δεν μπορούν να μειώσουν την θερμοκρασία τους αρκετά, ώστε να φτάσουν σε κατάσταση πραγματικής τεχνικής αδρανοποίησης / τεχνητή νάρκη. Αντ' αυτού, μπαίνουν σε μια κατάσταση ”torpor” / νάρκης / «χαμηλών στροφών», η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από λιγότερο «βαθύ ύπνο». Σε μια τέτοια κατάσταση, οι μεγάλοι εγκέφαλοι, όπως των Νεάντερταλ, θα συνέχιζαν να απαιτούν μεγάλη ενέργεια για να επιβιώσουν.
ΠΗΓΗ: Antonis Bartsiokas – Luis Arsuaga «Hibernation in hominins from Atapuerca, Spain half a million years ago Hibernationdes hominidés d’Atapuerca, en Espagne, il y a un demi-million d’années», στο L'Anthropologie, Volume 124, Issue 5, December 2020, 102797. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 6.12.2020.
ΕΠΙΣΗΣ: «Early humans mayhave survived the harsh winters by hibernating - Seasonal damage in bonefossils in Spain suggests Neanderthals and their predecessors followed the samestrategy as cave bears», στην The Guardian, 20.12.2020.
Both animal hibernation and human renal osteodystrophy are characterized
by high levels of serum parathyroid hormone. To test the hypothesis of
hibernation in an extinct human species, we examined the hominin skeletal
collection from Sima de los Huesos, Cave Mayor, Atapuerca, Spain, for evidence
of hyperparathyroidism after a thorough review of the literature. We studied
the morphology of the fossilized bones by using macrophotography, microscopy,
histology and CT scanning. We found trabecular tunneling and osteitis fibrosa,
subperiosteal resorption, ‘rotten fence post’ signs, brown tumours,
subperiosteal new bone, chondrocalcinosis, rachitic osteoplaques and empty gaps
between them, craniotabes, and beading of ribs mostly in the adolescent
population of these hominins. Since many of the above lesions are
pathognomonic, these extinct hominins suffered annually from renal rickets,
secondary hyperparathyroidism, and renal osteodystrophy associated with Chronic
Kidney Disease - Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD). We suggest these diseases
were caused by poorly tolerated hibernation in dark cavernous hibernacula. This
is particularly evidenced by the rachitic osteoplaques and the gaps between
them in some of the adolescent individuals along with the evidence of healing
mainly in the adults. The sublayers in the rachitic osteoplaques indicate bouts
of arousal from hibernation. The strong projection of the external lip of the
femoral trochlea, the rachitic osteoplaques with the empty gaps between them,
the “rotten fence post" sign, and the evidence of annual healing also
point to the presence of annually intermittent puberty in this extinct human species.
The hypothesis of hibernation is consistent with the genetic evidence and the
fact that the SH hominins lived during an extreme glaciation. Alternative
hypotheses are examined. The present work will provide a new insight into the
physiological mechanism of early human metabolism which could help in
determining the life histories and physiologies of extinct human species.