ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ Αρχαιολογίας - του Γ. Λεκάκη

Βιβλιογραφία Αρχαιολογίας

Boswinkel Y. Labouring with Large Stones: A Study into the Investment and Impact of Construction Projects on Mycenaean Communities in Late Bronze Age Greece / μυκηναικος πολιτισμος, μεγαλιθικα, κυκλωπεια τειχη

López-Ruiz C. Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean / φοινικες, μεσογειος

Ağtürk T. S. The Painted Tetrarchic Reliefs of Nicomedia: Uncovering the Colourful Life of Diocletian’s Forgotten Capital / νικομηδεια, διοκλητιανος

Swift E. - Stoner J. - A Pudsey A. Social Archaeology of Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Artefacts of Everyday Life

Lichtenberger A. - Raja R. (ed.) Metal Finds and Coins: Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project II, and Glass, Lamps, and Jerash Bowls: Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project II

Valery P EUPALINOS ou L' architecte suivi de L' Homme et la Coquille. Burins de C. - P. Josso. Aux depens d' un amateur. Paris, 1961. / Ευπαλινος

Caskey, M. E. 1976. “Notes on relief pithoi of the Teneian-Boiotian group,” AJA 80: 19−41 πιθος, βοιωτια τενεα

De Ridder, A. 1898. "Les amphores béotiennes à reliefs,” BCH 22: 439−71, 497−519 βοιωτοα

Ebbinghaus, S. 2005. “Protector of the city, or the art of storage in early Greece,” JHS 125: 51−72

Ervin, M. 1963. “A relief pithos from Mykonos,” ADelt 18 A’, 37−75 πιθος μυκονος

Langdon, S. H. 2008. Art and Identity in Dark Age Greece, Cambridge (passim)

McLoughlin, B. 2011. “The Pithos-Makers at Zagora: Ceramic Technology and Function in an Agricultral Settlement Context,” in Acts of an International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson, ed. A. Mazarakis-Ainian, Volos: 869-884.

Morris, S. P. 1992. Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art, Princeton (passim)

Schäfer, J. 1957. Studien zu den griechischen Reliefpithoi des 8.-6. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. aus Kreta, Rhodos, Tenos und Boiotien, Kallmünz

Themelis, P. 2006. “A Relief Pithos from Eretria: Iconography and Interpretation,” in Genethlion, ed. M. C. Stampolidis, Athens, 95-106

Topper, K. 2010. “Maidens, Fillies, and the Death of Medusa on a Seventh-Century Pithos,” JHS 130: 109-119


Adams, William. Qasr Ibrim: The Ballaña Phase. Egypt Exploration Society, London 2013.

Aitken, Ellen Bradshaw, and John M. Fossey, eds. The Levant, Crossroads of Late Antiquity: History, Religion and Archaeology. Brill, Leiden 2014.

Arbuckle, Benjamin S., and Sue Ann McCarty, eds. Animals and Inequality in the Ancient World. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2014.

Babbi, Andrea, and Uwe Peltz. La Tomba del Guerriero di Tarquinia: Identità elitaria, concentrazione del potere e networks dinamici nell’avanzato VIII sec. a.C./Das Kriegergrab von Tarquinia. Eliteidentität, Machtkonzentration und dynamishe Netzwerke in späten 8. Jh. v. Chr. Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz 2013.

Bagnall, Roger S. Eine Wüstenstadt: Leben und Kultur in einer ägyptischen Oase im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013.

Baldoni, Daniela, Fede Berti, and Marco Giuman, eds. Iasos e il suo territorio: Atti del convegno internazionale per i cinquanta anni della Missione archeologica italiana, Istanbul, 26–28 febbraio 2011. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2013.

Beisaw, April M. Identifying and Interpreting Animal Bones: A Manual. Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2013.

Bouzek, Jan, Lidia Domaradzka, Alexey Gotzev, and Zosia Halina Archibald, eds. Pistiros V: Excavations and Studies. Charles University, Prague 2013.

Bru, Hadrien, and Guy Labarre, eds. L’Anatolie des peuples, des cités et des cultures: IIe millénaire av. J.-C.–Ve siècle ap. J.-C. Colloque international de Besançon, 26–27 novembre 2010. 2 vols. Vol. 1, Autour d’un projet d’atlas historique et archéologique de l’Asie Mineure: Méthodologie et prospective; vol. 2, Approches locales et régionales. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, Besançon 2013.

Carroll, Maureen, and Emma-Jayne Graham, eds. Infant Health and Death in Roman Italy and Beyond. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2014.

Caruso, Ada. Akademia: Archeologia di una scuola filosofica ad Atene da Platone a Proclo (387 a.C.–485 d.C.). Pandemos, Paestum 2013.

Cline, Eric H. 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2014.

Cojocaru, Victor, and Christof Schuler, eds. Die Außenbeziehungen pontischer und kleinasiatischer Städte in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit. Akten einer deutsch-rumänischen Tagung in Constanta, 20.–24. September 2010. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2014.

Collins, Rob, and Frances McIntosh, eds. Life in the Limes: Studies of the People and Objects of the Roman Frontiers. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014.

Corbet, Elena D. Competitive Archaeology in Jordan: Narrating Identity from the Ottomans to the Hashemites. University of Texas Press, Austin 2014.

Cullen, Tracey, Lauren E. Talalay, Donald R. Keller, Lia Karimali, and William R. Farrand. The Prehistory of the Paximadi Peninsula, Euboea. INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia 2013.

Daly, Kevin F., and Lee Ann Riccardi, eds. Cities Called Athens: Studies Honoring John McK. Camp II. Bucknell University Press, Lanham, Md. 2015.

Damaskos, Dimitris. Κατάλογος γλυπτών του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Καβάλας. Αρχαιολογικο Ινστιτούτο Μακεδονικών και Θρακικών Σπουδών, Thessaloniki 2013.

Davies, Matthew I.J., and Freda Nkirote M’Mbogori, eds. Humans and the Environment: New Archaeological Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013.

Davis, Andrew R. Tel Dan in Its Northern Cultic Context. Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta 2013.

De Backer, Fabrice. L’art du siège néo-assyrien. Brill, Leiden 2013.

Decker, Wolfgang. Antike Spitzensportler: Athletenbiographien aus dem Alten Orient, Ägypten und Griechenland. Arte Verlag, Hildesheim 2014.

Dessales, Hélène. Le partage de l’eau: Fontaines et distribution hydraulique dans l’habitat urbain de l’Italie romaine. Écoles Françaises de Rome, Rome 2013.

de Vos Raaijmakers, Mariette, and Redha Attoui. Rus Africum. Vol. 1, Le paysage rural antique autour de Dougga et Téboursouk: Cartographie, relevés et chronologie des établissements. Edipuglia, Bari 2013.

de Vos Raaijmakers, Mariette, Redha Attoui, and Alessandro Battisti. Rus Africum. Vol. 2, Le paysage rural antique autour de Dougga: L’aqueduc Aïn Hammam-Thugga, cartograhie et relevés. Edipuglia, Bari 2013.

Edwards, Phillip C., ed. Wadi Hammeh 27, an Early Natufian Settlement at Pella in Jordan. Brill, Leiden 2013.

Empereur, Jean-Yves, ed. Alexandrina 4. Centre d’Études Alexandrines, Alexandria 2014.

Ficuciello, Laura. Lemnos: Cultura, storia, archeologia, topografia, di un’isola de nord-Egeo. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Rome 2013.

Fischer, Peter M. Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley. Vol. 3, The Iron Age. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2013.

Fragaki, Hélène, and Anne Marie Guimier-Sorbets. Un édifice inachevé du quartier royal à Alexandrie: Étude suivie de un fragment de corniche peinte hellénistique à Alexandrie. Centre d’Études Alexandrines, Alexandria 2013.

French, Peter. The Anubieion at Saqqâra. Vol. 3, Pottery from the Archaic to the Third Intermediate Period. Egypt Exploration Society, London 2013.

Frey-Kupper, Suzanne. Die antiken Fundmünzen vom Monte Iato 1971–1990: Ein Beitrag zur Geldgeschichte Westsiziliens. 2 vols. Éditions du Zèbre, Prahins 2013.

Gerousi-Bendermacher, Eugenia. Sepulkralkultur auf der Insel Thera (Santorin): Der spätantike Friedhof in Perissa und seine Ausgrabungsfunde unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tonlampen. Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, Marburg 2013.

Gillis, Anne-Catherine, ed. Corps, travail et statut social: L’apport de la paléoanthropologie funéraire aux sciences historiques. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve-d’Ascq 2014.

Graells, Raimon, Alberto J. Lorrio, and Fernando Quesada. Cascos hispano-calcídicos: Símbolo de las élites guerreras celtibéricas. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz 2014. €70. ISBN 978-3-88467-230-3 (cloth).

Greve, Anika. Sepulkrale hofarchitekturen im Hellenismus: Alexandria, Nea Paphos, Kyrene. Brepols, Turnhout 2014.

Hakulin, Lena. Metals in LBA Minoan and Mycenaean Societies on Crete: A Quantitative Approach. University of Helsinki, Helsinki 2013.

Harris, Susanna, and Laurence Douny, eds. Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, Calif. 2014.

Hawes, Harriet Boyd, Blanche E. Williams, Richard B. Seager, and Edith H. Hall. Gournia, Vasiliki, and Other Prehistoric Sites on the Isthmus of Hierapetra, Crete: Excavations of the Wells-Houston-Cramp Expeditions 1901, 1903, 1904. INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia 2014.

Hay, Sophie, Simon Keay, and Martin Millett. Ocriculum (Otricoli, Umbria): An Archaeological Survey of the Roman Town. The British School at Rome, London 2013.

Hicks, Dan, and Alice Stevenson, eds. World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: A Characterization. Archaeopress, Oxford 2013.

Hilton, Anna. Failaka/Dilmun: The Second Millenium Settlements. Vol. 4, The Stone Vessels. Jutland Archaeological Society, Moesgård Museum, Højbjerg 2014.

Hoepfner, Wolfram. Halikarnassos und das Maussolleion: Die modernste Stadtanlage und der als Weltwunder gefeierte Grabtempel des karischen Königs Maussollos. Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2013.

Hoffmeier, James K., ed. Tell el-Borg I: Excavations in North Sinai. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2014.

Hopkins, Heather, ed. Ancient Textiles, Modern Science: Re-creating Techniques Through Experiment. Proceedings of the First and Second European Textile Forum 2009 and 2010. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2013.

Hurcombe, Linda M. Perishable Material Culture in Prehistory: Investigating the Missing Majority. Routledge, New York 2014.

Kadıoğlu, Musa. Das Gerontikon von Nysa am Mäander. Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2014.

Kjaerum, Poul, and Flemming Højlund. Failaka/Dilmun: The Second Millenium Settlements. Vol. 3, The Bronze Age Architecture. Jutland Archaeological Society, Moesgård Museum, Højbjerg 2013.

Koehl, Robert B., ed. Amilla: The Quest for Excellence. Studies Presented to Guenter Kopcke in Celebration of His 75th Birthday. INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia 2013.

Kotsonas, Antonis, ed. Understanding Standardization and Variation in Mediterranean Ceramics: Mid 2nd to Late 1st Millennium BC. Peeters, Leuven 2014.

Kurapkat, Dietmar, Peter I. Schneider, and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, eds. Die Architektur des Weges: Gestaltete Bewegung im gebauten Raum. Internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 8.–11. Februar 2012 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI. Schnell and Steiner, Regensburg 2014.

Laidlaw, Anne, and Marco Salvatore Stella. The House of Sallust in Pompeii (VI 2, 4). Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2014.

Lazerow, Herbert. Mastering Art Law. Carolina Academic Press, Durham, N.C.

Lecuyot, Guy. Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum. Vol. 9, l’Habitat. De Boccard, Paris 2013.

Levy, Thomas E., Mohammad Najjar, and Erez Ben-Yosef. New Insights into the Iron Age Archaeology of Edom, Southern Jordan. Surveys, Excavations, and Research from the University of California, San Diego–Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Edom Lowlands Regional Archaeological Project. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque 2014.

Mac Sweeney, Naoíse, ed. Foundation Myths in Ancient Societies: Dialogues and Discourses. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2015.

Mair, Victor H., and Jane Hickman, eds. Reconfiguring the Silk Road: New Research on East-West Exchange in Antiquity. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia 2014.

Marston, John M., Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, and Christina Warinner, eds. Method and Theory in Paleoethnobotany. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2014.

McKenzie, Judith S., et al. The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur. Vol. 1, Architecture and Religion. American School of Oriental Research, Boston 2013.

McKenzie, Judith S., et al. The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur. Vol. 2, Cultic Offerings, Vessels, and Other Specialist Reports. American School of Oriental Research, Boston 2013.

Moretti, Jean-Charles, and Liliane Rabatel, eds. Le sanctuaire de Claros et son oracle: Actes du colloque international de Lyon, 13–14 janvier 2012. Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée–Jean Pouilloux, Lyon 2014.

Murray, Tim. From Antiquarian to Archaeologist: The History and Philosophy of Archaeology. Pen & Sword, Barnsley, England 2014.

Nicholson, Paul T. Working in Memphis: The Production of Faience at Roman Period Kom Helul. Egypt Exploration Society, London 2013.

Nieuwenhuyse, Olivier P., Reinhard Bernbeck, Peter M.M.G. Akkermans, and Jana Rogasch, eds. Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia. Brepols, Turnhout 2013.

Nylander, Carl, Börje Blomé, Lars Karlsson, Angela Bizzarro, Giuseppe Tilia, Stefano Tilia, and Alessandro Tilia. The Borgo: Excavating an Etruscan Quarter. Architecture and Stratigraphy. Svenska Institutet i Rom, Stockholm 2013.

Olivier-Trottenberg, Yasmin. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Germany 96. Munich 17. Antikensammlung Etruskisch schwarzfigurige Keramik. C.H. Beck, Munich 2014.

Papapostolou, Ι.Α. Το Ιερό του Θέρμου στην Αιτωλία: Περιήγηση του χώρου. Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2014.

Pisani, Marcella. Avvolti dalla Morte: Ipotesi di ricostruzione di un rituale di incinerazione a Tebe. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Rome 2013.

Poblome, Jeroen, ed. Exempli Gratia: Sagalassos, Marc Waelkens and Interdisciplinary Archaeology. Leuven University Press, Leuven 2013.

Prignitz, Sebastian. Bauurkunden und Bauprogramm von Epidauros (400–350): Asklepiostempel, Tholos, Kultbild, Brunnenhaus. C.H. Beck, Munich 2014.

Radner, Karen, ed. State Correspondence in the Ancient World: From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014.

Renfrew, Colin, and Paul Bahn. Archaeology Essentials: Theories, Methods, Practice. Thames & Hudson, London 2015.

Riess, Warren C. The Ship that Held Up Wall Street: The Ronson Ship Wreck. Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2015.

Rouillard, Pierre, Antonio Espinosa Ruiz, and Jesús Moratalla Javega, eds. Villajoyosa Antique: Alicante, Espagne. Territoire et topographie. Le sanctuaire de la Malladeta. Casa de Velázquez, Madrid 2014.

Schaus, Gerald P. Stymphalos: The Acropolis Sanctuary. Vol. 1. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2014.

Shinde, Vasant, Teresa P. Raczek, and Gregory L. Possehl, eds. Excavations at Gilund: The Artifacts and Other Studies. The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia 2014.

Shott, Michael J., ed. Works in Stone: Contemporary Perspectives on Lithic Analysis. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City 2015.

Snape, Steven. The Complete Cities of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson, London 2014.

Taylor, R.E., and Ofer Bar-Yosef. Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, Calif. 2014.

Todd, Ian A. Vasilikos Valley Project 12: The Field Survey of the Vasilikos Valley. Vol. 3, Human Settlement in the Vasilikos Valley. Åströms Förlag, Uppsala 2013.

Tzavella-Evjen, Hara. Mycenaean Pottery and Figurines: Keramopoullos Excavations from the Cemeteries of Thebes. The Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2014.

von den Hoff, Ralf, Wilfried Stroh, and Martin Zimmerman. Divus Augustus: Der erste römische Kaiser und seine Welt. C.H. Beck, Munich 2014.

Webb, Jennifer M., ed. Structure, Measurement and Meaning: Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus in Honour of David Frankel. Åströms Förlag, Uppsala 2014.

Wileman, Julie. Warfare in Northern Europe Before the Romans: Evidence from Archaeology. Pen & Sword, Barnsley 2014.

Wilfong, T.G., ed. Karanis Revealed: Discovering the Past and Present of a Michigan Excavation in Egypt. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Ann Arbor 2014.

Wilson, Penelope, Gregory Gilbert, and Geoffrey Tassie. Sais II: The Prehistoric Period at Sa el-Hagar. Egypt Exploration Society, London 2014.

Zarmakoupi, Mantha. Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples: Villas and Landscapes (c. 100 BCE–79 CE). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014.


Albarella, Umberto, ed., with Mauro Rizzetto, Hannah Russ, Kim Vickers, and Sarah Viner-Daniels. The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology. Pp. xxiv + 839. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2017. $150. ISBN 978-0-19-968647-6 (cloth).

Beaule, Christine D., ed. Frontiers of Colonialism. Pp. 372. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2017. $95. ISBN 978-0-8130-5434-6 (cloth).

Betts, Eleanor, ed. Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture. Pp. xvi + 227. Routledge, Abingdon 2017. ISBN 978-1-47244-629-9. (cloth).

Bogdanović, Jelena. The Framing of Sacred Space: The Canopy and the Byzantine Church. Pp. xl + 411. Oxford University Press, New York 2017. $60. ISBN 978-0-19-046518-6 (cloth).

Christie, Jessica, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán, eds. Political Landscapes of Capital Cities. Pp. xvii + 406, figs. 100. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2016. $85. ISBN 978-1-60732-468-3 (cloth).

Clarke, G., H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon, J. Tidmarsh, K. Wesselingh, with L. Cougle/Jose. Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates. Vol. 5, Report on the Excavations 2000–2016. (Mediterranean Archaeology Suppl. 10). Pp. xii + 445. Meditarch, Sydney 2016. AUD 150. ISBN 978-0-9580-265-7-4 (cloth).

Cunliffe, Barry. On the Ocean: The Mediterranean and the Atlantic from Prehistory to AD 1500. Pp. 624. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2017. $39.95. ISBN 9780198757894 (cloth).

Dothan, Trude, Yosef Garfinkel, and Seymour Gitin. Field IV Lower: The Elite Zone. Vol. 9, pt. 1, The Iron Age I Early Philistine City. Vol. 9, pt. 3B, The Iron Age I and IIC Early and Late Philistine Cities Plans and Sections (Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1985–1988, 1990, 1992–1995). Pp. xxiii + 622 (vol. 9, pt. 1); iv + plans (vol. 9, pt. 3B). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $189.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-956-2 (cloth).

Fagan, Brian. Fishing: How the Sea Fed Civilization. Pp. xviii + 346. Yale University Press, New Haven 2017. $30. ISBN 978-0-300-21534-2 (cloth).

Helwing, Barbara, Tevekkül Aliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Farhad Guliyev, Svend Hansen, and Guram Mirtskhulava, eds. The Kura Projects: New Research on the Later Prehistory of the Southern Caucasus (Archäologie in Iran und Turan 16). Pp. viii + 452. Dietrich Reimer Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2017. €99. ISBN 978-3-496-01580-2 (cloth).

Henke, Jan-Marc. Die Zyprischen Terrakotten aus Milet: Neue Überlegungen zur Einordnung der archaischen zyprischen Terrakotten aus ostägäischen Fundkontexten und ihrer werkstattspezifischen Zuweisung (Milesische Forschungen 7). Pp. xvi + 421. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2017. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11-054381-0 (cloth).

Kim, Hyun Jin, Frederik Juliaan Vervaet, and Selim Ferruh Adah, eds. Eurasian Empires in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Contact and Exchange Between the Graeco-Roman World, Inner Asia and China. Pp. xvi + 334. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-107-19041-2 (cloth).

Kuhn, Gerhard. Das Heilige Tor (Kerameikos Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 19). Pp. xii + 266. Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2017. €110. ISBN 978-3-95490-235-4 (cloth).

Kulakoğlu, Fikri and Gojko Barjamovic, eds. KIM 2: Proceedings of the Second Kültepe International Meeting: Kültepe, 26–30 July 2015 (Subartu 39). Pp. xii + 257. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2017. €89. ISBN 978-2-503-57522-3 (paper).

Kunisch, Norbert. Die Attische Importkeramik. Funde Aus Milet, Band 5, Teil 3.Pp. 221, ill. 190, pl. 145. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2016. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11045-489-5 (cloth).

Léger, Ruth M. Artemis and Her Cult. Pp. vi + 178. Archaeopress, Oxford 2017. £30. ISBN 978-1-784-91550-6 (paper).

Lipschits, Oded, and Aren M. Maeir, eds. The Shephelah during the Iron Age: Recent Archaeological Studies. Pp. x + 207. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2017. $64.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-486-4 (cloth).

Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, and Liora Freud. Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni’s Excavations (1954, 1959–1962) (Tel Aviv University Monograph 35). 2 vols. Pp. x + 283 (vol. 1); x + 362 (vol. 2). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $169.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-490-1 (cloth).

Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, Benjamin Arubas, and Manfred Oeming. What Are the Stones Whispering? Ramat Rahel: 3000 Years of Forgotten History. Pp. vi + 183. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2017. $69.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-498-7 (cloth).

Longfellow, Brenda, and Ellen Perry, eds. Roman Artists, Patrons, and Public Consumption: Familiar Works Reconsidered. Pp. xvi + 270. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2018. ISBN 9780472130658. (cloth).

Marston, John M. Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion (Gordion Special Studies 8, Museum Monograph 145). Pp. xii + 203. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia 2017. $59.95. ISBN 978-1-934536-91-9 (cloth).

Miles, Margaret M., ed. Autopsy in Athens: Recent Archaeological Research on Athens and Attica. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016.

Minchin, Elizabeth, and Heather Jackson, eds. Text and the Material World: Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature Pb 185). Pp xxii + 370. Aströms Förlag, Uppsala 2017. €60 ISBN 978-91-7081-219-4 (cloth).

Neumann, Sabine. Grotten in der hellenistischen Wohnkultur (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie, Band 4). Pp. 240. Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, Marburg 2016. €98. ISBN 978-3-8185-0528-8 (cloth).

Noble, Gordon. Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe: The Forest as Ancestor. Pp. xii + 222. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $99.99.ISBN 978-1-107-15983-9 (cloth).

Pereira, Telmo, Xavier Terradas, and Nuno Bicho, eds. The Exploitation of Raw Materials in Prehistory: Sourcing, Processing, and Distribution. Pp. xxx + 626. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne 2017. £80.99. ISBN 978-1-4438-9597-2 (cloth).

Pontrandolfo, Angela, in collaboration with Michalis Petropoulos and Athanasios D. Rizakis. Egialea: Ricerche nella valle del Krios (Monografia 24.1). Pp. 360. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Athens 2016. ISBN 978-960-9559-04-1 (paper).

Räuchle, Viktoria. Die Mütter Athens und ihre Kinder: Verhaltens-und Gefühlsideale in klassischer Zeit. Reimer, Berlin 2017.

Rich, Sara A. Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships: Allure, Lore, and Metaphor in the Mediterranean Near East. Pp. xii + 283. Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford 2017. £36. ISBN 978-1-78491-365-6 (paper).

Rova, Elena, and Monica Tonussi, eds. At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age (Subartu 38). Pp. viii + 587. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2017. €124. ISBN 978-2-503-54897-5 (paper).

Stanish, Charles. The Evolution of Human Co-operation: Ritual and Social Complexity in Stateless Societies. Pp. xiv + 336. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $110. ISBN 978-1-107-18055-0 (cloth).

Theodoropoulou-Polychroniadis, Zetta. Sounion Revisited: The Sanctuaries of Poseidon and Athena at Sounion in Attica. Pp. xii+334. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015. £55. ISBN 978-1-78491-154-6 (paper).

Voutsaki, Sofia, and Paul Cartledge, eds. Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: A Critical History of Archaeology in 19th and 20th Century Greece. Pp. xv + 220. Routledge, Abingdon 2017. $149.95. ISBN 978-0-7546-5289-2 (cloth).

Zertal Z"l, Adam, and Shay Bar. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey. Vol. 4, From Nahal Bezeq to the Sartaba. Pp. 780. Brill, Leiden 2017. €121. ISBN 978-9-00434-695-6 (cloth).

Zangger, Eberhard. Die Luwier und der Trojanische Krieg: Eine Entdeckungsgeschichte. Pp. 352. Orell Füslli Verlag, Zürich 2017. €25. ISBN 978-3-280-05647-9 (cloth).

Zangger, Eberhard. The Luwian Civilization: The Missing Link in the Aegean Bronze Age. Pp. 294. Ege Yayinlari, Istanbul 2016. ISBN 978-605-9680-11-0 (paper).


Albarella, Umberto, ed., with Mauro Rizzetto, Hannah Russ, Kim Vickers, and Sarah Viner-Daniels. The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology. Pp. xxiv + 839. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2017. $150. ISBN 978-0-19-968647-6 (cloth).

Beaule, Christine D., ed. Frontiers of Colonialism. Pp. 372. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2017. $95. ISBN 978-0-8130-5434-6 (cloth).

Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes, and Ruthy Gertwagen, eds. The Inland Seas: Towards an Ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2016.

Bogdanović, Jelena. The Framing of Sacred Space: The Canopy and the Byzantine Church. Pp. xl + 411. Oxford University Press, New York 2017. $60. ISBN 978-0-19-046518-6 (cloth).

Christie, Jessica, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán, eds. Political Landscapes of Capital Cities. Pp. xvii + 406. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2016. $85. ISBN 978-1-60732-468-3 (cloth).

Cinque, Giuseppina Enrica. Le rappresentazioni planimetriche di Villa Adriana tra XVI e XVIII secolo: Ligorio, Contini, Kircher, Gondoin, Piranesi (Collection de l'École française de Rome 525). Pp. xiv + 318. École Française de Rome, Rome 2017. €50. ISBN 978-2-7283-1204-7 (paper).

Clark, Sharri R. The Social Lives of Figurines: Recontextualizing the Third-Millennium-BC Terracotta Figurines from Harappa (Papers of the Peabody Museum 86). Pp. xvi + 346. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2016. $85. ISBN 978-0-87365-215-5 (cloth).

Clarke, G., H. Jackson, C.E. V. Nixon, J. Tidmarsh, K. Wesselingh, with L. Cougle/Jose. Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates. Vol. 5, Report on the Excavations 2000–2016. (Mediterranean Archaeology Suppl.10). Pp. xii + 445. Meditarch, Sydney 2016. AUD 150. ISBN 978-0-9580-265-7-4 (cloth).

Damm-Meinhardt, Ursula. Tiryns XVII: Baubefunde und Stratigraphie der Unterburg (Kampagnen 1976 bis 1983). Die mykenische Palastzeit (SH III B2) und beginnende Nachpalastzeit (Beginn SH III C) (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut). Pp. xiv + 303. Reichert Verlag Wiesbaden 2015. €58. ISBN 978-3-95490-091-6 (cloth).

Dawdy, Shannon Lee. Patina: A Profane Archaeology. Pp. 216. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2016. $27.50. ISBN 978-0-22635-119-3 (paper).

Dothan, Trude, Yosef Garfinkel, and Seymour Gitin. Field IV Lower—The Elite Zone. Vol. 9, pt. 1, The Iron Age I Early Philistine City. Vol. 9, pt. 3B, The Iron Age I and IIC Early and Late Philistine Cities Plans and Sections (Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1985–1988, 1990, 1992–1995). Pp. xxiii + 622 (vol. 9, pt. 1); iv + plans (vol. 9, pt. 3B). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $189.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-956-2 (cloth).

Duyrat, Frédérique. Wealth and Warfare: The Archaeology of Money in Ancient Syria. American Numismatic Society, New York 2016.

Fagan, Brian. Fishing: How the Sea Fed Civilization. Pp. xviii + 346. Yale University Press, New Haven 2017. $30. ISBN 978-0-300-21534-2 (cloth).

Fleischer, Robert. Die Felsgräber der Könige von Pontos in Amasya (Istanbuler Forschungen 56). Pp. x + 155. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2017. €24.80. ISBN 978-3-8030-1777-2 (cloth).

Fournier, Julien, ed. Philippes, de la Préhistoire à Byzance: Études d’archéologie et d’histoire (BCH Suppl. 55). Pp. 297. École Française d’Athènes, Athens 2016. €60. ISBN 978-2-86958-280-4 (paper).

Franconi, Tyler V., ed. Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World (JRA Suppl. 104). Pp. 164. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2017. $89.50. ISBN 978-0-9913730-8-6 (cloth).

Gogräfe, Rüdiger. Isriye-Seriana: Heiligtum, Siedlung und Militärstation in Zentralsyrien von der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit bis in die mamlukische Epoche. Pp. xiv + 423. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2016. €92.50. ISBN: 978-3-8053-5044-0 (cloth).

Haas-Lebegyev, Judit, and András Márton. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Hungary 3. Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts 3: Céramique minoenne et mycénienne, céramique géometrique attique et béotienne, vases corinthiens. Pp. 224. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2017. €250. ISBN 978-88-913-1281-5 (cloth).

Helwing, Barbara, Tevekkül Aliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Farhad Guliyev, Svend Hansen, and Guram Mirtskhulava, eds. The Kura Projects: New Research on the Later Prehistory of the Southern Caucasus (Archäologie in Iran und Turan 16). Pp. viii + 452. Dietrich Reimer, Berlin 2017. €99. ISBN 978-3-496-01580-2 (cloth).

Henke, Jan-Marc. Die zyprischen Terrakotten aus Milet: Neue Überlegungen zur Einordnung der archaischen zyprischen Terrakotten aus ostägäischen Fundkontexten und ihrer werkstattspezifischen Zuweisung (Milesische Forschungen 7). Pp. xvi + 421. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin 2017. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11-054381-0 (cloth).

Huet, Thomas. Les gravures piquetées du mont Bego (Alpes-Maritimes): Organisation spatialeet sériation (VIe–IIe millénaire av. J.-C.). (Mémoires de la Société préhistorique française 63). Pp. 166. Société Préhistorique Française, Paris 2017. €30. ISBN 2-913745-71-7 (cloth).

Janeway, Brian. Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 7). Pp. xvi + 207. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $49.59. ISBN 978-1-57506-950-0 (cloth).

Kintrup, Carola. Die attischen Sarkophage: Faszikel 2.Amazonomachie–Schlacht–Epinausimachie. Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 2016.

Kulakoğlu, Fikri, and Gojko Barjamovic, eds. KIM 2: Proceedings of the Second Kültepe International Meeting: Kültepe, 26–30 July 2015 (Subartu 39). Pp. xii + 257. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2017. €89. ISBN: 978-2-503-57522-3 (paper).

Kunisch, Norbert. Die Attische Importkeramik. Vol. 5, pt. 3. Pp. 221. Funde aus Milet. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2016. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11045-489-5 (cloth).

Léger, Ruth M. Artemis and Her Cult. Pp. vi + 178. Archaeopress, Oxford 2017. £30. ISBN 978-1-784-91550-6 (paper).

Lipschits, Oded, and Aren M. Maeir, eds. The Shephelah During the Iron Age: Recent Archaeological Studies. Pp. x + 207. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $64.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-486-4 (cloth).

Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, and Liora Freud. Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni’s Excavations (1954, 1959–1962). (Tel Aviv University Monograph 35). 2 vols. Pp. x + 283 (vol. 1); x + 362 (vol. 2). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $169.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-490-1 (cloth).

Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, Benjamin Arubas, and Manfred Oeming. What Are the Stones Whispering? Ramat Rahel: 3000 Years of Forgotten History. Pp. vi + 183. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $69.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-498-7 (cloth).

Madeleine, Sophie, and Philippe Fleury, eds. Autour des machines de Vitruve: L’ingénierie romaine. Textes, archéologie et restitution. Actes du colloque organisé par l’ERLIS à Caen (3–4 juin 2015). Pp. 244. Presses Universitaires de Caen, Caen 2017. €22. ISBN 978-2-84133-844-3 (paper).

Marston, John M. Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion (Museum Monograph 145, Gordion Special Studies 8). Pp. xii + 203. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia 2017. $59.95. ISBN 978-1-934536-91-9 (cloth).

Miles, Margaret M., ed. Autopsy in Athens: Recent Archaeological Research on Athens and Attica. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016.

Miles, Margaret M., ed. A Companion to Greek Architecture. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England 2016.

Minchin, Elizabeth, and Heather Jackson, eds. Text and the Material World: Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature Pb 185). Pp xxii + 370. Aaströms Förlag, Uppsala 2017. €60. ISBN 978-91-7081-219-4 (cloth).

Muller, Arthur, and Ergün Lafli, eds., with Stéphanie Huysecom-Haxhi. Figurines de terre cuite en Méditerranée grecque et romaine. Vol. 1, Production, diffusion, étude (BCH Suppl. 54). Pp. 517. École Française d'Athènes, Athens 2016. €75. ISBN 978-2-86958-274-3 (paper).

Neumann, Sabine. Grotten in der hellenistischen Wohnkultur (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie 4). Pp. 240. Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, Marburg 2016. €98. ISBN 978-3-8185-0528-8 (cloth).

Noble, Gordon. Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe: The Forest as Ancestor. Pp. xii + 222. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-107-15983-9 (cloth).

Pavúk, Peter. Troia VI Früh und Mitte: Keramik, Stratigraphie, Chronologie. Dr. Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 2014.

Räuchle, Viktoria. Die Mütter Athens und ihre Kinder: Verhaltens- und Gefühlsideale in klassischer Zeit. Reimer, Berlin 2017.

Rich, Sara A. Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships: Allure, Lore, and Metaphor in the Mediterranean Near East. Pp. xii + 283. Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford 2017. £36. ISBN 978-1-78491-365-6 (paper).

Rova, Elena, and Monica Tonussi, eds. At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age (Subartu 38). Pp. viii + 587. Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium 2017. €124. ISBN 978-2-503-54897-5 (paper).

Roymans, Nico, Stijn Heeren, and Wim de Clercq, eds. Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond Decline or Transformation. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2017.

Schattner, Thomas G., and Fernando Valdés Fernández, eds. Wasserversorgung in Toldeo und Wissensvermittlung von der Antike ins Mittelalter: Akten der Tagung in Toledo vom 24. bis 25. September 2009 / El suministro de agua a Toledo y el saber hidráulico durante la Antigüedad y la Edad Media: Actas del coloquio de Toledo del 24 al 25 de septiembre de 2009 (Iberia Archaeologica 19). Pp. 388. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 2017. €95. ISBN 978-3-8030-0245-7 (cloth).

Scott, James C. Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States. Pp. xxii + 312. Yale University Press, New Haven 2017. $26. ISBN 978-0-300-18291-0 (cloth).

Stanish, Charles. The Evolution of Human Co-operation: Ritual and Social Complexity in Stateless Societies. Pp. xiv + 336. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $110. ISBN: 978-1-107-18055-0 (cloth).

Theodoropoulou-Polychroniadis, Zetta. Sounion Revisited: The Sanctuaries of Poseidon and Athena at Sounion in Attica. Pp. xii + 334. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015. £55. ISBN 978-1-78491-154-6 (paper).

Ullah, Isaac I.T. The Consequences of Human Land-Use Strategies during the PPNB-LN Transition: A Simulation Modeling Approach (Anthropological Research Papers Series 60). Pp. ix + 182. Arizona State University, Tempe 2017. $30. ISBN 978-0-93624-940-7 (paper).

Voutsaki, Sofia, and Paul Cartledge, eds. Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: A Critical History of Archaeology in 19th and 20th Century Greece. Pp. xv + 220. Routledge, Abingdon, England 2017. $149.95. ISBN 978-0-7546-5289-2 (cloth).

Warburton, David A. The Fundamentals of Economics: Lessons from the Bronze Age Near East (Civilisations du Proche-Orient 4, Histoire-essais 3). Pp. xvi + 560. Recherches et Publications, Neuchâtel 2016. €58. ISBN 978-2-940032-20-4 (cloth).

Westphalen, Stephan. Die Basilika am Kalekapı in Herakleia Perinthos: Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992–2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2016.

Wilson, R.J.A. Caddeddi on the Tellaro: A Late Roman Villa in Sicily and Its Mosaics. Peeters, Leuven 2016.

Winther-Jacobsen, Kristina, and Lâtife Summerer, eds. Landscape Dynamics and Settlement Patterns in Northern Anatolia during the Roman and Byzantine Period (Geographica Historica 32). Pp. 354. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2015. €58. ISBN 978-3-515-11214-7 (paper).

Zertal Z"l, Adam, and Shay Bar. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey. Vol. 4, From Nahal Bezeq to the Sartaba. Pp. 780. Brill, Leiden 2017. €121 ISBN 978-9-00434-695-6 (cloth).


Balandier, Claire, ed. Nea Paphos: Fondation et développement urbanistique d’une ville chypriote de l’antiquité à nos jours. Études archéologiques, historiques et patrimoniales (Mémoires 43). Pp. 438. Ausonius Éditions, Bordeaux 2016. €60. ISBN 978-2-35613-163-8 (cloth).

Beaule, Christine D., ed. Frontiers of Colonialism. Pp. 372. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2017. $95. ISBN 978-0-8130-5434-6 (cloth).

Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes, and Ruthy Gertwagen, eds. The Inland Seas: Towards an Ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Geographica Historica 35). Pp. 419. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2016. €64. ISBN 978-3-515-11439-4 (paper).

Bouzek, Jan, Jiří Militký, Valentina Taneva, and Ewa Domaradzka, eds. Pistiros VI: The Pistiros Hoard. Pp. 243. Karolinum Press, Prague 2016. $35. ISBN 978-80-246-3301-5 (paper).

Christie, Jessica Joyce, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán, eds. Political Landscapes of Capital Cities. Pp. xvii + 406. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2016. $85. ISBN 978-1-60732-468-3 (cloth).

Clarke, G., H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon, J. Tidmarsh, and K. Wesselingh, with L. Cougle/Jose. Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates. Vol. 5, Report on the Excavations 2000–2016 (Mediterranean Archaeology Suppl. 10). Pp. xii + 445. Meditarch, Sydney 2016. AUD 150. ISBN 978-0-9580-265-7-4 (cloth).

Cooley, Alison E., ed. A Companion to Roman Italy. Pp. xv + 560. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England 2016. $195. ISBN 978-1-4443-3926-0 (cloth).

Cugno, Santino Alessandro. Dinamiche insediative nel territorio di Canicattini Bagni e nel bacino di alimentazione del Torrente Cavadonna (Siracusa) tra antichità e medioevo (BAR-IS 2802). Pp. xviii + 133. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford 2016. £31. ISBN 978-1-40731-494-5 (paper).

Damm-Meinhardt, Ursula. Baubefunde und Stratigraphie der Unterburg (Kampagnen 1976 bis 1983): Die mykenische Palastzeit (SH III B2) und beginnende Nachpalastzeit (Beginn SH III C) (Tiryns, Forschungen und Berichte 17). Pp. xiv + 303, figs. 11. Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2015. €58. ISBN 978-3-95490-091-6 (cloth).

Dawdy, Shannon Lee. Patina: A Profane Archaeology. Pp. 216. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2016. $27.50. ISBN 978-0-22635-119-3 (paper).

Dothan, Trude, Yosef Garfinkel, and Seymour Gitin. Field IV Lower—The Elite Zone. Vol. 9, pt. 1, The Iron Age I Early Philistine City. Vol. 9, pt. 3B, The Iron Age I and IIC Early and Late Philistine Cities Plans and Sections (Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1985–1988, 1990, 1992–1995). Pp. xxiii + 622 (vol. 9, pt. 1); iv + plans (vol. 9, pt. 3B). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $189.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-956-2 (cloth).

Duyrat, Frédérique. Wealth and Warfare: The Archaeology of Money in Ancient Syria (Numismatic Studies 34). Pp. xxvii + 596. American Numismatic Society, New York 2016. $200. ISBN 978-0-89722-346-1 (cloth).

Fleischer, Robert. Die Felsgräber der Könige von Pontos in Amasya (Istanbuler Forschungen Band 56). Pp. x + 155. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2017. €24.80. ISBN 978-3-8030-1777-2 (cloth).

Fournier, Julien, ed. Philippes, de la Préhistoire à Byzance: Études d’archéologie et d’histoire (BCH Suppl. 55). Pp. 297. École Française d’Athènes, Athens 2016. €60. ISBN 978-2-86958-280-4 (paper).

French, Charles A.I. A Handbook of Geoarchaeological Approaches for Investigating Landscapes and Settlement Sites. Pp. vi + 118. Oxbow, Oxford 2015. $29.95. ISBN 978-1-78570-091-0 (paper).

Gogou, Alexandra, Adam Izdebski, and Karin Holmgren, eds. Mediterranean Holocene Climate, Environment and Human Societies (Special Issue, Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Research and Review Journal 136). Pp. 252, figs. 116, tables 23. Elsevier, New York 2016. Price not available. ISSN 0277-3791 (paper).

Graells, Raimon, and Dirce Marzoli, eds. Armas de la Hispania prerromana – Waffen im vorrömischen Hispanien (RGZM – Tagungen 24). Pp. x + 339. Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Darmstadt 2016. €42. ISBN 978-3-88467-260-0 (paper).

Hagen, Fredrik, and Kim Ryholt. The Antiquities Trade in Egypt 1880–1930: The H.O. Lange Papers (Scientia Danica, Series H. Humanistica 4.8). Pp. 335. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Copenhagen 2016. DKK 300. ISBN 978-87-7304-400-1 (paper).

Hodges, Richard. Travels with an Archaeologist: Finding a Sense of Place. Pp. 184. Bloomsbury Academic, London 2017. $28. ISBN 978-1-350-01264-6 (cloth).

Huet, Thomas. Les gravures piquetées du mont Bego (Alpes-Maritimes): Organisation spatiale et sériation (VIe–IIe millénaire av. J.-C.) (Mémoires de la Société préhistorique française 63). Pp. 166. Société Préhistorique Française, Paris 2017. €30. ISBN 2-913745-71-7 (cloth).

Janeway, Brian. Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 7). Pp. xvi + 207. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $49.59. ISBN 978-1-57506-950-0 (cloth).

Kintrup, Carola. Die attischen Sarkophage: Faszikel 2. Amazonomachie – Schlacht – Epinausimachie (Die antiken Sarkophagreliefs 9, Die Sarkophage Griechenlands und der Donauprovinzen 1). Pp. 424. Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 2016. €128. ISBN 978-3-7861-2755-0 (cloth).

Kunisch, Norbert. Die Attische Importkeramik (Milet 5.3). Pp. x + 372. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2016. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11045-489-5 (cloth).

Kurapkat, Dietmar, and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt. Werkspuren: Materialverarbeitung und handwerkliches Wissen im antiken Bauwesen (Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung 12). Pp. xix + 466. Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2017. €86. ISBN 978-3-7954-3205-8 (cloth).

Kurapkat, Dietmar, Peter I. Schneider, and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, eds. Die Architektur des Weges: Gestaltete Bewegung im gebauten Raum (Internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 8.–11. Februar 2012 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI) (Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung 11). Pp. xiv + 462. Schnell and Steiner, Regensburg 2014. €86. ISBN 978-3-7954-2914-0 (cloth).

Léger, Ruth M. Artemis and Her Cult. Pp. vi + 178. Archaeopress, Oxford 2017. £30. ISBN 978-1-784-91550-6 (paper).

Lipschits, Oded, and Aren M. Maeir, eds. The Shephelah During the Iron Age: Recent Archaeological Studies. Pp. x + 207. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $64.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-486-4 (cloth).

Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, Benjamin Arubas, and Manfred Oeming. What Are the Stones Whispering? Ramat Rahel: 3000 Years of Forgotten History. Pp. vi + 183. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $69.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-498-7 (cloth).

Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, and Liora Freud. Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni’s Excavations (1954, 1959–1962) (Tel Aviv University Monograph 35). 2 vols. Pp. x + 283 (vol. 1); x + 362 (vol. 2). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $169.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-490-1 (cloth).

Matheson, Susan B. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. U.S.A. 39. Yale University Art Gallery 2. Pp. 320. Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2016. €99.95. ISBN 978-3-80534-888-1 (cloth).

Miles, Margaret M., ed. Autopsy in Athens: Recent Archaeological Research on Athens and Attica. Pp. xii + 186. Oxbow, Oxford 2016. $120. ISBN 978-1-78297-856-5 (cloth).

Miles, Margaret M., ed. A Companion to Greek Architecture. Pp. xxx + 583. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England 2016. $195. ISBN 978-1-44433-599-6 (cloth).

Minchin, Elizabeth, and Heather Jackson, eds. Text and the Material World: Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke (SIMA-PB 185). Pp xxii + 370. Paul Åströms Förlag, Uppsala 2017. €60 ISBN 978-91-7081-219-4 (cloth).

Mortensen, Eva, and Birte Poulsen, eds. Death and Burial in Karia (Halicarnassian Studies 6). Pp. 276. University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense 2016. $43. ISBN 978-8-74083-060-6 (cloth).

Neumann, Sabine. Grotten in der hellenistischen Wohnkultur (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie 4). Pp. 240. Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, Marburg 2016. €98. ISBN 978-3-8185-0528-8 (cloth).

Niewöhner, Philipp. Die byzantinischen Basiliken von Milet (Milet 1.11). Pp. xvii + 411. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2016. $266. ISBN 978-3-11-041688-6 (cloth).

Noble, Gordon. Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe: The Forest as Ancestor. Pp. xii + 222. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-107-15983-9 (cloth).

Papi, Emanuele, and Leonardo Bigi. Olivia revixit: Oleifici, frantoi e torchi di Atene dall’antichità al periodo turco (SATAA 9). Pp. 197, figs. 70, b&w pls. 42. Pandemos, Atene-Paestum 2015. €60. ISBN 978-88-87744-61-3 (cloth).

Pavúk, Peter. Troia VI Früh und Mitte: Keramik, Stratigraphie, Chronologie (Studia Troica Monographien 3). Pp. 695, figs. 171, b&w pls. 98, color pls. 21. Dr. Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 2014. €109. ISBN 978-3-7749-3944-8 (cloth).

Pohl, John M.D., and Claire L. Lyons, eds. Altera Roma: Art and Empire from Mérida to Mexico (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 83). Pp. xxvi + 359. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles 2016. $75. ISBN 978-1-93877-001-2 (paper).

Räuchle, Viktoria. Die Mütter Athens und ihre Kinder: Verhaltens- und Gefühlsideale in klassischer Zeit. Pp. 342. Reimer, Berlin 2017. €59. ISBN 978-3-496-01561-1 (cloth).

Rich, Sara A. Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships: Allure, Lore, and Metaphor in the Mediterranean Near East. Pp. xii + 283. Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford 2017. £36. ISBN 978-1-78491-365-6 (paper).

Roymans, Nico, Stijn Heeren, and Wim de Clercq, eds. Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond Decline or Transformation (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 26). Pp. vii + 222. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2017. €99. ISBN 978-94-6298-360-1 (cloth).

Scafuro, Michele. L’area tra il Kolonos Agoraios e l’Areopago dall’XI al VI sec. a.C.: Contesti e aree funzionali (SATAA 8). Pp. 182, figs. 141, CD-ROM 1. Pandemos, Paestum 2015. €80. ISBN 978-88-87744-62-0 (cloth).

Schmitt, Cathrin. Aphrodite in Unteritalien und auf Sizilien: Heiligtümer und Kulte (Studien zu antiken Heiligtümern 5). Pp. 492. Verlag Archäologie und Geschichte, Heidelberg 2016. €96. ISBN 978-3-935289-37-5 (cloth).

Shaw, Maria C., and Anne Proctor Chapin, eds. Woven Threads: Patterned Textiles of the Aegean Bronze Age (Ancient Textiles 22). Pp. 279. Oxbow, Oxford 2015. £38.00. ISBN 978-1-78570-058-3 (cloth).

Shear, T. Leslie, Jr. Trophies of Victory: Public Building in Periklean Athens. Pp. xxiii + 496. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016. $65. ISBN 978-0-69117-075-2 (paper).

Strand, Eva B. Andersson, and Marie-Louise Nosch, eds. Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age (Ancient Textiles 21). Pp. xiii + 383. Oxbow, Oxford 2015. $75. ISBN 978-1-84217-472-2 (cloth).

Theodoropoulou-Polychroniadis, Zetta. Sounion Revisited: The Sanctuaries of Poseidon and Athena at Sounion in Attica. Pp. xii + 334. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015. £55. ISBN 978-1-78491-154-6 (paper).

Thornton, Christopher P., Charlotte M. Cable, and Gregory L. Possehl, eds. The Bronze Age Towers at Bat, Sultanate of Oman: Research by the Bat Archaeological Project 2007–12 (Museum Monograph 143). Pp. xxii + 330. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia 2016. $69.95. ISBN 978-1-934536-06-3 (cloth).

Ullah, Isaac I.T. The Consequences of Human Land-Use Strategies During the PPNB-LN Transition: A Simulation Modeling Approach (Anthropological Research Papers Series 60). Pp. ix + 182. Arizona State University, Tempe 2017. $30. ISBN 978-0-93624-940-7 (paper).

Warburton, David A. The Fundamentals of Economics: Lessons from the Bronze Age Near East (Civilisations du Proche-Orient, série 4, Histoire-essais 3). Pp. xvi + 560. Recherches et Publications, Neuchâtel 2016. €58. ISBN 978-2-940032-20-4 (cloth).

Westphalen, Stephan. Die Basilika am Kalekapı in Herakleia Perinthos: Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992–2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi (Istanbuler Forschungen 55). Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2016. €45. ISBN 978-3-80301-776-5 (cloth).

Wilson, R.J.A. Caddeddi on the Tellaro: A Late Roman Villa in Sicily and Its Mosaics (BABesch Suppl. 28). Pp. viii + 200. Peeters, Leuven 2016. €80. ISBN 978-90-429-3388-0 (paper).

Winther-Jacobsen, Kristina, and Lâtife Summerer, eds. Landscape Dynamics and Settlement Patterns in Northern Anatolia During the Roman and Byzantine Period (Geographica Historica 32). Pp. 354, figs. 164. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2015. €58. ISBN 978-3-515-11214-7 (paper).

Zertal, Adam, and Shay Bar. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey. Vol. 4. From Nahal Bezeq to the Sartaba. Pp. 780. Brill, Leiden 2017. €121 ISBN 978-9-00434-695-6 (cloth).




Digging Up Jericho: Past, Present and Future ed. Rachel Thyrza Sparks, Bill Finlayson, Bart Wagemakers and Josef Mario Briffa SJ. ISBN 9781789693515.

21 papers present a holistic perspective on the research and public value of the site of Jericho – an iconic site with a long and impressive history stretching from the Epipalaeolithic to the present day. Covering all aspects of archaeological work from past to present and beyond, they re-evaluate and assess the legacy of this important site.


Great Cloister: A Lost Canterbury Tale A History of the Canterbury Cloister, Constructed 1408-14, with Some Account of the Donors and their Coats of Arms by Paul A. Fox. 2020. ISBN 9781789693317.

A new study of the heraldry, genealogy and history of the Canterbury Cathedral cloister, this book is the first comprehensive study of this monument ever undertaken. It provides a detailed chronology and details on the 856 heraldic shields, badges and devices, representing some 365 families, principalities, religious foundations and individuals.


Les pratiques funéraires en Pannonie de l’époque augustéenne à la fin du 3e siècle by András Márton. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 62. 2019. ISBN 9781789693355.

This work aims to give an overview of Roman burial practices in Pannonia during the Early Roman period through the study of tomb structure, the selection and treatment of grave goods and analysis of human remains. It proposes a synthesis of the published finds to serve as a base for future research in the region.


Sources of Han Décor: Foreign Influence on the Han Dynasty Chinese Iconography of Paradise (206 BC-AD 220) by Sophia-Karin Psarras. ISBN 9781789693256.

Using archaeological data to examine the development of Han dynasty Chinese art (206 BC-AD 220), this book focusses on the iconography of paradise. Influence from the Chinese Bronze Age is discussed along with a surprisingly profound debt to Greece, the Near East and the steppe.


La naissance des cités-royaumes cypriotes by Thierry Petit. ISBN 9781789693478.

This book analyses the causes, characteristics and chronology behind the emergence of Iron Age Cypriot city-kingdoms. It suggests the received autochthonous theory is not supported by archaeological or textual evidence and posits a more nuanced variant of the Phoenician theory, placing Cyprus as a relay point between the Levant and Aegean worlds.


What Difference Does Time Make? Papers from the Ancient and Islamic Middle East and China in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Midwest Branch of the American Oriental Society by JoAnn Scurlock, Richard H. Beal. Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology 6. 2019. ISBN 9781789693171.

Proceedings of a conference held at St. Mary’s University in Notre Dame, Indiana (2017), this volume presents a wide-ranging exploration of Time as experienced and contemplated. Included are offerings on ancient Mesopotamian archaeology, literature and religion, Biblical texts and archaeology, Chinese literature and philosophy, and Islamic law.


The Dialectic of Practice and the Logical Structure of the Tool: Philosophy, Archaeology and the Anthropology of Technology by Jannis Kozatsas. Praehistorica Mediterranea 7. 2020. ISBN 9781789694048.

A critical review of recent trends in the archaeological and anthropological theory of technology from processual neo-positivism and postprocessual relativism to contemporary French and American anthropology, and the symmetrical theory of material culture.





Access Archaeology is designed to make archaeological research accessible to all and to present a low-cost (or no-cost) publishing solution for academics from all over the world. Material ranges from theses, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and beyond. Click here for detailed information regarding publishing in Access Archaeology.



Iron Age Slaving and Enslavement in Northwest Europe by Karim Mata. 2019. ISBN 9781789694185.

Can slaving and enslavement be seen as a significant transformative phenomena in Iron Age Europe and, if so, how would this affect the interpretation of (old and new) archaeological evidence? This exploratory study of the dynamics of Iron Age slaving and enslaving in Northwest Europe contributes to a complex but neglected topic.


Uno sguardo su Pisa ellenistica da piazza del Duomo: Lo scavo del saggio D 1985-1988 by Emanuele Taccola. ISBN 9781789694000.

Excavations in Pisa carried out between 1985 and 1988 in Piazza del Duomo, close to the Leaning Tower (saggio D) provided much new data regarding the origins of the city. This book studies the ceramic finds and redefines the role of Pisa in the Hellenistic period as one of the major trade centres of northern coastal Etruria.


Kom al-Ahmer – Kom Wasit I: Excavations in the Metelite Nome, Egypt: ca. 700 BC – AD 1000 by Mohamed Kenawi. ISBN 9781789692983.

This volume presents the results of the Italian archaeological mission at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, Beheira, Egypt between 2012 and 2016. It provides details of the survey and excavation results of the different occupation phases, which range from the Late Dynastic to the Early Islamic period.


The Busy Periphery: Urban Systems of the Balkan and Danube Provinces (2nd – 3rd c. AD) by Damjan Donev. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 61. ISBN 9781789693492.

This book reconstructs the urban geography of the Balkan and Danube provinces during the Severan dynasty, mapping the variable developments of the urban network between and within the sub-regions of that part of the Roman Empire. It examines the role of the town in Roman provincial society, and the prerequisites for their emergence and prosperity.


Settlements and Necropoleis of the Black Sea and its Hinterland in Antiquity Select Papers from the Third International Conference ‘The Black Sea in Antiquity and Tekkeköy: An Ancient Settlement on the Southern Black Sea Coast’, 27-29 October 2017, Tekkeköy, Samsun ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze and Sümer Atasoy. 2019. ISBN 9781789692068.

Papers in this volume cover all shores of the Black Sea and address, alongside many other topics, the establishment dates of some Greek Colonies; East Greek transport amphorae; the history of Tekkeköy; the pre-Roman economy of Myrmekion; Byzantine finds at Komana; glass bracelets from Samsun Museum; dating the Kavak Bekdemir Mosque in Samsun.




Scambi e commerci in area vesuviana: I dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici I.E. (Impianto Elettrico) 1980-81 nel Foro di Pompei ed. Darío Bernal-Casasola and Daniela Cottica. Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 14. ISBN 9781789693232.

This volume includes the study of nearly 500 amphorae recovered during the pioneering stratigraphic excavations carried out in 1980-1981 at the Forum of Pompeii. The work represents the first Pompeian monograph dedicated exclusively to the amphoric evidence discovered at the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius.


The Cultures of Ancient Xinjiang, Western China: Crossroads of the Silk Roads ed. Alison Betts, Marika Vicziany, Peter Weiming Jia and Angelo Andrea Di Castro. 2019. ISBN 9781789694062.

One of the least known but culturally rich and complex regions located at the heart of Asia, Xinjiang was a hub for the Silk Roads, serving international links between cultures to the west, east, north and south. Trade, artefacts, foods, technologies, ideas, beliefs, animals and people traversed the glacier covered mountain and desert boundaries.




Egypt in Croatia: Croatian Fascination with Ancient Egypt from Antiquity to Modern Times ed. Mladen Tomorad. Archaeopress Egyptology 24. ISBN 9781789693393.

Elements from Ancient Egypt have been present in Croatia ever since Antiquity. 'Egypt in Croatia' considers artefacts discovered in present-day Croatia, 16th-20th century travellers, Egyptian collections and early collectors (1820s-1950s), the development of Egyptology as a field of study as well as the various elements of ‘Egyptomania’.


Eν Σοφίᾳ μαθητεύσαντες: Essays in Byzantine Material Culture and Society in Honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti ed. Charikleia Diamanti and Anastasia Vassiliou. 2019. ISBN 9781789692624.

The 30 studies presented here are dedicated to Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Emerita of Byzantine Archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. They cover a large variety of topics presenting unpublished archaeological material, suggesting new approaches to various aspects of Byzantine archaeology, material culture and art history.


Invisible Archaeologies: Hidden Aspects of Daily Life in Ancient Egypt and Nubia ed. Loretta Kilroe. 2019. ISBN 9781789693751.

The eight papers presented here stem from a conference held in Oxford in 2017 which brought together international early-career researchers applying novel archaeological and anthropological methods to ‘overlooked’ subjects in ancient Egypt and Nubia. The diverse topics covered include women, prisoners, entangled communities and funerary displays.




Public Archaeology: Arts of Engagement ed. Howard Williams, Caroline Pudney and Afnan Ezzeldin. 2019. ISBN 9781789693737.

This collection, stemming from the 2nd University of Chester Archaeology Student Conference 'Archaeo-Engage: Engaging Communities in Archaeology' (April 2017), provides original perspectives on public archaeology’s current practices and future potentials focusing on art/archaeological media, strategies and subjects.




Redonner vie à une collection: les terres cuites communes du fort La Tour by Julie Toupin. ISBN 9781789693836.

Research on common earthenware from the early 17th century is scarce. This study seeks to bring back to life the ceramics, inhabitants and site where the objects were used. The collection includes 1602 fragments from 277 common earthenware objects coming from the period of occupation of Fort La Tour (1631-1645) in Portland Point, New Brunswick.




Imágenes y Paisajes: El Arte Rupestre del Noreste de Catamarca, Argentina by Eva Amanda Calomino. ISBN 9781789693911.

Northeast of Catamarca, Argentina, there is a set of shelters and caves located in the rainforest with rock art with virtually no background. This book presents a study and systematic analysis of the plastic-thematic-compositional repertoire of the rock art sites of ‘Los Algarrobales’ and their spatial and temporal distribution.


Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies (AJNES) (ISSN 1829-1376); editorial board headed by Aram Kosyan (Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatour Abovyan).

Established in 2006 by the Association for Near Eastern and Caucasian Studies in corporation with Institute of Oriental Studies and Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography (National Academy of Sciences of Armenia) AJNES is the only periodical in the Republic of Armenia devoted exclusively to the investigation of ancient and medieval cultures of the Near East and the Caucasus. Articles appearing in its pages are contributions of scholars of international reputation in history, archaeology, philology, art, religion and science.


Ash-sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies ISSN: 2513-8529; editorial board headed by Laura Battini (Paris, UMR 7192-Collège de France, France).

Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. It is published twice a year.

Download complete list of contents 2017-2018


EX NOVO: Journal of Archaeology ISSN: 2531-8810; editorial board headed by Maja Gori (University of Heidelberg) and Paolo Fallai (Corriere della Sera).

Ex Novo is a fully peer reviewed open access international journal that engages with contemporary perspectives on antiquity linking past and present, and encourages archaeology’s engagement with theoretical developments from other related disciplines. Download complete list of contents 2016-2018.




Journal of Greek Archaeology ISSN: 2059–4674 (print); ISSN 2059–4682 (online); John Bintliff (Editor-in-chief).

An international peer-reviewed English-language journal specializing in synthetic articles and in long reviews, the Journal of Greek Archaeology appears annually each Autumn. The scope of the journal is Greek archaeology both in the Aegean and throughout the wider Greek-inhabited world, from earliest Prehistory to the Modern Era.



Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture (JHP) ISSN: 2399-1844 (print); 2399-1852 (online – Free PDF); editorial board headed by Dr Patricia Kögler, Dr Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom and Prof. Dr Wolf Rudolph (Berlin).

JHP is an independent learned journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. It aims at bringing together archaeologists, historians, philologists, numismatists and scholars of related disciplines engaged in the research of the Hellenistic heritage. Download complete list of contents 2016-2018.


KOINON: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies ISSN 2631-5874 (print); ISSN 2631-5882 (online); Nicholas J. Molinari (General Editor).

KOINON is a journal that encourages contributions to the study of classical numismatics from a wide variety of perspectives including iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more. Download complete list of contents 2018-2019.


Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume ISSN 0308-8421

The Seminar for Arabian Studies is the only international forum which meets annually for the presentation of the latest academic research in the humanities on the Arabian Peninsula (including archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, ethnography, language, history, art, architecture, etc.) from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922). The Proceedings is published in time for the Seminar of the following year.



Kom al-Ahmer – Kom Wasit II: Coin Finds 2012–2016 / Late Roman and Early Islamic Pottery from Kom al-Ahmer ed. Michele Asolati, Cristina Crisafulli, Cristina Mondin, Maria Lucia Patanè and Mohamed Kenawi. 2019. ISBN 9781789693966.

This volume presents over 1070 coins (ca. 310 BC–AD 641) and 1320 examples of Late Roman and Early Islamic pottery. Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit emerge as centers of an exchange network involving large-scale trade of raw materials to and from the central and eastern Mediterranean.




The Role of Anglo-Saxon Great Hall Complexes in Kingdom Formation, in Comparison and in Context AD 500-750 by Adam McBride. 2020. ISBN 9781789693874.

This book explores the role of great hall complexes in kingdom formation through an expansive and ambitious study, incorporating new fieldwork, new quantitative methodologies and new theoretical models for the emergence of high-status settlements and the formation and consolidation of supra-regional socio-political units.




Roman and Late Antique Wine Production in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Comparative Archaeological Study at Antiochia ad Cragum (Turkey) and Delos (Greece) by Emlyn K. Dodd. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 63. 2020. ISBN 9781789694024.

Wine was an ever-present commodity that permeated the Mediterranean throughout antiquity. This book analyses the viticulture of two settlements, Antiochia ad Cragum and Delos, using results stemming from surface survey and excavation to assess their potential integration within the now well-known agricultural boom of the 5th-7th centuries AD.




Weaving in Stones: Garments and Their Accessories in the Mosaic Art of Eretz Israel in Late Antiquity by Aliza Steinberg. ISBN 9781789693218.

This book, copiously illustrated throughout, studies the garments and their accessories worn by some 245 figures represented on approximately 41 mosaic floors (some only partially preserved) that once decorated both public and private structures within the historical-geographical area of Eretz Israel in Late Antiquity.




Bridge of Civilizations: The Near East and Europe c. 1100–1300 edited by Peter Edbury, Denys Pringle and Balázs Major. ISBN 9781789693270.

This volume considers the links and contrasts between Europe and the areas around the eastern Mediterranean that were visited and occupied by western crusaders and settlers in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, giving special attention to the evidence provided by archaeology and material culture, as well as historical sources.




Mortuary Variability and Social Diversity in Ancient Greece: Studies on Ancient Greek Death and Burial ed. Nikolas Dimakis and Tamara M. Dijkstra. 2020. ISBN 9781789694420.

This volume brings together early career scholars working on funerary customs in Greece from the Early Iron Age to the Roman period. Papers present various thematic and interdisciplinary analysis in which funerary contexts provide insights on individuals, social groups and communities.




Farmsteads and Funerary Sites: The M1 Junction 12 Improvements and the A5–M1 Link Road, Central Bedfordshire Archaeological investigations prior to construction, 2011 & 2015–16 by Jim Brown. 2019. ISBN 9781789692600.

Extensive excavations by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) near Houghton Regis and Toddington, in south Central Bedfordshire, provide a detailed multi-period dataset for regional and national comparison. Evidence ranges from middle/late Bronze Age pits to medieval settlements.




Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles by John F. Potter. 2020. ISBN 9781789693980.

This book examines the evidence for the measures taken to make church buildings secure or defensible from their earliest times until the later medieval period. In particular it examines the phenomenon of ‘bar locks’ which the author identifies in many different contexts throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.




Ancient West Mexico in the Mesoamerican Ecumene by Eduardo Williams. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology. 2020. ISBN 9781789693539.

This volume presents a long-overdue synthesis and update on West Mexican archaeology. Ancient West Mexico has often been portrayed as a ‘marginal’ or ‘underdeveloped’ area of Mesoamerica. This book shows that the opposite is true and that it played a critical role in the cultural and historical development of the Mesoamerican ecumene.


Lost Worlds of Ancient and Modern Greece: Gilbert Bagnani: The Adventures of a Young Italian Archaeologist in Greece, 1921-1924 by Ian Begg. Archaeological Lives. 2020. ISBN 9781789694529.

This book relates three years (1921-1924) in the life of Gilbert Bagnani, a young Italian archaeologist in Greece, based on his letters to his mother in Rome, at first as a non-partisan observer of, and later as an active participant in, some of the most tumultuous events in modern Greek history.


Ceramics and Atlantic Connections: Late Roman and Early Medieval Imported Pottery on the Atlantic Seaboard Proceedings of an International Symposium at Newcastle University, March 2014 ed. Maria Duggan, Mark Jackson and Sam Turner. Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 15. ISBN 9781789693379.

Papers focus on the pottery of Mediterranean origin imported into the Atlantic, as well as ceramics of Atlantic production which had widespread distribution. They examine chronologies and relative distributions, and consider the composition of key Atlantic assemblages, revealing new insights into the networks of exchange between c. 400-700 AD.


El instrumental de pesca en el Fretum Gaditanum (siglos V a.C. - VI d.C.): Análisis tipo-cronológico y comparativa atlántico-mediterránea by José Manuel Vargas Girón. 2020. ISBN 9781789693850.

The study of fishing tackle is an innovative area of research which is improving our understanding of one of the most important past economic activities: fishing. This book analyses fishing tackle in the region known as Fretum Gaditanum (the Strait of Gibraltar), where over a thousand pieces of evidence have been inventoried.


Ephyra-Epirus: The Mycenaean Acropolis: Results of the Excavations 1975-1986 and 2007-2008 ed. Thanasis I. Papadopoulos and Evangelia Papadopoulou-Chrysikopoulou. 2020. ISBN 9781789693713. εφυρα ηπειρος

This volume presents the results of the 1975-1986 and 2007-2008 excavations on the prehistoric-Mycenaean acropolis of Ephyra, one of the most important Bronze Age sites of Epirus. Ephyra is a small coastal fortified site in the region of the lower Acheron valley, and it has produced impressive and, in some cases, unique Bronze Age remains.


The Hypocephalus: An Ancient Egyptian Funerary Amulet by Tamás Mekis. Archaeopress Egyptology 24. 2020. ISBN 9781789693331.

The hypocephalus is an element of Late Period and Ptolemaic funerary equipment—an amuletic disc placed under the head of mummies. Its shape emulates the sun’s disc, and its form is planar (although it is occasionally concave). This volume analyses the written records and iconography of these objects.


Khirbat Faris: Rural Settlement, Continuity and Change in Southern Jordan The Nabatean to Modern Periods (1st century BC – 20th century AD): Volume 1: Stratigraphy, Finds and Architecture ed. Alison McQuitty, Holly Parton and Andrew Petersen. 2020. ISBN 9781789693898.

This volume is the first of three which chart the temporal and spatial occupational fluctuations at the site of Khirbat Faris in Southern Jordan and the stories of the communities that lived there. The excavation report follows the site and its environs throughout their many phases of use and occupation, from the 13th century BC to the present day.


On the Borders of World-Systems: Contact Zones in Ancient and Modern Times by Yervand Margaryan. 2020. ISBN 9781789693416.

This work examines the historical, archaeological, and political interpretations of world-systems theory and geocivilizational analysis. The macrosociological issues of ancient and modern history are presented through five case-studies, concentrating on the Taurus-Caucasus region, which functioned as a contact zone throughout the different periods.


The Rock-Art Landscapes of Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire: Standing on Holy Ground by Vivien Deacon. 2020. ISBN 9781789694581.

This landscape study of the rock-art of Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire, considers views of and from the sites. In an attempt to understand the rock-art landscapes of prehistory the study considered the environment of the moor and its archaeology along with the ethnography from the whole circumpolar region.


‘Scènes de Gynécées’ Figured Ostraca from New Kingdom Egypt: Iconography and Intent by Joanne Backhouse. Archaeopress Egyptology. 2020. ISBN 9781789693454.

This work examines images of women and children drawn on ostraca from Deir el-Medina, referred to in previous scholarship as ‘Scènes de Gynécées’. This publication represents the first systematic study of this material, and it brings together ostraca from museums worldwide to form a corpus united contextually, thematically and stylistically.


Allison, P.M., Characterizing Roman Artifacts for Investigating Gendered Practices in Contexts Without Sexed Bodies: 103–23

Andrews, M.M., and H.I. Flower, Mercury on the Esquiline: A Reconsideration of a Local Shrine Restored by Augustus: 47–67

Archaeological Institute of America, Awards Presented at the 116th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America: 261–69

Attanasio. See Bruno et al.

Averett, E.W., Masks and Ritual Performance on the Island of Cyprus: 3–45

Berthon. See Laneri et al.

Bruno, M., D. Attanasio, and W. Prochaska, The Docimium Marble Sculptures of the Grotto of Tiberius at Sperlonga: 375–94

Bundrick, S.D., Athenian Eye Cups in Context: 295–341

Camp. See Rousset et al.

Cova, E., Stasis and Change in Roman Domestic Space: The Alae of Pompeii’s Regio VI: 69–102

D’Agostino. See Laneri et al.

Dillon, S., A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief: 1–2

Flower. See Andrews and Flower.

Frey, J.M., The Archaic Colonnade at Ancient Corinth: A Case of Early Roman Spolia: 147–75

Gerrard, J.F., Synthesis, Chronology, and “Late Roman” Cemeteries in Britain: 565–72

Guliyev. See Nishiaki et al.

Hald. See Laneri et al.

Harris, W.V., Prolegomena to a Study of the Economics of Roman Art: 395–417

Hollinshead, M.B., The North Court of the Erechtheion and the Ritual of the Plynteria: 177–90

Kadowaki. See Nishiaki et al.

Keenan-Jones, D., Somma-Vesuvian Ground Movements and the Water Supply of Pompeii and the Bay of Naples: 191–215

Laneri, N., M. Schwartz, J. Ur, A. D’Agostino, R. Berthon, M.M. Hald, and A. Marsh, Ritual and Identity in Rural Mesopotamia: Hirbemerdon Tepe and the Upper Tigris River Valley in the Middle Bronze Age: 533–64

Lichtenberger, A., and R. Raja, New Archaeological Research in the Northwest Quarter of Jerash and Its Implications for the Urban Development of Roman Gerasa: 483–500

Marsh. See Laneri et al.

McKenzie-Clark, J., Distinguishing Between Rouletting and Chattering on Ancient Mediterranean Pottery: 137–43

Minon. See Rousset et al.

Nishiaki, Y., F. Guliyev, and S. Kadowaki, Chronological Contexts of the Earliest Pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: Radiocarbon Dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan: 279–94

Nishimura, Y., A Systematic Comparison of Material Culture Between Household Floors and Residential Burials in Late Third-Millennium B.C.E. Mesopotamia: 419–40

Pedersen, R.K., A Preliminary Report on a Coastal and Underwater Survey in the Area of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: 125–36

Popkin, M.L., Samothracian Influences at Rome: Cultic and Architectural Exchange in the Second Century B.C.E.: 343–73

Prochaska. See Bruno et al.

Raja. See Lichtenberger and Raja.

Rousset, D., J. Camp, and S. Minon, The Phokian City of Panopeus/Phanoteus, Three New Rupestral Inscriptions, and the Cippus of the Labyadai of Delphi: 441–63

Rowan, E., Olive Oil Pressing Waste as a Fuel Source in Antiquity: 465–82

Schwartz. See Laneri et al.

Sturgeon, M.C., Five Recent Books on Hellenistic and Roman Sculptures from the Greek East and Italy: 271–77

Sweetman, R.J., Memory, Tradition, and Christianization of the Peloponnese: 501–31

Swetnam-Burland, M., Encountering Ovid’s Phaedra in House V.2.10–11, Pompeii: 217–32

Wood, S., Women in Action: A Statue of Matidia Minor and Its Contexts: 233–59

Ur. See Laneri et al.

Online Only
Supplementary Content
Bruno, M., D. Attanasio, and W. Prochaska, Appendix: Analytical Data for 47 Samples from the Quarries of Lithos Lartios at Rhodes

Cova, E., Image Gallery: Stasis and Change in Roman Domestic Space: The Alae of Pompeii’s Regio VI

Frey, J.M., Image Gallery: The Archaic Colonnade at Ancient Corinth: A Case of Early Roman Spolia

Nishiaki, Y., F. Guliyev, and S. Kadowaki, Appendix: Results of a Bayesian Analysis of Radiocarbon Dates from Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan

Sweetman, R.J., Image Gallery: Memory, Tradition, and Christianization of the Peloponnese

Sturgeon, M.C., Georgos I. Despinis, 1936–2014

Review Article
Johnson, J.A., Out of Order, Out of Time: Interrogating Current Approaches to European Prehistory

Book Reviews
Barker, S.J., Rev. of Boin, Ostia in Late Antiquity

Beaulieu, M.-C., Rev. of Pevnick, ed., Poseidon and the Sea: Myth, Cult, and Daily Life

Borbonus, D., Rev. of Joshel and Petersen, The Material Life of Roman Slaves

Bultrighini, I., Rev. of Camia, Theoi Sebastoi: Il culto degli imperatori romani in Grecia (provincia Achaia) nel secondo secolo D.C.

Bultrighini, I., Rev. of Stroud, The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Inscriptions

Burton, D., Rev. of Grossman, Funerary Sculpture

Chavela, K., Rev. of Tarlow and Nilsson Stutz, The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial

Conant, J.P., Rev. of Leone, The End of the Pagan City: Religion, Economy, and Urbanism in Late Antique North Africa

Curtis, R.I., Rev. of Marzano, Harvesting the Sea: The Exploitation of Marine Resources in the Roman Mediterranean

DeLaine, J., Rev. of Ulrich and Quenemoen, eds., A Companion to Roman Architecture

Devolder, M., Rev. of Broodbank, The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World

Doonan, O., Rev. of Ivanova, The Black Sea and the Early Civilizations of Europe, the Near East, and Asia

Downing, C., Rev. of Barbet, Peintures romaines de Tunisie

Downing, C., Rev. of Boislève, Dardenay, and Monier, eds., Peintures murales et stucs d’époque romaine: De la fouille au musée

Draycott, C.M., Rev. of Karagöz, Kleinasiatisch-Gräko-Persische Kunstwerke im Archäologischen Museum von Istanbul

Dyson, S.L., Rev. of Keay, ed., Rome, Portus and the Mediterranean

Emerson, T.E., Rev. of Birch, ed., From Prehistoric Villages to Cities: Settlement Aggregation and Community Transformation

Emerson, T.E., Rev. of Creekmore III and Fisher, eds., Making Ancient Cities: Space and Place in Early Urban Societies

Fentress, E., Rev. of Medri and di Cola, Ostia V: Le terme del nuotatore. Cronologia di un’insula ostiense

Filis, K., Rev. of Lawall and Lund, eds., The Transport Amphorae and Trade of Cyprus

Francis, J.E., Rev. of Coutsinas, Défenses crétoises: Fortifications urbaines et défense du territoire en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique

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McConnell, B.E., Rev. of Bergemann, ed., Der Gela-Survey: 3000 Jahre Siedlungsgeschichte in Sizilien. 3 vols.

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Petrakis, V., Rev. of Whittaker, Religion and Society in Middle Bronze Age Greece

Poehler, E., Rev. of Crouwel, Chariots and Other Wheeled Vehicles in Italy Before the Roman Empire

Raja, R., Rev. of Smith, Roman Palmyra: Identity, Community, and State Formation

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Rojas, F., Rev. of Hamilakis, Archaeology and the Senses: Human Experience, Memory, and Affect

Russell, N., Rev. of Ekroth and Wallensten, eds., Bones, Behaviour and Belief: The Zooarchaeological Evidence as a Source for Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece and Beyond

Sewell, J., Rev. of Evans, ed., A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic

Stannish, S.M., Rev. of Wilburn, Materia Magica: The Archaeology of Magic in Roman Egypt, Cyprus, and Spain

Steele, P.M., Rev. of Michaelides, ed., Epigraphy, Numismatics, Prosopography and History of Ancient Cyprus: Papers in Honour of Ino Nicolaou

Stronk, J.P., Rev. of Hall, Artifact and Artifice: Classical Archaeology and the Ancient Historian

Taylor, R., Rev. of Richard, Water for the City, Fountains for the People: Monumental Fountains in the Roman East

Uhlenbrock, J., Rev. of Bencze, Physionomie d’une cité grecque: Développements stylistiques de la coroplathie votive archaïque de Tarente

Walsh, J. St. P., Rev. of Papadopoulos and Urton, eds., The Construction of Value in the Ancient World

Woolf, G., Rev. of Wells, ed., Rome Beyond Its Frontiers: Imports, Attitudes and Practices

Younger, J.G., Rev. of Ferrara, Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions. Vol. 1, Analysis

Younger, J.G., Rev. of Duhoux and Morpurgo Davies, eds., A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and Their World
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This work examines the use of memory and tradition in the Christianization of the Peloponnese based on the evidence of the location and topography of churches. The different processes of conversion in the area have already been discussed, and the focus of this work is to show the extent of continuation of religious practice from the Roman to Late Antique periods. A diachronic analysis of the evidence for towns and sanctuaries from the fourth to seventh centuries is presented. It is argued that throughout the different Christianization processes memory and tradition were managed by the church in terms of its location, architecture, and rituals. It is likely that the church consciously maintained certain traditions of place, imagery, and action in order to retain and use memory traces from the established religious structures, which helped situate the Christian church as a central element of community life and identity. Therefore, it is contended that an essential element of the Christianization process was to maintain earlier memories and traditions not only to enable an efficiently unobtrusive conversion for its long-term success but also to ensure the maintenance of existing social structures, which in turn sustained the church.

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Shear, T. Leslie, Jr. Trophies of Victory: Public Building in Periklean Athens. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016.
Strand, Eva B. Andersson, and Marie-Louise Nosch, eds. Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015.
Westphalen, Stephan. Die Basilika am Kalekapı in Herakleia Perinthos: Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992–2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2016.
Wilson, Andrew, and Miko Flohr, eds. Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016.

Agostinetti, Paola P., ed. Celti d’Italia: I Celti dell’età di La Tène a sud delle Alpi (Biblioteca di Studi Etruschi 59). Pp. xiv + 621. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2017. $143. ISBN 978-88-7689-305-6 (paper).
Agusta-Boularot, Sandrine, Sandrine Hubert, William Van Andringa, eds. Quand naissent les dieux: Fondation des sanctuaires antiques. Motivations, agents, lieux (Collection de l'École française de Rome 534). Pp. 436. École française de Rome, Rome 2017. €110. ISBN 978-2-7283-1266-5 (paper).
Albarella, Umberto, ed. with Mauro Rizzetto, Hannah Russ, Kim Vickers, and Sarah Viner-Daniels. The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology. Pp. xxiv + 839. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2017. $150. ISBN 978-0-19-968647-6 (cloth).
Allison, Penelope, Martin Pitts, and Sarah Colley, eds. Big Data on the Roman Table: New Approaches to Tablewares in the Roman World. Internet Archaeology 50, 2018. http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue50/index.html
Ameri, Marta, Sarah Kielt Costello, Gregg Jamison, and Sarah Jarmer Scott. Seals and Sealings in the Ancient World: Case Studies from the Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia. Pp. xxix + 467. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $155. ISBN 978-1-107-19458-8 (cloth).
Anguissola, Anna. Supports in Roman Marble Sculpture: Workshop Practice and Modes of Viewing. Pp. xxiv + 256. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-108-41843-0 (cloth).
Aristodemou, Georgia A., and Theodosios P. Tassios, eds. Great Waterworks in Roman Greece: Aqueducts and Monumental Fountain Structures. Function in Context (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 35). Pp. v + 258. Archaeopress, Oxford 2018. £35. ISBN 978-1-78491-764-7 (paper).
Ataç, Mehmet-Ali. Art and Immortality in the Ancient Near East. Pp. xv + 285. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-107-15495-7 (cloth).
Avanzini, Alessandra, and Michele degli Esposti, eds. Husn Salut and the Iron Age of South East Arabia (Arabia Antica 15). Pp. 423. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2018. €260. ISBN 978-88-913-1636-3 (paper).
Bachmann, Martin, and Wolfgang Radt. Altertümer von Pergamon XV: Die Stadtgrabung. Bau Z, Architektur und Wanddekor (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut 5). Pp. xx + 340. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin 2017. €149.95. ISBN 978-3-11-045565-6 (cloth).
Bailey, Doug. Breaking the Surface: An Art/Archaeology of Prehistoric Architecture. Pp xvi + 338. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018. $35. ISBN 9780190611880 (paper).
Baird, Jennifer A. Dura-Europos (Archaeological Histories). Pp. 240. Bloomsbury Academic, New York 2018. $26.95. ISBN 978-1-4725-3087-5 (paper).
Balmelle, Catherine, and Jean-Pierre Darmon. La Mosaïque dans les Gaules Romaines. Pp. 360. Picard, Paris 2017. €59. ISBN 978-2-7084-1031-2 (cloth).
Bender Jørgensen, Lise, Joanna Sofaer, and Marie Louise Stig Sørensen. Creativity in the Bronze Age: Understanding Innovation in Pottery, Textile, and Metalwork Production. Pp. xvi + 342. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-108-42136-2 (cloth).  
Berlin, Andrea M. and Sharon C. Herbert, eds. Tel Anafa II, iii: Decorative Wall Plaster, Objects of Personal Adornment and Glass Counters, Tools for Textile Manufacture and Miscellaneous Bone, Terracotta and Stone Figurines, Pre-Persian Pottery, Attic Pottery, and Medieval Pottery (Kelsey Museum Fieldwork Series). Pp. x + 366. Kelsey Museum Publications, Ann Arbor 2018. $90. ISBN 978-0-9906623-8-9 (cloth). 
Bonzano, Francesca. Fanum Iunonis Melitense: L’area centrale del santuario di Tas-Silġ a Malta in età tardo-repubblicana. (Malta, Scavi e ricerche della Missione Archeologica Italiana 2). Pp. 240. Edipuglia, Bari 2017. €70. ISBN 978-88-7228-826-9 (paper).
Burke, Aaron A., Katherine Strange Burke, and Martin Peilstöcker, eds. The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 2 (Monumenta Archaeologica 41, The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project Series, Vol. 2). Pp. xxvi + 444. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles 2017. $98. ISBN 978-1-938770-11-1 (cloth).
Carlson, Kristen, and Leland C. Bement, eds. The Archaeology of Large-Scale Manipulation of Prey: The Economic and Social Dynamics of Mass Hunting. Pp. vi + 291. University Press of Colorado, Louisville 2018. $73. ISBN 978-1-60732-681-6 (cloth).
Carter, Joseph Coleman, and Keith Swift. The Chora of Metaponto 7: The Greek Sanctuary at Pantanello. Pp. Vol. I, xxxiv + 502, Vol. II, xiv + 449, Vol. III, xiv + 725. University of Texas Press, Austin 2018. $200. ISBN 978-1-4773-1423-4 (cloth). 
Clarke, G., H. Jackson, C. E. V. Nixon, and J. Tidmarsh, K. Wesselingh, with L. Cougle/Jose. Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume 5: Report on the Excavations 2000-2016 (Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10). Pp. xii + 445. Meditarch, Sydney 2016. AUD 150. ISBN 978-0-9580-265-7-4 (cloth).
Crawford, Sally, Dawn M. Hadley, and Gillian Shepherd, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Pp. 720. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018. $145. ISBN 978-0-19-967069-7 (cloth).
Cunliffe, Barry. On the Ocean: The Mediterranean and the Atlantic from Prehistory to AD 1500. Pp. 624. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2017. $39.95. ISBN 9780198757894 (cloth).
Davies, Glenys. Gender and Body Language in Roman Art. Pp. xii + 357. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $120. ISBN 978-0-521-84273-0 (cloth).
de Ruyt, Claire, Thomas Morard, and Françoise van Haeperen, eds. Ostia Antica: Nouvelles études et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cité. Actes du colloque international (Rome–Ostia Antica, 22–24 septembre 2014) (Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, Artes 8). Pp. 311. Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome, Brussels 2018. €75. ISBN 978-90-74461-89-4 (paper).
Dothan, Trude, Yosef Garfinkel, and Seymour Gitin. Field IV Lower—The Elite Zone. Vol. 9, pt. 1, The Iron Age I Early Philistine City. Vol. 9, pt. 3B, The Iron Age I and IIC Early and Late Philistine Cities Plans and Sections (Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1985–1988, 1990, 1992–1995). Pp. xxiii + 622 (vol. 9, pt. 1); iv + plans (vol. 9, pt. 3B). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $189.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-956-2 (cloth).
Effros, Bonnie. Incidental Archaeologists: French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa. Pp. xvi + 371. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. 2018. $49.95. ISBN 9781501702105 (cloth).
Effros, Bonnie, and Guolong Lai, eds. Unmasking Ideology in Imperial and Colonial Archaeology (Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives 8). Pp. xxxii + 468. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles 2018. $85. ISBN 978-1-938770-13-5 (paper).
Evans, Jane DeRose. Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts. Coins from the 1973 to 2013 Excavations (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis 13). Pp. xxi + 305. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2018. $90. ISBN 9780674987258 (cloth).
Fiema, Zbigniew T., Jaakko Frösén, and Maija Holappa. Petra: The Mountain of Aaron. The Nabataean Sanctuary and the Byzantine Monastery (The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan 2). Pp. viii + 601 + DVD of virtual tour. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki 2016. €140. ISBN 978-951-653-410-0 (cloth).
Gonlin, Nancy, and April Nowell, eds. Archaeology of the Night: Life after Dark in the Ancient World. Pp. xxx + 412. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2018. $75. ISBN 978-1-60732-677-9 (cloth). 
Graells i Fabregat, Raimon. Corazas helenísticas decoradas: Οπλα Καλα, los ‘Siris Bronzes’ y su contexto (Studia Archaeologia 223). Pp. 406. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2018. €200. ISBN 978-88-913-1619-6 (paper).
Graells i Fabregat, Raimon, Fausto Longo, and Gabriel Zuchtriegel, eds. Le armi di Athena: Il santuario settentrionale di Paestum. Pp. 256. Arte’m, Naples 2017. €25. ISBN 978-88-569-0608-0 (paper).
Hales, Shelley, and Anne-Marie Leander Touati, eds. Returns to Pompeii: Interior Space and Decoration Documented and Revived 18th-20th Century (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet I Rom, 4°, 62; Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, Series in 4°, 62). Pp. 312. Price N.A. Svenska Institutet I Rom, Stockholm 2016. ISBN 978-91-7042-183-9 (cloth).
Helg, Riccardo. Frontes: Le facciate nell’architettura e nell’urbanistica di Pompei e di Ercolano (DISCI Archeologia 21). Pp. xvi + 339. Bononia University Press, Bologna 2018. €45. ISBN 978-88-6923-305-0 (paper).
Helwing, Barbara, Tevekkül Aliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Farhad Guliyev, Svend Hansen, and Guram Mirtskhulava, eds. The Kura Projects: New Research on the Later Prehistory of the Southern Caucasus (Archäologie in Iran und Turan 16). Pp. viii + 452. Dietrich Reimer Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2017. €99. ISBN 978-3-496-01580-2 (cloth).
Henke, Jan-Marc. Die Zyprischen Terrakotten aus Milet: Neue Überlegungen zur Einordnung der archaischen zyprischen Terrakotten aus ostägäischen Fundkontexten und ihrer werkstattspezifischen Zuweisung (Milesische Forschungen 7). Pp. xvi + 421. Walter De Gruyter GmbH, Berlin 2017. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11-054381-0 (cloth).
Hingley, Richard. Londinium: A Biography. Roman London from Its Origins to the Fifth Century. Pp. xvi + 383. Bloomsbury Academic, London 2018. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-3500-4729-7 (paper).
Hodder, Ian, ed. Religion, History, and Place in the Origin of Settled Life. Pp. xii + 293. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2018. $75. ISBN 978-1-60732-736-3 (cloth).
Hölscher,  Fernande.  Die  Macht  der  Gottheit  im  Bild:  archäologische  Studien  zur  griechischen  Götterstatue.  Pp.  581.Verlag  Antike,  Heidelberg  2017.  $113.  ISBN  978-3-946317-15-9 (cloth).
Holt, Emily, ed. Water and Power in Past Societies (IEMA Proceedings 7). Pp. xiv +320. State University of New York Press, Albany 2018. $95. ISBN 978-1-438-46875-4 (cloth).
Hoss, Stefanie, ed. Latrinae: Roman Toilets in the Northwestern Provinces of the Roman Empire (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 31). Pp. ii + 152. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., Oxford 2018. £30. ISBN 978-1-78491-725-8 (paper).
Isler, Hans Peter. Antike Theaterbauten: Ein Handbuch (Archäologische Forschungen 27). Pp. Textband, 812; Katalogband, 852; Tafelband und Indices, xviii + 232. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2017. €300. ISBN 978-3-7001-7957-3 (paper). 
Juhel, Pierre, with Dorota Sakowicz and Paul Morillon. Armes, armement et contexte funéraire dans la Macédoine Hellénistique: Avec un appendice sur les trouvailles d’armes relatives à l'archaïsme et aux débuts de l’époque classique en Macédoine et sur ses confins (Akanthina 11). Pp. 105. University of Gdansk, Gdansk 2017. £25. ISBN 978-83-7531-182-2 (cloth; available through Casemate/Oxbow/David Brown Books).
Jusseret, Simon, and Manuel Sintubin, eds. Minoan Earthquakes: Breaking the Myth through Interdisciplinarity (Studies in Archaeological Sciences 5). Pp. 440. Leuven University Press, Leuven 2017. $89.50. ISBN 978-94-6270-105-2 (cloth).
Kästner, Ursula, and Stefan Schmidt, eds. Inszenierung von Identitäten: Unterirdische Vasenmalerei zwischen Griechen und Indigenen (Beihefte zum CVA Deutschland 8). Pp. 166. Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich 2018. $70. ISBN 978-3-7696-3779-3 (cloth).
Kristiansen, Kristian, Thomas Lindkvist, and Janken Myrdal, eds. Trade and Civilisation: Economic Networks and Cultural Ties, from Prehistory to the Early Modern Era. Pp. xi + 554. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $140. ISBN 978-1-108-42541-4 (cloth).
Kim, Hyun Jin, Frederik Juliaan Vervaet, and Selim Ferruh Adah, eds. Eurasian Empires in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Contact and Exchange between the Graeco-Roman World, Inner Asia and China. Pp. xvi + 334. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2017. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-107-19041-2 (cloth).
Krinzinger, Friedrich, and Peter Ruggendorfer, eds. Das Theater von Ephesos: Archäologischer Befund, Funde und Chronologie – Textband und Tafelband (Forschungen in Ephesos II/1). Pp. xlii + 542 (Textband), xi + 491 (Tafelband). €186. ISBN 978-3-7001-7590-2 (paper).
Kuhn, Gerhard. Das Heilige Tor (Kerameikos Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 19). Pp. xii + 266. Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2017. €110. ISBN 978-3-95490-235-4 (cloth).
Kulakoğlu, Fikri, and Gojko Barjamovic, eds. KIM 2: Proceedings of the Second Kültepe International Meeting: Kültepe, 26-30 July 2015 (Subartu 39). Pp. xii + 257. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2017. €89. ISBN 978-2-503-57522-3 (paper).
Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, and Liora Freud. Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni’s Excavations (1954, 1959–1962) (Tel Aviv University Monograph 35). 2 vols. Pp. x + 283 (vol. 1); x + 362 (vol. 2). Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2016. $169.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-490-1 (cloth).
Lipschits, Oded, Yuval Gadot, Benjamin Arubas, and Manfred Oeming. What Are the Stones Whispering? Ramat Rahel: 3000 Years of Forgotten History. Pp. vi + 183. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2017. $69.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-498-7 (cloth).
Lohmann, Hans, Georg Kalaitzoglou, and Gundula Lüdorf, eds. Forschungen in der Mykale I, 1: Survey in der Mykale (Dilek Daglan/Aydin) 2001-2009 (Asia Minor Studien 77). Vol. I, Pp. lxxx + 436. Vol. II, Pp. xii + 552. Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, Bonn 2017. €198. ISBN 978-3-7749-4016-1 (cloth).
Marroni, Elisa. Vasi Attici a Figure Rosse da Tarquinia. Pp. 392. Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2017. €45. ISBN 978-8846749536 (paper).
Masturzo, Nicolò. Missione archeologica italiana di Iasos VI: Iasos l’Area a sud dell’Agorà I. Il tempio distilo d’età ecatomnide e l’architettura ionica (Archaeologica 176). Pp. xv + 158. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2016. $77. ISBN 978-88-7689-297-4 (paper).
McHugh, Maeve. The Ancient Greek Farmstead. Pp. 208. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2017. $55. ISBN 9781785706400 (paper).
Morpurgo, Giulia. I sepolcreti etruschi di Bologna nei terreni De Luca e Battistini: Fine VI–inizi IV secolo a.C (DISCI Archeologia 20). 2 vols. Pp. xvii + 603. Bononia University Press, Bologna 2018. €100. ISBN 978-88-6923-304-3 (paper).
Moshenska, Gabriel, ed. Key Concepts in Public Archaeology. Pp. 250. University College of London Press, London 2017. £40.00. ISBN 9781911576440 (cloth).
Neumann, Sabine. Grotten in der hellenistischen Wohnkultur (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie, Band 4). Pp. 240. Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, Marburg 2016. €98. ISBN 978-3-8185-0528-8 (cloth).
Orsi, Paolo. I Taccuini. Vol. 1, Riproduzione anastatica e trascrizione dei Taccuini 1–4. Reproduced and transcribed by Giuseppina Monterosso and Gioconda Lamagna. (Monumenti antichi 75, serie miscellanea 20). Pp. 274. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2018. €125. ISBN 978-88-7689-299-8 (paper).
Papadimitriou, Nikos, and Maria Toli, eds. Αρχαία Κύπρος: Πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στην αρχαιολογία της ανατολικής Μεσογείου. Pp. 335. Mouseio Kykladikis Technis, Athens 2017. Price not available. ISBN 978-618-5060-23-7 (paper).
Perlès, Catherine, with appendix by André Colonese. Ornaments and Other Ambiguous Artifacts from Franchthi. Vol. 1, The Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic (Franchthi 15). Pp. xxi + 303. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2018. $50. ISBN 978-0-253-03184-6 (paper).
Pontrandolfo, Angela, in collaboration with Michalis Petropoulos and Athanasios D. Rizakis. Egialea: Ricerche nella valle del Krios (Monografia 24.1). Pp. 360. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Athens 2016. ISBN 978-960-9559-04-1 (paper).
Porten Palange Francesca Paola. Lucerne a volute monolicni e bilicni: Dal Teatro di Caesarea Maritima (Archaeologica 177). Pp. xv + 148. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2017. $86.98. ISBN 978-88-7689-303-2 (paper).
Prag, Kay. Excavations by K.M. Kenyon in Jerusalem 1961–1967. Vol. 6, Sites on the Edge of the Ophel (Levant Suppl. 18). Pp. xv + 300. Oxbow, Oxford 2017. $80. ISBN 978-1-78570-653-0 (cloth).
Raeck, Wulf, ed. Figur und Raum in der frühgriechischen Flächenkunst. Pp. 154. Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2017. €59. ISBN 978-3-95490-058-9 (cloth).
Räuchle, Viktoria. Die Mütter Athens und ihre Kinder: Verhaltens- und Gefühlsideale in klassischer Zeit. Pp. 342. Reimer, Berlin 2017. €59. ISBN 978-3-496-01561-1 (cloth).
Ronchi, Diego. La colonia di Circeii. Dal tardo arcaismo alla colonia di Cesare padre: santuari ed evidenze monumentali (Mousai 6). Pp. 176. Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2017. €25. ISBN 978-8846751225 (paper).
Rova, Elena, and Monica Tonussi, eds. At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age (Subartu 38). Pp. viii + 587. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2017. €124. ISBN 978-2-503-54897-5 (paper).
Sabloff, Jeremy A., and Paula L.W. Sabloff, eds. The Emergence of Premodern States: New Perspectives on the Development of Complex Societies (SFI Press Seminar Series 2). Pp. 370. The Santa Fe Institute Press, Santa Fe 2018. $24. ISBN 978-1-947864-12-2 (cloth).
Sarris, Apostolos, Evita Kalogiropoulou, Tuna Kalayci, and Lia Karimali, eds. Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction in Neolithic Greece (International Monographs in Prehistory Archaeological Series 20). Pp. xxxii + 480. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor, Mich. 2017. $39. ISBN 9781879621473 (paper).
Sassù, Alessio. Iktinos: L’architetto del Partenone (Maestri dell’arte classica 5). Pp. xiv + 138. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2016. $46. ISBN 978-88-7689-298-1 (paper).
Schachner, Andreas, ed. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in der Westlichen Oberstadt von Hattuša II: Ausgrabungen auf dem Mittleren Plateau zwischen Sarikale und Yenicekale (2206-2009) (Bogazköy-Hattuša Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 25). Pp. xii + 402. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut und Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2017. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11-056007-7 (cloth).
Schultz, Peter, Bronwen L. Wickkiser, George Hinge, Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos, and John Franklin. The Thymele at Epidauros: Healing, Space, and Musical Performance in Late Classical Greece. Pp. 240. Theran Press, Fargo 2017. $59.99. ISBN 978-1944296049 (paper).
Shennan, Stephen. The First Farmers of Europe: An Evolutionary Perspective (Cambridge World Archaeology). Pp. xviii + 253. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $34.99. ISBN 978-1-108-43521-5 (paper).
Shipley, D. Graham J. The Early Hellenistic Peloponnese: Politics, Economies, and Networks 338–197 BC. Pp. xxxii + 355. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $120. ISBN 978-0-521-87369-7 (cloth).
Sperti, Luigi, ed. Scultura di Iulia Concordia e Aquileia (RdA Suppl. 31). Pp. x + 163. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2017. $81. ISBN 978-887689-292-9 (paper).
Stern, Karen B. Writing on the Wall: Graffiti and the Forgotten Jews of Antiquity. Pp. xxiii + 283. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2018. $35. ISBN 978-0-691-16133-4 (cloth).
Todisco, Luigi. Prassitele di Atene: Scultore e bronzista del IV secolo (Maestri dell’arte classica 6). Pp. xii + 148. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2017. $43. ISBN 978-88-7689-301-8 (paper).
Voutsaki, Sofia, and Paul Cartledge, eds. Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: A Critical History of Archaeology in 19th and 20th Century Greece. Pp. xv + 220. Routledge, Abingdon 2017. $149.95. ISBN 978-0-7546-5289-2 (cloth).
Winter, Engelbert, ed. Vom eisenzeitlichen Heiligtum zum christlichen Kloster: Neue Forschungen auf dem Dülük Baba Tepesi (Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen IX, Asia Minor Studien 84). Pp. xiv + 378. Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, Bonn 2017. €89. ISBN 978-3-7749-4079-6 (cloth).
Zanni, Sara, ed. La route antique et médiévale: nouvelles approches, nouveaux outils (Scripta Antiqua 106). Pp. 176. Ausonius, Bordeaux 2017. €25. ISBN 978-2-35613-204-8 (paper).
Zertal Z"l, Adam, and Shay Bar. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Volume 4. From Nahal Bezeq to the Sartaba. Pp. 780. Brill, Leiden 2017. €121 ISBN 978-9-00434-695-6 (cloth).

The Hippos of Troy: Why Homer Never Talked about a Horse by Francesco Tiboni. 2021. ISBN 9781789698992. £24.99. (eBook ISBN 9781789699005, from £16) ΔΟΥΡΕΙΟΣ ΙΠΠΟΣ, ΤΡΟΙΑ. Paperback; 175x245mm; 120pp; 32 figures. This book addresses perhaps the most famous episode in Classical mythology: the Wooden Horse of Troy. Through analysis of words, images and wrecks, the author proposes a new interpretation of what Homer actually intended when he spoke of the 'hippos' used by the Greeks to conquer Troy: a particular ship type, used to pay tribute to Levantine kings.

Spectacle and Display: A Modern History of Britain’s Roman Mosaic Pavements by Michael Dawson. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 79, 2021. ISBN 9781789698312. £40.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698329, from £16). Paperback; 174x245mm; 260pp; 60 figures. Antiquarian interest in the Roman period mosaics of Britain began in the 16th century. This book is the first to explore responses and attitudes to mosaics, not just at the point of discovery but during their subsequent history. It is a field which has received scant attention and provides a compelling insight into the agency of these remains.

Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt Proceedings of the conference held in Barcelona (2018) ed. by Rosa Dinarès Solà et al. Archaeopress Egyptology 34, 2021. ISBN 9781789697704. £30.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697711, from £16). ΦΑΡΜΑΚΑ, ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ. Paperback; 174x245mm; 156 pages; 76 figures, 14 tables. This volume presents the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt (Barcelona, October 2018) showcasing the most recent pharmaceutical and medical studies on human remains and organic and plant material from ancient Egypt, together with discussions on textual and iconographical evidence.

Roots of Reform: Contextual Interpretation of Church Fittings in Norfolk During the English Reformation by Jason Robert Ladick. 2021. ISBN 9781789697667. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697674, from £16). Paperback; 205x290mm; 182pp; 17 black & white figures, 21 tables, 62 colour plates. This volume provides a thorough examination of the impact of the English Reformation through a detailed analysis of medieval and early modern church fittings surviving at parish churches located throughout the county of Norfolk in England.

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Frontier in Egypt Frontières de l’empire romain : la frontière romaine en Égypte by David J. Breeze and Michel Reddé. Frontiers of the Roman Empire (FRE) series, 2021. ISBN 9781789699456. £14.99. (eBook ISBN 9781789699463, FREE download) Paperback; 185x248mm; 96pp; 150 figures (colour throughout). Full text in English and French. The Roman military remains of Egypt are remarkable in their variety and state of preservation: forts, quarries whose materials were used in the monumental buildings of Rome, roads which brought the Mediterranean into contact with the Indian Ocean; each reader of this book will enjoy learning more about the remarkable Roman inheritance of Egypt.

The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanta – 18-22 September 2017) ed. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze et al. 2021. ISBN 9781789697582. £85.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697599, from £16). ΑΡΧΑΙΟΣ ΠΟΝΤΟΣPaperback; 205x290mm; 778pp; 476 figures, 16 tables. The proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanta, 2017) is dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. Sir John Boardman, President of the Congress since its inception. The central theme returns to that considered 20 years earlier: the importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World.

Enemy – Stranger – Neighbour: The Image of the Other in Moche Culture by Janusz Z. Woloszyn. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology 13. 2021. ISBN 9781789698824. £40.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698831, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 200pp; 350 figures, 4 tables (colour throughout). Enemy – Stranger – Neighbour: The Image of the Other in Moche Culture is dedicated to artistic renderings of the Recuay people in Moche art, in all available and preserved media. This study offers an analysis of several dozen complex, painted and bas-relief scenes and several hundred mould-pressed, sculpted depictions of foreigners in Moche art.

Banquets, Rations et Offrandes Alimentaires au Proche-Orient ancien 10 000 ans d’histoire alimentaire révélée by Daniel Bonneterre. 2021. ISBN 9781789699746. £55.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699753, from £16) Paperback; 175x245mm; 410pp; 40 figures, 5 maps (34 pages in colour). This book investigates food consumption in the ancient Near East. Archaeological discoveries and abundant textual documentation help reconstruct food supply to the cities of Mesopotamia and provide a better idea of the variety of products available. Some aspects of everyday life are presented in a new light, notably the social role of the banquet.

Burials and Society in Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Ireland by Cormac McSparron. Queen's University Belfast Irish Archaeological Monograph 1. 2020. ISBN 9781789696318. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789696325, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 176pp; 75 figures, 26 tables. This book describes and analyses the increasing complexity of later Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age burial in Ireland, using burial complexity as a proxy for increasing social complexity, and as a tool for examining social structure.

Fores et Fenestrae: A Computational Study of Doors and Windows in Roman Domestic Space Lucia Michielin. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 82. 2021. ISBN 9781789696172. £48.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789696189, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 296pp; 146 figures, 39 tables, 52 renders. The role doors and windows play in shaping the life and structure of Roman private dwellings has been underestimated; they are structures that connect not only rooms but houses to the outside world, and they relate to privacy, security, and light in domestic spaces. This volume analyses these structures as an essential part of daily life.

Visual Culture, Heritage and Identity: Using Rock Art to Reconnect Past and Present by Dr Andrzej Rozwadowski and Dr Jamie Hampson. 2021. ISBN 9781789698466. £30.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698473, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 150pp; 90 illustrations (colour throughout) This book presents a fresh perspective on rock art by considering how ancient images function in the present. It focuses on how ancient heritage is recognized and reified in the modern world, and how rock art stimulates contemporary processes of cultural identity-making.

Flint Procurement and Exploitation Strategies in the Late Lower Paleolithic Levant A View from Acheulo-Yabrudian Qesem Cave (Israel) by Aviad Agam. 2021. ISBN 9781789699340. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699357, from £16) Paperback; 174x245mm; 216pp; 84 figures, 54 tables (52 pages in colour). This volume examines patterns of flint procurement and exploitation at the Acheulo-Yabrudian site Qesem Cave, Israel. The results show how flint had a major impact on early human decision-making and social and cultural lifeways during the Late Lower Paleolithic of the Levant.

Chios dicta est… et in Aegæo sita mari: Historical Archaeology and Heraldry on Chios by Ioanna Koukouni. 2021. ISBN 9781789697469. £54.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697476, from £16) ΧΙΟΣ Paperback; 205x290mm; 330pp; 18 figures, 6 maps, 125 plates. This book discusses the archaeology and history of the Greek island of Chios during the Byzantine and Genoese periods, focusing on Mount Amani. Harsh, remote, and poor, Mount Amani is nevertheless surprisingly rich in material for the landscape archaeologist and the student of historical topography, yet, until now, unknown in scholarly literature.

Living Opposite to the Hospital of St John: Excavations in Medieval Northampton 2014 by Jim Brown. 2021. ISBN 9781789699364. £60.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699371, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 362pp; 205 figures, 91 tables (colour throughout) This volume presents the results of archaeological investigations undertaken at a building site in Northampton in 2014. The location was of interest as it lay opposite the former medieval hospital of St. John, which influenced the development of this area of the town.

Some Thoughts about the Evolution of Human Behavior: A Literature Survey by Arthur J. Boucot. 2021. ISBN 9781789699036. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699043, from £16) Paperback; 174x245mm; 252pp. On his death, Arthur Boucot (1924–2017) left an unfinished manuscript in which he surveyed the skeletal, behavioral, and cultural changes that have characterized Homo from its first recognition in the Late Pliocene to the present. The results, edited after his death, provide a heavily referenced sourcebook for future workers in diverse fields

Vincenzo La Rosa (1941- 2014): Un archeologo tra Sicilia e Egeo ed. Lucia Arcifa and Pietro Militello. Praehistorica Mediterranea 9. 2021. ISBN 9781789698176. £30.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698183, from £16) ΣΙΚΕΛΙΑ, ΑΙΓΑΙΟPaperback; 150x210mm; 172pp; 36 figures. This volume re-examines the scientific figure of Vincenzo La Rosa, professor of Aegean Civilisations at the University of Catania, exploring his contributions to our knowledge of the prehistory of Crete, Sicily and the Aegean, and to the application of a long-term perspective linking the ancient and modern worlds.

Santuari e spazi confessionali nell’Italia tardoantica by Alessandro Luciano. 2021. ISBN 9781789697544. £40.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697551, from £16+VAT, if applicable) Paperback; 205x290mm; 274pp; 274 black & white figures. The cult of relics led to the transformation of the Late Antique Italian landscape, and of suburban areas in particular. Analysing hypogeal and subdial contexts, this book outlines the evolution of loca sancta, in a process that led the venerated tombs to become first memoriae, then places of worship and finally articulated sanctuaries.

Tres usurpadores godos: Tres estudios sobre la tiranía en el reino visigodo de Toledo by Rafael Barroso Cabrera et al. 2021. ISBN 9781789699593. £60.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699609, FREE download) Paperback; 203x276mm; 446pp; 112 figures (colour throughout). This book presents a study of three famous usurpations of the Visigothic period: the uprising of Prince Hermenegild (579-585); the rebellion of Duke Argimundo at the beginning of the reign of Recaredo; and Duke Theudemirus and the role he played in the transmission of power between Visigoths and Arabs after the fall of the kingdom of Toledo.

The Statues at Rousham Park by Anne Schlee. Academy Press, 2021. ISBN 9780955892349. £19.99. Paperback; 250x280mm; 110 pages; 76 figures (colour throughout). Informative and well-illustrated, this book describes how the retired General Dormer, who inherited Rousham in 1738, completed Charles Bridgeman’s garden design with the help of William Kent, but reserved for himself the choice of statues and their placement. Taken together, the statues and busts suggest an autobiographical portrait of Dormer.

Luka Boršić and Irena Radić Rossi Liburnians and Illyrian Lembs: Iron Age Ships of the Eastern Adriatic. ΙΛΛΥΡΙΑ, ΑΔΡΙΑΤΙΚΗ. The lecture explores the origins of two types of ancient ship which appear in the written sources connected with the protohistoric eastern Adriatic area: the ‘Liburnian’ (liburna or liburnica) and the southern Adriatic (Illyrian) ‘lemb’. The relative abundance of written sources suggests that both ships played significant roles in ancient times, especially the Liburnian, which became the main type of light warship in early Roman imperial fleets and ultimately evolved into a generic name for warships in the Roman Imperial period and Late Antiquity.

William O'Brien Garranes: An Early Medieval Royal Site in South-West Ireland The second in our online lecture series, 'An Evening with Archaeopress'. William O'Brien, Professor of Archaeology at University College Cork, presents the results of an interdisciplinary project conducted 2011–18, where archaeological survey and excavation, supported by various specialist studies, examined the historic landscape at Garranes, Co. Cork, Ireland. Garranes is a special place where archaeology, history and legend combine to uncover a minor royal site of the early medieval period. The lecture is followed by a Q&A session with questions submitted by the virtual audience.

Caroline K. Mackenzie Culture and Society at Lullingstone Roman Villa The first in our online lecture series, 'An Evening with Archaeopress'. Caroline K. Mackenzie takes us on a tour of Lullingstone Roman Villa (Kent, UK), the landscape, buildings, wall art and mosaics. The lecture is followed by a Q&A sessions with questions submitted by the virtual audience.

Visions of the Roman North: Art and Identity in Northern Roman Britain by Iain Ferris. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 80. 2021. ISBN 9781789699050. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699067, from £16) Paperback; 175x245mm; 236pp; 107 figures, colour throughout. This is the first book to analyse art from the northern frontier zones of Roman Britain and to interpret the meaning and significance of this art in terms of the formation of a regional identity. It argues that a distinct and vibrant visual culture flourished in the north, primarily due to its status as a heavily militarized frontier zone. Read Iain's Blogpost about his new book.

The First Thousand Years of Glass-Making in the Ancient Near East Compositional Analyses of Late Bronze and Iron Age Glasses Wendy Reade. 2021. ISBN 9781789697032. £45.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697049, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 274pp; 204 figures, 72 tables. This volume explores glass composition and production from the mid-second to mid-first millennia BC, the first thousand years of glass-making. Multi-element analyses of 132 glasses from Pella in Jordan, and Nuzi and Nimrud in Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia) produce new and important data that provide insights into the earliest glass production.

Classification of Lithic Artefacts from the British Late Glacial and Holocene Periods by Torben Bjarke Ballin. 2021. ISBN 9781789698695. £25.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698701, Open Access) Paperback; 205x290mm; 100pp; 128 figures. This volume offers a system for the hierarchical classification of British lithic artefacts from the Late Glacial and Holocene periods, and it is hoped that it may find use as a guide book for, for example, archaeology students, museum staff, non-specialist archaeologists, local archaeology groups and lay enthusiasts.

Le commerce de céramiques fines à ammaia, une ville du sud de la Lusitanie (50 – 550 apr. J.-c.) by José Carlos Quaresma. Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 16. 2021. ISBN 9781789696837. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789696844, from £16) Paperback; 210x297mm; 228pp; 133 figures (43 colour pages). This volume presents the entire assemblage of fine wares (terra sigillata, lamps and thin-walled wares) from Ammaia, a Roman and Late Antique town located in the hinterland of southern Lusitania (presently in Portuguese territory).

Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 21-23 September 2018 ed. Manolis Manoledakis. 2021. ISBN 9781789698671. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698688, from £16+VAT) ΠΟΝΤΟΣ Paperback; 205x290mm; 200pp; 93 figures (28 pages in colour). Contributions to this volume, covering all shores of the Black Sea, draw on a mix of archaeological evidence, epigraphy and written sources to explore the activities and characteristics of those that inhabited or colonised the Black Sea area, as well as those that visited, acted in, or influenced the region, from the archaic to Roman periods.

Baraqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007 Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Extramural excavations in Area C and overview studies ed. Sabina Antonini and Francesco G. Fedele. 2021. ISBN 9781789694703. £98.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789694710, Open Access) ΥΕΜΕΝΗ 2 Vols. Paperback; 205x290mm; 944pp; 700 figures, tables and plates. This richly illustrated volume presents the remarkable results of the Italian Archaeological Mission's investigations at the site of the walled town of Baraqish in interior Yemen, ancient Yathill of the Sabaeans and Minaeans, between 1986 and 2007.

Pits and Boots: Excavation of Medieval and Post-medieval Backlands under the Bon Accord Centre, Aberdeen by Michael Roy. 2021. ISBN 9781789694871. £55.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789694888, Open Access) Paperback; 205x290mm; 368pp; 170 figures, 43 tables. Excavations in 2007-8, ahead of an extension to the Bon Accord Centre in Aberdeen, uncovered backlands that would have formed part of the industrial quarter of the medieval town. The excavation charts the changing nature of the area, from an industrial zone in the medieval period, to horticultural and domestic spaces in post-medieval times.

Crimes in the Past: Archaeological and Anthropological Evidence ed. Tatiana Shvedchikova et al. 2021. ISBN 9781789697780. £40.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697797, from £16) Paperback; 175x245mm; 264pp; 102 figures, 5 tables. ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑ This book discusses examples of crime scenes in the archaeological past, their detection and interpretation with the help of modern science; readers will find cases of historic and prehistoric ‘crimes scenes’ known from various contexts: (pre)historic (mass) graves, lethal violent acts related to warfare, ritual killings, or possible murder cases.

Conversations in Human Evolution: Volume 2 ed. Lucy Timbrell. 2021. ISBN 9781789699470. £34.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699487, FREE download) Paperback; 203x276mm; 124pp; Colour figures throughout. This second volume reports another twenty interviews with scholars at the forefront of human evolution research, covering the broad scientific themes of Palaeolithic archaeology, palaeoanthropology and biological anthropology, earth science and palaeoclimatic change, evolutionary anthropology and primatology, and human disease co-evolution.

El tesoro de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de Reina, Badajoz) by David Martínez Chico. 2021. ISBN 9781789699401. £25.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699418, FREE download) Paperback; 203x276mm; 94pp; 9 figures, 3 tables, illustrated catalogue (30 plates); colour throughout. This volume presents a study of the Regina Turdulorum Hoard (Casas de Reina, Badajoz), which was buried with 818 imitative antoniniani of Divo Claudio type, minted in copper. The vast majority of the coins bear the reverse legend 'CONSECRATIO'. This figure makes the hoard one of the most important finds in Spain and Portugal.

Toniná, una ciudad maya de Chiapas: Vida y muerte en las postrimerías del colapso maya by Judith L. Ruiz González. Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 54. 2021. ISBN 9781789699289. £49.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699296, FREE download) Paperback; 276x203mm; 328pp; 150 figures, 68 tables (122 pages in colour) Toniná was a Mayan city, located between two cultural areas near the Chiapas Highlands. It has been widely proposed that the Maya collapse implied the disappearance and depopulation of many cities; this research addresses the survival of Toniná towards the threshold of the Postclassic.

Visions of the Roman North. Art and Identity in Northern Roman Britain Iain Ferris introduces his new book, a study of the role of images and art in the northern regions of Roman Britain, and how art and identity interacted together to produce what is argued to have been a highly-distinctive visual culture.

Les pratiques funéraires en Gaule lyonnaise de l’époque augustéenne à la fin du 3e siècle by András Márton. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 81. 2021. ISBN 9781789698077. £60.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789698084, from £16) Paperback; 205x290mm; 482pp; 299 figures; 379 maps (black & white throughout). French text. This volume gives an overview of Roman burial practices in the Gallia Lugdunensis province during the Early Roman Empire, focussing on grave treatment and grave furnishing, the structure of the tombs and the selection and treatment of grave goods and human remains.

Orientation of Prehistoric Monuments in Britain: A Reassessment by Alistair Marshall. 2021. ISBN 9781789697056. £85.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697063, from £16) Paperback; 203x276mm; 704pp; 2 colour figures, links to extensive online image archive. Reassesses major axial alignment at many megalithic ritual and funerary monuments (Neolithic to Bronze Age) in Britain and Ireland, not in terms of abstract astronomical concerns, but as an expression of repeated seasonal propitiation involving community, agrarian economy and ancestry in an attempt to mitigate variable environmental conditions.

The Archaeology of ‘Underdog Sites’ in the Douro Valley: From Prehistory to the Modern Age ed. Santiago Sánchez de la Parra-Pérez et al. 2021. ISBN 9781789699890. £60.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699906, FREE download) Paperback; 203x276mm; 390pp; Colour illustrations throughout. This volume brings together the best presentations from the 8th and 9th Archaeology of the Douro Valley meetings, held in Ávila (2018) and Astorga (2019). Papers aim to show the importance of projects that have been left in the background despite obtaining interesting archaeological data about the occupation of this valley and its evolution.

La necropoli romana di Melano (Canton Ticino – Svizzera) Struttura e cronologia. Tipologia delle sepolture. Corredi funerari e materiali: Il Castello e il Castellaccio di Melano by Christiane M. A. De Micheli Schulthess. 2021. ISBN 9781789699784. £28.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699791, FREE download) Paperback; 203x276mm; 118pp; 20 colour figures, 6 black & white figures, 12 black & white plates. Italian text. The Roman necropolis of Melano (Switzerland), ΜΕΛΑΝΟ ΕΛΒΕΤΙΑΣ excavated 1957-1979, is one of the few discovered in the Sottoceneri region, where the findings are mostly isolated burials or those in small groups. It consists of 26 cremation and inhumation tombs and stands out for its variety of types and the materials used in their construction.

Mammoths and Neanderthals in the Thames Valley by Katharine Scott and Christine Buckingham. 2021. ISBN 9781789699647. £45.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789699654, Open Access) Paperback; 174x245mm; 272pp; 133 figures, 55 tables (colour throughout). This richly illustrated book gives a detailed account of excavations that extended over ten years at Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, following the discovery of a mammoth tusk in 1989. More than 1500 vertebrate fossils and a wealth of other biological material were recorded and recovered, along with 36 stone artefacts attributable to Neanderthals.

Ramla: City of Muslim Palestine, 715-1917 Studies in History, Archaeology and Architecture ed. Andrew Petersen and Denys Pringle. 2021. ISBN 9781789697766. £48.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697773, from £16) ΡΑΜΛΑ ΠΑΛΑΙΣΤΙΝΗ Paperback; 205x290mm; 332pp; 320 figures, 8 tables (black & white throughout). This book presents a comprehensive overview of the history, archaeology and architecture of the city of Ramla from the time of its foundation as the capital of Umayyad Palestine around 715 until the end of Ottoman rule in 1917.

Investigations into the Dyeing Industry in Pompeii Experimental Archaeology and Computer Simulation Techniques by Heather Hopkins Pepper. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology. 2021. ISBN 9781789697421. £38.00. (eBook ISBN 9781789697438, from £16) ΠΟΜΠΗΙΑ Paperback; 205x290mm; 212pp; 86 figures, 25 tables plus illustrated gazetteer. The scale of processing associated with the dyeing industry in Pompeii is a controversial subject. This investigation uses a new multi-disciplinary triangulated approach, providing an understanding of the significance of the industry that is grounded in engineering and archaeological principles, but within the context of Pompeii.

Ash-Sharq - Bulletin of the Ancient Near East Vol 5 No 1-2 2021 Editor in Chief: Laura Battini (Paris, UMR 7192-Collège de France, France) Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. It is published digitally twice a year, with a print edition collecting both digital issues at the end of the year. The principal language of the publication is English; there will be some provision for papers in the languages currently spoken in the Middle East (Arabic, Hebrew, Kurde, Persian, Turkish).

ARAMAZD: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies Volume XIV. 1-2 2020 ed. Aram Kosyan (Editor in Chief). 2020. ISBN 9781789698534. From £50.00. (PDF/Online edition from £25.00) ΑΡΜΕΝΙΑ Paperback; 165x235mm; 308pp; illustrated throughout in colour and black & white. Volume XIV is presented in one volume containing both issues (both for print and online editions). Established in 2006 by the Association for Near Eastern and Caucasian Studies in corporation with Institute of Oriental Studies and Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography (National Academy of Sciences of Armenia) AJNES is the only periodical in the Republic of Armenia devoted exclusively to the investigation of ancient and medieval cultures of the Near East and the Caucasus.

Offa's Dyke Journal: Volume 2 for 2020 ed. Howard Williams and Liam Delaney. 2020. ISBN 9781789698527. £35.00. (Online edition available in Open Access). Paperback; 250x176mm; 206pp; illustrated throughout in colour and black & white. ODJ has a concerted focus on the Anglo-Welsh borderlands alongside wider themes, debates and investigations concerning boundaries and barriers, edges and peripheries, from prehistory through to recent times. The public archaeology and heritage of frontiers and borderlands is also considered.

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 5 2020 ed. John Bintliff. ISBN 9781789697926. From £60.00. (PDF/Online version, from £25) ελληνικη αρχαιολογια Paperback; 205x290mm; 652pp; Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white Volume 5 of the Journal of Greek Archaeology is the richest and most diverse so far. Keeping to the core brief to cover all major periods of Greek Archaeology, articles range from the Neolithic through Greco-Roman times, the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century AD. Geographically, papers range from Sicily through the Aegean to Turkey.

KOINON: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies Volume III, 2020 ed. Nicholas J. Molinari. ISBN 9781789698114. ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΑ Paperback; 220x280mm; 144pp; Illustrated throughout in colour and black & white KOINON includes papers concerning iconography, die studies, provenance research, forgery analysis, translations of excerpts from antiquarian works, specialized bibliographies, corpora of rare varieties and types, ethical questions on laws and collecting, book reviews, and more.

Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 22 ed. Professor Helena Hamerow. 2020. ISBN 9781789697865. Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History (ASSAH) is an annual journal concerned with the archaeology and history of England and its neighbours during the Anglo-Saxon period (circa AD 400-1100).

ΠΗΓΗ: AJAArchaeopress Archaeology. Γ. Λεκάκης "Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία". ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 3.7.2019.

(*) Το λήμμα αυτό του ΑΡΧΕΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, όπως και κάθ ελήμμα του, ανανεώνεται διαρκώς

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