κύπελλο, με μονή λαβή,
13ου-11ου αι. π.Χ.
από τον Άγιο
Μάμμα Χαλκιδικής
Clay one-handled cup
Της Ευαγγελίας Τσαγγαράκη
Museum/Inf. no.: Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, ΜΘ 4465
Provenance: Agios Mamas
Dating: Early Bronze Age
Material: Clay grayish brown in colour (7.5YR,
6/2, pinkish gray), coarse grained, containing many
inclusions (mainly mineral and mica). The gray
clouds and the other dissimilarities in the colour
of the external surface are probably due to uneven
firing conditions
Preservation: Mended from several sherds.
Reconstructed in small areas of the rim and the
H. 12.3 cm
Base diam. 4.1 cm
Rim diam. (outer) 11 cm
Wall th. 0.7 cm
Description: Coarse, handmade, wide-mouthed
and deep vessel with a sigmoid profile. It has a flat
base, a body in the shape of an inverted truncated
cone, a short and wide neck, an outward rim and
a vertical banded handle that is attached on the
shoulder and the rim of the vessel. It bears plastic
decoration at the height of the shoulder: a pair
of mastoid lugs placed exactly opposite from the
handle and two similar lugs on either side. The
external surface of the vessel is relatively coarse,
while the interior is minimally smoothed. It is
probably a relatively deep drinking vessel (cup),
but we cannot rule out its use as a vessel for serving
Comments: For typological parallels, see: Heurtley
1939, 189 no. 302 (Early Bronze Age vessel,
provenance unknown).
Bibliography: Heurtley 1939, 174 no. 201, pl. ΧΙΙ;
Aslanis 1985, 243, 249, Taf. 112.11.
References: Heurtley 1939: Heurtley W. A.
Prehistoric Macedonia. An archaeological
reconnaissance of Greek Macedonia (west of the
Struma) in the Neolithic, Bronze, and Early Iron
Ages, Cambridge 1939. Aslanis 1985: Aslanis
I. Kastanas. Die Frühbronzezeitlichen Funde
und Befunde, Prähistorische Archäologie in
Südosteuropa 4, Berlin 1985.
Author: Evangelia Tsangaraki
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: Πηλινο κυπελλο, λαβη, 13ος αιωνας πΧ, 11ος αιωνας πΧ, Αγιος Μαμμας Χαλκιδικης, Χαλκιδικη, Τσαγγαρακη, Αγιος Μαμας Χαλκιδικης