στον Ευριπίδη
Οι στόχοι αυτού του έργου
είναι αρκετά παραδοσιακοί με την φιλολογική έννοια, αλλά και πειραματικοί και με
ματιά προς το μέλλον από άποψη μορφής.
Από την παραδοσιακή πλευρά, ο
στόχος είναι να αποκτηθεί μια καλύτερη κατανόηση των σχολίων που υπάρχουν στα
μεσαιωνικά χειρόγραφα του Ευριπίδη και να καταστήσουν τις πληροφορίες ευρέως
διαθέσιμες για τους μελετητές και τους μαθητές.
Επιμέλεια: Donald J.Mastronarde.
Μερικά από τα συγκεκριμένα
θέματα ή τους στόχους είναι τα εξής:
Improve the accuracy and completeness of the information about the most
important manuscripts used in the standard edition of the old scholia by Eduard
Schwartz (1887-1891). From my sample to date covering Orestes 1-500, it is
evident that Schwartz’s collations of M, B, and V were quite accurate, but
there are some corrections to be made; his collation of C was less accurate and
less complete. He also provided insufficient information about the lemmata and
he omitted some glosses (written by the same hands as the scholia blocks). The
scholia in H (the Jerusalem palimpsest) were not known to him (the existence of
H had been reported, but because of the nature and condition of the manuscript
nothing was known of the scholia readings), and he did not report those in O,
which he wrongly considered to be of the 15th century, whereas currently
scholars date this manuscript to ca. 1175.
Clarify the extent, nature, and possible stemmatic relationships of the
scholia in some of the so-called recentiores (manuscripts generally dating from
the very late 13th century and the 14th century and usually confined to the
plays of the Euripidean triad: Hecuba, Orestes, Phoenissae). The editions of
Matthiae and Dindorf reported some of these, while Schwartz limits himself to
rare reports, citing only readings that he adopts from one of the recentiores
when the older manuscripts he cites all present a corruption or omit the
relevant word(s). The relationship of the scholia in these manuscripts to the
those in the older manuscripts needs to be fully explored. Many recentiores
also carry frequent glosses, and these cannot be accurately judged unless the
glosses in the older manuscripts are also collected completely. The glosses in
various recentiores also need to be known to provide context for judging the
younger scholia (scholia recentiora) by named scholars, a very high proportion
of which are glosses.
Provide a reliable and complete edition of the scholia attributable to
Manuel Moschopulus and Thomas Magister (both of whom were probably commenting
on the triad plays of Euripides roughly during the period 1290-1305).
Moschopulean scholia are in general known from reports of Gr in Dindorf’s
edition, but Dindorf’s reporting of Gr is not complete and Gr is in any case
not the most reliable witness of this set of scholia. Thoman scholia are
partially known from reports of Gu in Dindorf’s edition, but Dindorf’s
reporting is even less complete for this set, and Gu’s versions offer more
variations and expansions than other witnesses of the Thoman set.
Provide full reporting of Triclinius’ work on the triad in T together
with information about his much sparser metrical annotation in L. Triclinius
worked on this manuscript over a number of years in roughly the period
1300-1325. The Triclinian scholia on the triad have been published from T by De
Faveri, but a few corrections can be provided and a few omissions repaired (her
edition is also hard to obtain). For instance, only by comparison with an
accurate collection of Moschopulean and Thoman scholia can one recognize a few
glosses and notes that are unique to T (or to T and one or two other intriguing
witnesses). In addition, information about the colon-layout that Triclinius’
metrical scholia describe can be provided to the user in a more convenient
fashion. The Triclinian notations in L on other plays were partially reported
in Matthiae’s edition, and are also treated by Zuntz.
Incorporate into the corpus the few traces of marginal annotation that
have been found in papyri and the scholia of P. Würzb. 1.
Clarify the nature and extent of scholia labeled as being by Maximus
Planudes or conjectured by some scholars to reflect his work.
Include, eventually, non-Triclinian metrical scholia.
Work is under way to bring a very full set of scholia on Orestes 1-500
online in 2018. In the meantime:
The open-access book Preliminary Studies on the Scholia to Euripides in
now available. For information and links for page-view reading or for ordering
print-on-demand copies, see the Catalogue page of California Classical Studies.
In order to keep track of the sigla used for Euripidean manuscripts,
maintaining as many as possible of those used from Turyn 1957 to the present, a
spreadsheet has been compiled containing 136 sigla. On this site you can now
see a table displayed or download the Excel file itself: EurSiglaTable.html.
An updated Manuscripts page is present now and being actively revised
with more complete information, with additional fields added, such as the
diktyon number used in the database at Pinakes.