Ένα βδελλοειδές rotifer ήταν
θαμμένο στην παγωμένη Αρκτική Σιβηρία και αναγεννήθηκε μετά από 24.000 χρόνια!
Πρόκειται για ζώο με νευρικό
σύστημα και εγκέφαλο και τα πάντα, λέει ο Stas Malavin του Επιστημονικού
Κέντρου Pushchino για τη Βιολογική Έρευνα RAS στη Ρωσία.
Δεν είναι απόλυτο ρεκόρ: Τα νηματώδη σκουλήκια αναπαράγονται από τα ίδια παγωμένα μέρη της Σιβηρίας, μετά από 30.000 χρόνια, αλλά κανένα rotifer δεν ήταν γνωστό ως τώρα, ότι αντέχει τόσο καιρό!
A tiny animal called a rotifer has been revived from a 24,000 year deep freeze, entombed in the Siberian permafrost. This is the longest a rotifer has been observed to have survived in such extreme cold. While simple organisms like bacteria can often survive millennia in permafrost, “this is an animal with a nervous system and brain and everything”, says Stas Malavin of the Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research RAS in Russia. It is not quite a record – nematode worms have purportedly been revived from permafrost after 30,000 years – but no rotifer has been known to endure so long.
In natural, permanently frozen habitats, some organisms may be preserved for hundreds to tens of thousands of years. For example, stems of Antarctic moss were successfully regrown from an over millennium-old sample covered by ice for about 400 years. Likewise, whole campion plants were regenerated from seed tissue preserved in relict 32,000-year-old permafrost, and nematodes were revived from the permafrost of two localities in northeastern Siberia, with source sediments dated over 30,000 years BP. Bdelloid rotifers, microscopic multicellular animals, are known for their ability to survive extremely low temperatures4. Previous reports suggest survival after six to ten years when frozen between −20° to 0°C. Here, we report the survival of an obligate parthenogenetic bdelloid rotifer, recovered from northeastern Siberian permafrost radiocarbon-dated to ∼24,000 years BP. This constitutes the longest reported case of rotifer survival in a frozen state. We confirmed the finding by identifying rotifer actin gene sequences in a metagenome obtained from the same sample. By morphological and molecular markers, the discovered rotifer belongs to the genus Adineta, and aligns with a contemporary Adineta vaga isolate collected in Belgium. Experiments demonstrated that the ancient rotifer withstands slow cooling and freezing (∼1°C min−1) for at least seven days. We also show that a clonal culture can continuously reproduce in the laboratory by parthenogenesis.
ΠΗΓΗ: Lyubov Shmakova, Stas Malavin, Nataliia Iakovenko, Daniel Shain, Michael Plewka, Elizaveta Rivkina «Aliving bdelloid rotifer from 24,000-year-old Arctic permafrost» στο current-biology, vol. 31, ISSUE 11, PR712-R713, 7.6.2021, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.077. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 8.6.2021.