A series devoted to primary sources and interpretive analyses for the study of Mesopotamian civilization and its influence, from late prehistoric times to the end of the cuneiform tradition.
Editor: Federico Buccellati
BM 1. Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia, Chiefly from Nippur. Part I: Literary and Lexical Texts, and the Earliest Administrative Documents from Nippur.
Aage Westenholz.
1975. Pp. xii + 199 + 3pls.
Cloth ISBN 008-1 $35.00
BM 2/1. Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part I: The Venus Tablet.
Erica Reiner and David Pingree.
1975. Pp. iv + 65.
Paper ISBN 010-3 $20.00
BM 2/2. Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part II: Enuma Anu Enlil, Tablet 50-51.
Erica Reiner and David Pingree.
1981. Pp. 100.
Paper ISBN 049-9 $20.00
BM 3. Inscriptions from Al-Hiba-Lagash, the First and Second Seasons (reprinted with addenda).
Robert D. Biggs.
1976. Pp 45 + 2 pls.
Paper ISBN 017-0 $11.00
BM 4. The Legacy of Sumer.
Denise Schmandt-Besserat, Ed.
1976. Pp. ii + 136 + 68 pls.
Out of print
BM 5. The Economic Role of the Crown in the Old Babylonian Period.
Norman Yoffee.
1977. Pp. vii + 160.
Out of print
BM 6. Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East.
McGuire Gibson and Robert D. Biggs, Eds.
1977. Pp 160 + microfiche.
Paper ISBN 022-7 $31.00
BM 7. Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia.
Louis D. Levine and T. Cuyler Young, Jr, Eds.
1977. Pp. x + 405 + 26 pls.
Out of print
BM 8. The Court of the Palms: A Functional Interpretation of the Mari Palace.
Yasin M. Al-Khalesi.
1978. Pp. viii + 85 + 5 pls.
Cloth ISBN 029-4 $35.00
BM 9. Gli eponimi medio-assiri.
Claudio Saporetti.
1979. Pp. viii + 184.
Cloth ISBN 037-5 $44.00
Paper ISBN 037-5 $31.00
BM 10. Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 10: The Fourth Season.
Giorgio Buccellati.
1979. Pp. iv + 90 + 28 pls. + 23 figs.
Paper ISBN 042-1 $32.00
BM 11. Les sattukku dans l'Esumesa durant la période d'Isin et Larsa.
René Marcel Sigrist.
1984. Pp. ix + 208.
Paper ISBN 048-0 $43.00
12. The Rituals of the Diviner.
Ivan Starr.
1983. Pp. x + 145.
Paper ISBN 064-2 $29.00
BM 13. An Early Village Site at Zawi Chemi Shanidar.
Rose L. Solecki.
1981. Pp. vi + 85 + 13 pl.
Paper ISBN 068-5 $21.00
BM 14. Salinity and Irrigation Agriculture in Antiquity: Diayala Basin Archaeological Projects, 1957-58.
Thorkild Jacobsen.
1982. Pp. xiv + 116 + 20 pls.
Paper ISBN 092-8 $26.00
BM 15. Catalogue of Artifacts in the Babylonian Collection of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology.
Yoko Tomabechi.
1984. Pp. xii + 68 + 15 pls.
Paper ISBN 106-1 $35.00
16. Terqa Final Reports No. 1: L'Archive de Puzurum.
Olivier Rouault.
1984. Pp. xxii + 92 + 20 pls.
Paper ISBN 102-9 $26.00
BM 17. Old Babylonian Texts from Kish Conserved in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums.
Veysel Donbaz and Norman Yoffee.
1986. Pp. viii + 94 + 6 pls.
Cloth ISBN 087-1 $36.00
Paper ISBN 086-3 $23.00
BM 18. Frauen in Altsumerischer Zeit.
Julia M. Asher-Greve.
1985. Pp. xxii + 223 + 32 pls.
Paper ISBN 162-2 $50.00
BM 19. Studies in Ishchali Documents.
Samuel Greengus.
1986. Pp. ix + 252.
Cloth ISBN 166-5 $49.00
Paper ISBN 167-3 $39.00
BM 20. Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons.
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati.
1988. Pp. vi + 158 + 24 pls.
Cloth ISBN 195-9 $31.00
Paper ISBN 194-0 $22.00
BM 21. Insight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada.
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Paolo Matthiae, and Maurits van Loon, Eds.
Contributors: P. Amiet, R. Amiran, F. Baffi Guardata, R. D. Barnett, P. Beck, J. Boardman & R. Moorey, R. M. Boehmer, M. A. Brandes, D. Collon, R. Dolce, R. H. Dyson, Jr. & M. V. Harris, D. Homès-Fredericq, B. Hrouda, V. Karageorghis, M. Kelly-Buccellati, E. Klengel-Brandt, B. Mallowan, J.-C. Margueron, R. Mayer-Opificius, S. Mazzoni, U. Moortgat-Correns, H. J. Nissen, Nimet Ozgüç, S. M. Paley, F. Pinnock, U. Seidl, S. Shaath, M. van Loon, I. J. Winter.
1986. Pp. x + 268 + 64 pls.
Paper ISBN 189-4 $45.00
BM 22. The Oriental Institute Excavations at Selenkahiye, Syria: Terra-Cotta Figurines and Model Vehicles.
Harold Liebowitz and Maurits van Loon, Eds.
1988. Pp. xiv + 60 + 34 pls.
Cloth ISBN 105-3 $23.00
Paper ISBN 104-5 $16.00
BM 23. Studies in the Chronology and Regional Style of Old Babylonian Cylinder Seals.
Lamia Al-Gailani Werr.
1988. Pp. x + 110 + 44 pls. + photos.
Paper ISBN 172-X $31.00
Paper ISBN 172-X $21.00
BM 24. The Late Babylonian Texts of the Oriental Institute Collection.
David Weisberg.
1991. Pp. viii + 87 + 131 pls.
Cloth ISBN 301-3 $31.00
Paper ISBN 300-5 $21.00
BM 25. New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria.
Mark Chavalas and John Hayes, Eds.
Contributors: M. W. Chavalas, M. C. Astour, G. M. Beckman, D. E. Fleming, C. H. Gordon, W. W. Hallo, H. A. Hoffner, Jr., D. I. Owen.
1992. Pp. viii + 232.
Cloth ISBN 324-2 $41.00
Paper ISBN 323-4 $31.00
BM 26. Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3. Urkesh and the Hurrians: Studies in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen.
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Eds.
Contributors: G. Buccellati, E. Elster, M. Kelly-Buccellati, F. Buccellati, R. Hauser, P. Steinkeller, M. Salvini, G. Wilhelm, V. Vs. Ivanov, H. A. Hoffner, Jr.
1998. Pp. 200 + 15 pls.
Cloth ISBN 501-4 $35.00
Paper ISBN 502-2 $25.00
BM 27. Urkesh/Mozan Studies 4. Gli Opifici di Urkesh: Conservazione e restauro a Tell Mozan. Atti della Tavola Rotonda tenuta presso L'Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze, 23 Novembre 1999.
A cura di Sophie Bonetti.
Contributors: C. Acidini, G. Bonsanti, M. Michelucci, S. Bonetti, G. Buccellati, M. Kelly-Buccellati, B. Angeli, P. Pfälzner, F. Buccellati, P. E. Pecorella, L. Castelletti, G. Chiari.
2001. Pp. 106 + 17 figs. + 28 ill.
Paper ISBN 511-1 $30.00
BM 28. Urkesh/Mozan Studies 5. Reading Figurines: Animal Representations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK.
Rick Hauser. Renderings by Claudia Wettstein.
2007. Pp. xxviii + 625.
Paper ISBN 978-0-9798937-0-4 $60.00
BM 29. Terqa Final Reports No. 2: Les textes des saisons 5 à 9.
Olivier Rouault.
2011. Pp. 158.
Paper ISBN 978-0-9798937-1-1 $35.00
BM 30. Urkesh/Mozan Studies 6. Three-dimensional Volumetric Analysis in an Archaeological Context.
Federico Buccellati.
2016. Pp. xiv + 387.
An Undena Dual Edition: the paper copy is available at a nominal price, and a concurrent electronic edition can be downloaded here for free.
Cloth ISBN 978-0-9798937-2-8 $15.00
Index by author
Albenda, P. | A Mediterranean Seascape from Khorsabad (ASSUR 3/3) |
| Monumental Art of the Assyrian Empire: Dynamics of Composition Styles (MANE 3/1, 1998) |
Al-Khalesi, Yasin M. | The Court of the Palms: A Functional Interpretation of the Mari Palace (BM 8, 1979) |
| Tell al-Fakhar (Kurruhanni) a dimtu-Settlement: Excavation Reports (ASSUR 1/6) |
Amiet, P. | Les sceaux (ASSUR 3/1) |
| Review Article of BM 6 (SMS 3/1) |
Andrzejewski, B. W. | Indicator Particles in Somali (AAL 1/6) |
Antinucci, F. | The Syntax of Indicator Particles in Somali: Relative Clause Construction (AAL 7/3) |
Archi, A. | Five Tablets from the Southern Wing of Palace G at Ebla (SMS 5/2) |
Aristar, A.M.R. | The IIwy Verbs and the Vowel System of Proto-West Semitic (AAL 6/6) |
Asher-Greve, Julia M. | Frauen in Altsumerischer Zeit (BM 18, 1985) |
Astour, M. C. | The Arena of Tiglath-pileser III's Campaign against Sarduri II (743 B.C.) (ASSUR 2/3) |
| The Rabbeans (SMS 2/1) |
Aynard, M.-J. | Documents d'epoque medio-assyrienne (ASSUR 3/1) |
Balkan, K. | Studies in Babylonian Feudalism of the Kassite Period (MANE 2/3) |
Barkai, M. | Theoretical Implications of Consonant Sequence Constraints (AAL 6/1) |
| Aphasic Evidence for Lexical and Phonological Representations (AAL 7/6) |
Bar-Lev, Z. | The Ordering of Hebrew Morphological Processes (AAL 6/1) |
Barnea, A. | Reference to Quantification in Gaza (AAL 2/3) |
Beckman, G. | Hittite Birth Rituals (SANE 1/4) |
Berman, R. A. | Lexical Decomposition and Lexical Unity in Hebrew (AAL 6/3) |
Biggs, Robert D. | Inscriptions from Al-Hiba-Lagash: The First and Second Seasons (BM 3, 1976) |
| Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East (BM 6, 1977) |
Bolozky, S. | Word Formation Strategies in the Hebrew Verb System (AAL 5/3) |
| Paradigm Coherence: Evidence from Modern Hebrew (AAL 7/4) |
| The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew (AAL 9/2) |
Bonebakker, S. A. | A Computerized Listing of Biographical Data from the yatimat al-dahr by al-Tha alibi (OoS 2, 1980) |
Bonetti, Sophie | Urkesh/Mozan Studies 4. Gli Opifici di Urkesh: Conservazione e restauro a Tell Mozan (BM 27, 2002) |
Buccellati, Federico | Urkesh/Mozan Studies 6. Three-dimensional Volumetric Analysis in an Archaeological Context (BM 30, 2016) |
Buccellati, Giorgio | Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 10: The Fourth Season (BM 10, 1984) |
| Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons (BM 20, 1988) |
| Mozan 1: The Soundings of the First Two Seasons (BM 20, 1988) |
| Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3. Urkesh and the Hurrians: A Volume in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen (BM 26, 1998) |
| A. Leo Oppenheim, 1904-1974 (ASSUR 1/3) |
| Syro-Mesopotanian Studies: A Preface (SMS 1/1) |
| TPR 1: General Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record of the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/3) |
| TPR 2: A Cuneiform Tablet of the Early Second Millennium B.C. (SMS 1/4) |
| TPR 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record (SMS 2/6) |
| The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha? (SMS 4/3) |
| IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (ARTANES 2, 1978) |
| Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 12: Digital Plotting of Archaeological Floor Plans (CARNES 1/1) |
Burquest, D. A. | Semantic Parameters in Angas Kinship Terminology (AAL 5/6) |
Burstein, S. M. | The Babyloniaca of Berossus (SANE 1/5) |
Cagni, L. | The Poem of Erra (SANE 1/3) |
Caplice, R. I. | The Akkadian Namburbi Texts: An Introduction (SANE 1/1) |
Cassin, E. | Anthroponymie et Anthropologie de Nuzi, Vol. I: Les Anthroponymes (OoS 1, 1977) |
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. | On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986) |
Chavalas, Mark | New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria (BM 25, 1992) |
Chevedden, P. | Photographic Heritage of the Middle East (1849-1893) (OP 1/3) |
Claval, P. | The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
Cohe, M. E. | Balag-Compositions: Sumerian Lamentation Liturgies of the Second and First Millennium B.C. (SANE 1/2) |
Cohen, D. R. | Subject and Object in Biblical Aramaic (AAL 2/1) |
Cook, E. M. | Word Order in the Aramaic of Daniel (AAL 9/3) |
Cooper, J. S. | Reconstructing History from Ancient Inscriptions: The Lagash-Umma Border Conflict (SANE 2/1) |
Coulson, W. | Palestinian Objects at the University of Minnesota (OP 2/2) |
Daneshvari, Abbas | Essays in Islamic Art and Architecture (IAA 1, 1981) |
Dealy, R. | The Politics of an Erasmian Lawyer, Vasco de Quiroga (HC 3, 1976) |
Deller, K. | STT 366: Deutungsversuch 1982 (ASSUR 3/4) |
Denning-Bolle, S. J. | The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle (OR 9, 1996) |
Devens, M. | Oriental Israeli Hebrew: A Study in Phonetics (AAL 7/4) |
Diakonoff, I. M. | Structure of Society and State in Early Dynastic Sumer (MANE 1/3) |
Donbaz, Veysel | Old Babylonian Texts from Kish Conserved in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums (BM 17, 1986) |
Draper, P. | On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986) |
Duchesne-Guillemin, M. | A Hurrian Musical Score from Ugarit: The Discovery of Mesopotamian Music (SANE 2/2) |
Dunbar, G. | The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
Durand, J.-M. | Documents d'epoque medio-assyrienne (ASSUR 3/1) |
Ellwood, R. | Discovering the Other: Humanities East and West (INTER 4) |
| Zen in American Life and Letters (INTER 6) |
Fales, F. M. | Notes on Some Nineveh Horse Lists (ASSUR 1/4) |
Falkenstein, A. | The Sumerian Temple City (MANE 1/1) |
Fernandez, J. | On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1980] (OR 3, 1982) |
Filippi, W. de | The Royal Inscriptions of Assur-Nasir-Apli II (883-859 B.C.) (ASSUR 1/7) |
Foxvog, D. | Assyrian Texts-1 (ASSUR 1/4) |
Friedrich, P. | On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1979] (OR 2, 1980) |
Gai, A. | The Phonology of Akkadian Syllable Structure (AAL 9/1) |
Gallagher, N. | Handlist of Arabic Medical Manuscripts in the Research Library, UCLA (ARTMES 1, 1983) |
Gates, M. Carre | Alalakah Levels VI and V: A Chronological Reassessment (SMS 4/2) |
Gelb, I. J. | Thoughts about Ibla (SMS 1/1) |
Gerow, E. | The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle (OR 9, 1996) |
Gibson, McGuire | Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East (BM 6, 1977) |
Givón, T. | Verb Complements and Relative Clauses in Biblical Hebrew (AAL 1/4) |
| On the Role of Perceptual Clues in Hebrew Relativization (AAL 2/8) |
Glassner, J.-G. | Anthroponymie et Anthropologie de Nuzi, Vol. I: Les Anthroponymes (OoS 1, 1977) |
Godelier, Maurice | On Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1981] (OR 5, 1985) |
Gordon, A. | The Development of the Participle in Biblical, Mishnaic, and Modern Hebrew (AAL 8/3) |
Gorelick, L. | Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur III (OP 1/4) |
Gosselin, E. | The King's Progress to Jerusalem (HC 2) |
Gottesman, R. | The Dove and the Mole: Kafka's Journey into Darkness and Creativity (INTER 5) |
Grayson, A. K. | Akkadian ksr and ksr (ASSUR 1/4) |
Greenberg, J. | On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1979] (OR 2, 1980) |
Greengus, Samuel | Studies in Ishchali Documents (BM 19, 1986) |
Greenstein, E. | The Phonology of Akkadian Syllable Structure (AAL 9/1) |
Grose, C. | Ovid's "Metamorphoses": An Index to the 1632 Commentary of George Sandys (HC 7, 1981) |
Guralnick, E. | Composition of Some Narrative Reliefs from Khorsabad (ASSUR 1/5) |
Hallo, W. W. | Jacob J. Finkelstein, 1922-1974 (ASSUR 1/4) |
Harpending, H. | On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986) |
Hauser, Rick | Urkesh/Mozan Studies 5. Reading Figurines: Animal Representations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK (BM 28, 2007) |
Hayes, John | New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria (BM 25, 1992) |
| A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, Second Edition (ARTANES 5, 2000) |
Heimpel, W. | A Catalogue of Near Eastern Venus Deities (SMS 4/3) |
Heine, B. | The Sam Languages (AAL 6/2) |
Heizer, R. F. | Making Stone Vases: Ethno-archaeological Studies at an Alabaster Workshop in Upper Egypt (OP 1/2) |
Hester, T. R. | Making Stone Vases: Ethno-archaeological Studies at an Alabaster Workshop in Upper Egypt (OP 1/2) |
Hettner, A. | The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
Hetzron, R. | Extrinsic Ordering in Classical Arabic (AAL 1/3) |
| The t-Converb in Western Gurage (AAL 2/2) |
| Bibliographic Bulletin (AAL 8/4) |
Hovannisian, R. G. | Islam's Understanding of Itself (LDV 8, 1983) |
| Ethics in Islam (LDV 9, 1985) |
Huber, P. J. | Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur III (OP 1/4) |
Hymes, D. | On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1979] (OR 2, 1980) |
Jacobsen, Thorkild | Salinity and Irrigation Agriculture in Antiquity: Diayala Basin Archaeological Projects, 1957-58 (BM 14, 1982) |
| The Harab Myth (SANE 2/3) |
Johnson, C. D. | Phonological Channels in Chala (AAL 2/2) |
Johnstone, T. M. | The Modern South Arabian Languages (AAL 1/5) |
Kaye, A. S. | A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic (BAA 1, 1983) |
| Nigerian Arabic-English Dictionary (BAA 3, 1986) |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn | Insight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (BM 21, 1986) |
| Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3. Urkesh and the Hurrians: A Volume in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen (BM 26, 1998) |
| Syro-Mesopotanian Studies: A Preface (SMS 1/1) |
| TPR 1: General Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record of the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/3) |
| TPR 3: Object Typology of the Second Season: The Third and Second Millennia (SMS 1/5) |
| TPR 4: A Typology of Ceramic Vessels of the Third and Second Millennia from the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/6) |
| TPR 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record (SMS 2/6) |
| IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (ARTANES 2, 1978) |
Kerr, M. | Islamic Studies: A Tradition and its Problems (LDV 7, 1980) |
Kilmer, A. D. | A. Leo Oppenheim, 1904-1974 (ASSUR 1/3) |
Kinney, A. F. | Rhetoric and Poetic in Thomas More's "Utopia" (HC 5, 1979) |
Kraus, F. | The Role of the Temple from the Third Dynasty of Ur to the First Dynasty of Babylon (MANE 2/4) |
Landsberger, B. | Three Essays on the Sumerians (MANE 1/2) |
| The Conceptual Autonomy of the Babylonian World (MANE 1/4) |
Lazar, M. | The Dream and the Play: Ionesco's Theatrical Quest (INTER 1) |
| The Anxious Subject: Nightmares and Daymares in Literature and Film (INTER 2) |
| Play Dürrenmatt (INTER 3) |
| The Dove and the Mole: Kafka's Journey into Darkness and Creativity (INTER 5) |
Lessa, William A. | Spearhead Governatore: Remembrances of the Campaign in Italy (Out of Series, 1985) |
Levine, Louis D. | Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia (BM 7, 1977) |
Liebowitz, Harold | The Oriental Institute Excavations at Selenkahiye, Syria: Terra-Cotta Figurines and Model Vehicles (BM 22, 1988) |
Liverani, M. | The kumanu Measure as 1/4 of 1 iku (ASSUR 1/1) |
| Three Amarna Essays (MANE 1/5) |
Loon, Maurits van | Insight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (BM 21, 1986) |
| The Oriental Institute Excavations at Selenkahiye, Syria: Terra-Cotta Figurines and Model Vehicles (BM 22, 1988) |
Loprieno, A. | The Sequential Forms in Late Egyptian and Biblical Hebrew: A Parallel Development of Verbal Systems (AAL 7/5) |
Machinist, P. | Provincial Governance in Middle Assyria (ASSUR 3/2) |
Magalousis, N. M. | TPR 11: Sourcing Techniques for Ceramics and Soils (SMS 3/4) |
Mahmoud, A. | Neo-Assyrian Sculptures from Saddikanni (Tell Ajaja) (ASSUR 4/2) |
| TPR 5: Die Industrie der Islamischen Keramik aus der zweiten Season (SMS 2/5) |
Maidman, M. P. | A Nuzi Private Archive: Morphological Considerations (ASSUR 1/9) |
Malisdorf, Z. | Love through Death in Modern Hebrew: A Syntactic Treatment (AAL 7/2) |
Malone, J. L. | The Development of the Anomalous Syriac Verb eskáh 'to find' (AAL 1/2) |
| Systematic vs. Autonomous Phoenemics (AAL 2/7) |
Maquet, J. | Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology (OR 1, 1971) |
Martonne, M. de | The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
Matthiae, P. | The Royal Palace of Ebla (SMS 2/2) |
| Ebla in the Period of the Amorite Dynasties (MANE 1/6) |
Matthiae, Paolo | Insight through Images: Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (BM 21, 1986) |
McAdams, R. | On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1982] (OR 6, 1984) |
McCanles, M. | The Discourse of [Machiavelli's] "Il Principe" (HC 8, 1983) |
Michalowski, P. | The Neo-Sumerian Silver Ring Texts (SMS 2/3) |
Milano, L. | Mozan 2: The Epigraphic Finds of the Sixth Season (SMS 5/1) |
Minkoff, H. | Graphemics and Diachrony: Evidence from Hebrew (AAL 1/7) |
Mintz, Sidney | On Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1981] (OR 5, 1985) |
Mount-Williams, L. | TPR 8: Object Typology of the Third Season: The Third and Second Millennia (SMS 3/2) |
Muscarella, O. W. | Unexcavated Objects and Ancient Near Eastern Art: Addenda (OP 1/1) |
Newman, P. | The Hausa Aspect System (AAL 1/1) |
Nir, R. | The Survival of Obsolete Hebrew in Idiomatic Expressions (AAL 2/3) |
Oomen, A. | Gender and Plurality in Rendille (AAL 8/1) |
Parpola, S. | The Alleged Middle/Neo-Assyrian Irregular Verb *nass and the Assyrian Sound Change s > s (ASSUR 1/1) |
| Collations to Neo-Assyrian Legal Texts from Nineveh (ASSUR 2/5) |
Penchoen, T. G. | Tamazight of the Ayt Ndhir (AAD 1, 1973) |
Pettinato, G. | Old-Canaanite Cuneiform Texts of the Third Millennium (MANE 1/7) |
Pinchemel, P. | The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
| The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
Pingree, David | Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part I: The Venus Tablet (BM 2/1, 1975) |
| Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part II: Enuma Anu Enlil, Tablet 50-51 (BM 2/2, 1981) |
Postgate, J. N. | Assyrian Documents in the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva (ASSUR 2/4) |
Puglielli, A. | The Syntax of Indicator Particles in Somali: Relative Clause Construction (AAL 7/3) |
Raz, S. | Tigre Grammar and Texts (AAD 2, 1983) |
Reade, J. | Mesopotamian Guideline for Biblical Chronology (SMS 4/1) |
Reid, J. J. | Tribalism and Society in Islamic Iran, 1500-1629 (SNECS 4, 1983) |
Reid, Peter L. D. | Tenth-Century Latinity: [bishop] Rather of Verona (HC 6, 1981) |
Reiner, Erica | Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part I: The Venus Tablet (BM 2/1, 1975) |
| Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part II: Enuma Anu Enlil, Tablet 50-51 (BM 2/2, 1981) |
Richter-Bernburg, L. | Persian Medical Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles: A Descriptive Catalogue (HC 4, 1978) |
Rosenhouse, J. | On the Complexity of Some Types of Complex Sentences in Arabic (AAL 5/4) |
Rouault, Olivier | Terqa Final Reports No. 1: L'Archive de Puzurum (BM 16, 1984) |
| Terqa Final Reports No. 2: Les textes des saisons 5 à 9 (BM 29, 2011) |
| TPR 7: Les documents épigraphiques de la troisième saison (SMS 2/7) |
| Terqa Preliminary Reports No. 12: Digital Plotting of Archaeological Floor Plans (CARNES 1/1) |
| Elements pour un logiciel assyriologique (CARNES 1/2) |
Rowson, E. K. | A Computerized Listing of Biographical Data from the yatimat al-dahr by al-Tha alibi (Oos 2, 1980) |
Saad, G. | The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew (AAL 9/2) |
Saeed, J. I. | Central Somali: A Grammatical Outline (AAL 8/2) |
Saib, J. | Schwa Insertion in Berber (AAL 3/4) |
Salvini, M. | A Dedicatory Inscription of the Urartian King Ispuini (ASSUR 1/8) |
Sanders, W. | On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1982] (OR 6, 1984) |
Saporetti, Claudio | Gli eponimi medio-assiri (BM 9, 1979) |
| Some Considerations on the Stelae of Assur (ASSUR 1/2) |
| Ein Mittelassyrischer bai'ru (ASSUR 1/8) |
| Assur 14446: la famiglia A (DSC 1, 1979) |
| Le leggi medioassire (DSC 2, 1979) |
| Assur 14446: le altre famiglie (DSC 3, 1982) |
| The Middle Assyrian Laws (GC 2, 1984) |
| The Status of Women in the Middle Assyrian Period (MANE 2/1) |
Sasse, H.-J. | Consonant Phonemes of Proto-East-Cushitic (AAL 7/1) |
Sasson, Jack M. | Hurrian Personal Names in the Rimah Archives (ASSUR 2/2) |
| Dated Texts from Mari: A Tabulation (ARTANES 4, 1980) |
Savage-Smith, E. | Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device (SNECS 2, 1980) |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise | The Legacy of Sumer (BM 4, 1976) |
| An Archaic Recording System and the Origin of Writing (SMS 1/2) |
| Immortal Egypt (ILTA 2, 1978) |
| Early Technologies (ILTA 3, 1979) |
| Ancient Persia: The Art of an Empire (ILTA 4, 1980) |
Schuh, R. G. | The Hausa Aspect System (AAL 1/1) |
| The Chadic Verbal System and its Afroasiatic Nature (AAL 3/1) |
| Bibliographic Bulletin (AAL 8/4) |
Schwarzwald, O. | The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew (AAL 9/2) |
Shelby, W. R. | TPR 4: A Typology of Ceramic Vessels of the Third and Second Millennia from the First Two Seasons (SMS 1/6) |
Shennum, David | English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (ARTANES 1, 1977) |
Sigrist, René Marcel | Les sattukku dans l'Esumesa durant la période d'Isin et Larsa (BM 11, 1984) |
Silverman, David P. | Interrogative Constructions with jn and jn-jw in Old and Middle Egyptian (BA 1, 1980) |
Sim, R. J. | Morphophonemics of the Verb in Rendille (AAL 8/1) |
Simpson, K. | Qraya Modular Reports, 1: Early Soundings (SMS 4/4) |
Singer, M. | On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1980] (OR 3, 1982) |
Smith, M. B. | Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device (SNECS 2, 1980) |
Snell, Daniel C. | A Workbook of Cuneiform Signs (ARTANES 3, 1979) |
Solecki, Rose L. | An Early Village Site at Zawi Chemi Shanidar (BM 13, 1981) |
Spiro, M. | On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1980] (OR 3, 1982) |
Stanley, S. | On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986) |
Starr, Ivan | The Rituals of the Diviner (BM 12, 1983) |
Stein, D. | Khabur Ware and Nuzi Ware (ASSUR 4/1) |
Tefnin, R. | Les niveaux superieurs du Tell Abou Danne, Chantier A-1977/78 (SMS 3/3) |
Tomabechi, Yoko | Catalogue of Artifacts in the Babylonian Collection of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology (BM 15, 1984) |
Toueir, K. | The Syrian Archaeological Expedition to Tell Al'Abd Zrejehey: Clay Figurines of the Third Millennium B.C. (SMS 2/4) |
Trigger, Bruce | On Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1981] (OR 5, 1985) |
Tunca, O. | Catalogue des sceaux-cylinders d'Adana (SMS 3/1) |
Vryonis, S. | Islam's Understanding of Itself (LDV 8, 1983) |
| The "Past" in Medieval and Modern Greek Culture (BKM 1) |
| A Brief History of the Greek-American Community of St. George, Memphis, Tennessee 1962-1982 (BKM 3, 1982) |
| Byzantine Studies in Honor of Milton V. Anastos (BKM 4, 1986) |
Wagner, H. | The History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays (OoS 3, 1983) |
Watanabe, K. | Rekonstruktion von VTE 438 auf Grund von Erra III A17 (ASSUR 3/4) |
Weisberg, David | The Late Babylonian Texts of the Oriental Institute Collection (BM 24, 1991) |
Werr, Lamia Al-Gailani | Studies in the Chronology and Regional Style of Old Babylonian Cylinder Seals (BM 23, 1988) |
Westenholz, Aage | Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia, Chiefly from Nippur, Part I (BM 1, 1975) |
Williams, B. J. | On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1983] (OR 7, 1986) |
Williams, L. Mount | TPR 3: Object Typology of the Second Season: The Third and Second Millennia (SMS 1/5) |
Williams-Forte, E. | Ancient Seals and the Bible (OP 2/1) |
Wolff, E. | Grammatical Categories of Verb Stems in Chadic (AAL 6/5) |
Wright, H. | On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer [1982] (OR 6, 1984) |
Yoffee, Norman | The Economic Role of the Crown in the Old Babylonian Period (BM 5, 1977) |
| Old Babylonian Texts from Kish Conserved in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums (BM 17, 1986) |
| Explaining Trade in Ancient Western Asia (MANE 2/2) |
Young, T. Cuyler | Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia (BM 7, 1978) |
Zaccagnini, C. | Les rapports entre Nuzi et Hannigalbat (ASSUR 2/1) |
| The tallu Measure of Capacity at Nuzi (ASSUR 2/1) |
Zadok, R. | Assyrians in Chaldean and Achaemanian Babylonia (ASSUR 4/3) |